The purpose of this study is in the country to review the theoretical foundations, theories related to the stock price crash risk, and the literature. This study showe that during the last ten years, many studies have been conducted on the stock price crash risk in the country and in most previous studies, the main focus has been on the factors affecting the risk of stock price falls and very little research on the method used to predict. The study of these studies showe that, there is a negative and significant relationship between variables such as conservatism, working capital management, institutional investors, audit quality, financial flexibility, profitability, return on assets, company size, book value to book value of equity, continuity of auditor selection, auditor specialization in industry, managerial ownership, independence of board members, short-term debts, debt maturity, dividend payment. And there is a positive and significant relationship between the lack of transparency of financial information, heterogeneity of investors' opinions, adjusted comments, reorganization, abnormal discretionary expenses, abnormal operating cash flows, accrual-based earnings management, ratio of non-executive board members, major weaknesses in internal control, liquidity, overconfidence management, information asymmetry, growth and decline stages, tax avoidance, ownership concentration, and exploratory business strategy.