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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Democratic regimes respect political freedoms and rights. However, in time of crisis, such regimes face many problems. The government of Dr. Mosaadiq was of the nationalist-democratic government which experienced such difficulties. In fact, due to the economic problems rooted in oil sanctions, Iran witnessed many strike actions and street protests from the very beginning of Mosaddiq government. As a powerful opposition, Tudeh Party of Iran played an important role in these events. Killing and stifling of opposition groups by Shahrbani (law enforcement force) weakened Mosaddiq government both in domestic and international levels. The chiefs of Shahrbani were changed ten times in Mosaddiq era which in return indicates, on the one hand, the massiveness and seriousness of strikes and demonstrations and, on the other hand, the unsuccessfulness of Shahrbani to control the situation. A reason of this unsuccessfulness was the discordance of the Shahrbani chiefs with government that had not a definitive policy dealing with the law breakers and opposition groups. Relying on the documents and press contents and reviewing the opposition strikes and demonstrations, the article tries to analyze the role of Shahrbani in events control.

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The Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran in 17 September 1941 caused disorder and chaos in the country. After the defeat of Iranian military forces many came to this notion that state sovereignty has been disintegrated and, consequently, some decentralized insurrection appeared here and there resulted in more chaos and insecurity in return. Of such rebellions are some uprisings in the tribes of Ahvaz and Shush that led to Ahoudasht War. Chaotic situation of Khuzestan occupied by Anglo-American forces played a vital role in the occurrence of this battle. Using descriptive-analytical method, the article explains the reasons of the war and its security and Policing upshots. The results show the efficiency and effectiveness of Iranian military and law enforcement forces facing to local-tribal rebellions as well as the cooperation between government and the tribes in order to restore order in the regions are of two important consequences.

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Kermanshahan, as a great and vast province (Eyä lat) of iIran in Qajar period, had a long borderline with Ottoman Empire. Sumar was a controversial region between two states which its name was mentioned in official documents of two countries. The main question of the research is what have been the causes of this relations and also political controversies between Iran and Ottoman dynasty? The results demonstrate that the crossing of Gangir river in Sumar and its entrance to Mandali in Ottoman territory, the fertility of the region, its palm trees and farms of and r need to the river, the nearness of Sumar to Baghdad, the existence of the Kurds in Mandali who were most from Sumar and Poshtkouh tribes (Ilam) as well as Kalhor of Kermanshahan, the disagreement between governers (Vali) of Poshtkouh and kermanshahan on the governing of Sumar and, finally, the British interferences were the most influential factors on Iran-Ottoman relationship. Considering geographical history of the region and pursuing descriptive-analytical method, the study attempts to gather respective information from the first hand resources in order to test the before-noted hypothesis.

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The Courier Office was one of the important offices in the administrative organization of Muslim governments in the Persian Middle Ages. Among other things, it functioned as a center for obtaining and supplying information related to the national security. This office found an eminent status in its governmental relations in a way that it was regarded as "the eye and the ear of government" throughout the State territory since its activities had been expanded to cover various spheres. The management of extended governmental territories made it necessary to obtain information on different incidents occurring in provinces and passing it on to the central government, to monitor the performance of officials in their governmental positions, to provide post services, and to embark on espionage activities. The above-mentioned activities were some of the duties of the Courier Office during the Middle Age of Iranian history. The present study tries to expound on the concept of Courier and its derivatives in a historical-analytical manner, focusing on security-related functions of the Courier Office in the central governments of Iran. Findings of the present study show that the extended activities of the Courier Office were highly important in a way that the continuation, or else the extinction of governments were directly dependent on the proper functioning of this institution.

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Iran in Qajar period at the beginning of 19th century was an underdeveloped wretched country, inflicted with many problems such as Russo-Persian Wars. The structure of Iranian military forces was totally old that had been remained of Nader Shah era. Iranian defeat in Russo-Persian wars was the first and foremost factor that directed Abbas Mirza and Mirza Abolghasem Ghaem Magham Farahani to the decadence and wretchedness of Iran and led them to undertake western-style reforms in order to modernize the army. The base of these reforms was the modernization of troops and founding a unified, well-ordered army by the help of European military advisors. The paper aims to, first, answers what led Abbas Mirza to reform in armed forces and, then, study the consequences and results of that reform. Findings show military structure, domestic and international situation and the necessity of founding a modern army in order to fight against the foreign invasions were of Abbas Mirza motivations in pursuing a modernistic approach. Analyzing his failures, it also presents the main hindrances Abbas Mirza faced to.

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After the success of Constitution Movement (Mashrouteh) many societies and associations came into existence throughout Iran including Gulian province. These societies were divided into two major types: the official and non-official. The former ones had different functions. One of their most crucial roles was to keep order and security in the time of disorder and chaos. This paper aims to study the very functions of such societies. Using descriptive-analytical method, the paper argues that they, despite of some shortages, had important role in security building.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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