In the courts of kings and Amirs of various historical periods, some influential individuals have always been involved in important, explicit and covert government decisions. One of the most prominent manifestations of their influence is the stories of intercession that have been recorded in history. The court officials had friends and foes, and the malignants were sometimes angered by the king. In such situations, the forgiveness and influence of the power-holders could be seen. This library research uses intercession stories and methods of intercession in six valuable historical books based on "Baihaqi History", thus it examines the structure of Baihaqi History by Abolfazl Baihaqi, "Bal’ ami History" by Abu Ali Muhammad Ibn Mohammad Bal’ ami, "Yamini History" by Abu Nasr bin Nasser bin Sharaf Jarfadqani, "Zayn al-Akhbar History" by Abu Saeed Gardizi, "History of Bukhara" by Abu Bakr Mohammed al-Narsakhi, and "History of Sistan", and checks the similarities and differences of their practices. The variety of methods of intercession has the highest frequency in the history of Baihaqi and the lowest in the history of Bukhara. Among their intercession practices, one can refer to their intercession in secrecy, for political or non-political reasons, in the form of advice, prayer, and correspondence. Most intercessions were accepted with specific terms and conditions.