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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Dastour Mojtaba



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    1 (15)
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Art education in universities is to lay the groundwork for training artists. The quality of the higher education of art has suffered from an increase in the number of students accepted in the universities, so that the facilities, equipment, the faculty members and the labor market for the graduated students of art have not been developed accordingly. Understanding the basic factors and elements which constitute art education in universities is necessary for improving its quality. Studying the various and complex aspects of the quality in the higher education of art needs qualitative methods. This study has been conducted to achieve the features and indicators that increase the quality of art education in universities. The present research has been done though a qualitative approach and the needed data has been gathered using semi-structured interviews in the four axes of humanitarian, educational, environmental factors and the structure of the educational system. Coding method was used in the analysis process. The analysis process involves the stages of interviewing with professors, transcribing the interviews, open coding and axial coding. The selected informers for this study consisted of 10 faculty members. The achieved results from the interviews showed that the indicators of improvement in the quality of art education in universities can be classified in four humanitarian, educational, environmental and educational system structure categories as well as 18 promotion criteria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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In advanced societies, the relationship between local firms and their costumers is a favorite subject for companies and academic communities. A lot of academic researchers have insisted on the role of ethnographic and demographic characteristics in local purchases. The objective of this research is to examine the influence of moral philosophy and ethnocentrism on intention to buy Iranian brands based on central role of resistance economy among postgraduate students of Isfahan University. The research was conducted using descriptive-metrical method. The studying sample included seventy members of postgraduate students of Isfahan University in 2014 that were selected by means of stratified random sampling. The data were collected through a questionnaire and data analysis was done by SPSS and SMART PLS software. The Findings of this research reveal that although moral philosophy and ethnocentrism don’ t influence the intention to buy Iranian brands directly, ethnocentrism influences the intention to buy Iranian brands through resistance economy.

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    1 (15)
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The anarchical status of cyberspace brings about deep effects on countries’ interests and national security. A large number of anonymous global players threaten the interests or even the vital infrastructures of their counterparts on a daily basis. This has made the states around the world to think about finding a real approach to decrease such damages, threats, etc. in the cyberspace. And the Deterrence Strategy, as an efficient tool in dealing with such a significant issue, is the outcome of this long endeavor. The current essay aims to discover the effectiveness of Deterrence Strategy in cyberspace and those conditions it is in need of to be regarded as a most efficient deterring tool. The findings here in this essay prove that the Deterrence Strategy cannot have the same performance in cyberspace as it had during the Cold War. However, at the same time, they establish that the Deterrence Strategy enjoys great potentials through which it protects the countries’ interests and national security. Great defense capability, the power of identifying the invaders, and the capability of conducting harsh retaliatory acts are the main three components that make this strategy effective. However, it is worth saying that among all those components, the ‘ identification’ factor plays the most fundamental role in making the Deterrence Strategy effective in cyberspace. The reason is that an unbeaten identifying process guarantees the effectiveness and usefulness of retaliatory acts. Furthermore, such a triumph will force the real threat to be wiped out forever. The findings also show that the Deterrence Strategy is something imperfect without the presence of retaliatory acts. In fact, such a shortcoming allows the potential invaders to revise their plans in order to resume their attacks against their rivals in cyberspace.

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Bahram Shotorban Bagher



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    1 (15)
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Nowadays digital character animation as one of the animation genres plays a major role in animation films, cinema and video games. This type of art acts as a chain link between audience and artwork, and also is the user’ s key of empathy with characters. Since the most of domestic production companies haven't had research and development center in media product field, it is necessary to achieve a general cognition of character animation according to national and domestic culture. So accordingly the role and history of character in animation, psychological construction in interaction with audience, movement system, and also the role of computer in its progress were studied. In addition, studying available results, it is attempted to provide a general and systematic cognition for artists, animators and producers, in order to be a step toward future researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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This study is an ethnographic research in which we have collected data using deep interview on the Tehranian people’ s perception of IRIB media justice preservation. The studied population consists of two social classes residing in Tehran, the rich and the poor. The rich or high-income group includes the family whose monthly income is more than ten million Tomans and the poor or low-income families include the people whose monthly income is less than seven hundred thousand Tomans. A targeted sampling was conducted among the two groups, finally 45 persons were interviewed; 20 persons from among the high-income class and 25 others from among the low-income class. The qualitative coding was applied to analyze the data gathered in the interviews. According to the represented concept of the media justice in this study, equal distribution of the opportunities and facilities for all people and all regions of the country-in a way that all parts of the country can be displayed harmoniously-has been emphasized, so that people stop feeling there is centralism in the country and do not think that the media is controlled by the ruling class who, without understanding the people’ s problems and troubles, displays what it like and not what actually happens in the society.

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    1 (15)
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As the size and complexity of today’ s most modern cinema and TV increase, different approaches regarding different religions are presented. Since, on the one hand, cinema and TV Series of the United States are one of the most controversial, popular, as well as professional ones, and on the other hand, Islam is considered as a religion which its popularity is rapidly growing, this study aimed to find out instances of Islamoromia in the Hollywood TV Series (case of Homeland). Applying the methodology of semiotics and five channels which Christian Metz has argued in analyzing a cinematic work, the present paper applies the theory proposed by professor Saied Reza Ameli in his extensive four volume set “ Bibliographical Discourse Analysis: The Western Academic Perspective on Islam, Muslims and Islamic Countries (1949 – 2009)” . Ameli has offered 15 meticulous elements and characteristics of those academic works which revolved around Islamoromic issue. Those elements are applied in semiotic analysis of Islamoromia in Homeland TV Series (3rd season).

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    1 (15)
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Based on Ronald Robertson's global-localization theorem, the current research in the globalization paradigm examines the local and international advertisement appearances of popular Khanevadeh-y-Sabz Magazine. This research, contrary to the economic oriented studies of advertisement, deals with the cultural function of commercial advertising through cultural studies approach and analyzes the latent and overt cultural meanings of advertisement. The research uses quantitative content analysis methodology and qualitative methodology of semiotics to cover the gaps of each method. Quantitative and qualitative studies on the commercial advertisement of Khanevadeh Sabz magazines with the aim of representing local and international notions in advertizing texts show that the signs and codes of local culture and non-local cultures are collaborative and non-unilateral; a new identity that does not fully correspond to native culture, but is a product of ‘ native-global’ culture.

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    1 (15)
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The aim of this research is to investigate the phenomenon of Iranophobia in Hollywood’ s productions. The study of Hollywood cinematic films associated with Iran suggests that Iran has been portrayed as ‘ a subaltern other’ of the West in these films. In this regard, we investigated American films made about Iran since 1979 and their effects on the intensification of Iranophobia. Doing so we studied three films, ‘ Argo’ , ‘ the Stoning of Soraya’ and ‘ not Without My Daughter’ , by qualitative content analysis method. To answer the question of ‘ what has been the role of Hollywood in exacerbating Iranophobia after the revolution? ’ , an combination of the three theoretical perspectives of ‘ representation’ , ‘ postcolonial studies’ and ‘ Orientalism’ were also used for the basis of our analysis. The results confirm the research hypothesis. Constructing a negative image of the Islamic Republic, Hollywood has played a significant role in intensifying Iranophobia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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he present study investigates the role of virtual social networks in the formation of intercultural communication (in Iran). Through a library and documentary method and using note taking tools, this research investigates the significance and effects of these networks and the formation and changes of intercultural communication in this context. According to the background research and the theories that have been presented and the researches that have been carried out, it became clear that communication in cyberspace is not possible without the acceptance of cultures and the acceptance of cultures is not possible without considering customs, beliefs, and ultimately the emergence of a common culture. Intercultural communication in this space is usually headed to attract other cultures or, at least, facilitate influenceability from other cultures. These connections will certainly affect the relations of nations, political, economic and social issues and their development or regression. In the end, conclusions and suggestions were made

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (15)
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This study examines the emergence of Iranian War Cinema and explores its key components. The main question of the research is if Sacred Defense films constituted a structure or not. The hypothesis of the research suggests that these movies go beyond sharing common thematic and narrative features, but they constitute a textual formation. The aim of this study is to concentrate on the Iranian fiction war movies in order to show and analyze some features which can help us to search structural concepts in these movies. The research method would be a descriptive-analysis method. To analyze the films, as a qualitative method, the methodology of this research would be textual analysis. The theoretical framework is structural approach. Through a critical and objective analysis of the films and reviewing the valid readings about the governmental discourse, the results show that Sacred Defense films have either a ritual or an ideological function and then constitute a structure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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