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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The efk narrations about Ayesha have come to be known as the manifestation of the efk verse in Sunni resources. However, it has long been questioned why the Prophet (p. b. u. h. ), according to the efk narrations about Ayesha, postponed the execution of the punishment until one month later, and after one month, he punished only four individuals, not a group. Since this issue creates doubts about the infallibility of the Prophet (p. b. u. h. ), some scholars have suggested that the ghadf verse may have been revealed after the efk verses, and the punishment might have been delayed since the ghadf punishment might have not been legislated. But given that no verdict acts retrospectively, this suggestion cannot solve the problem of the efk narrations about Ayesha. That is, if the obligatory verdict of the ghadfpunishment had been revealed one month after the outbreak of efk, the Prophet (p. b. u. h. ) should not have punished the accusers who were exempt from punishment due to the lack of legislation. In this paper, another possibility is posed: As is the case in the Quran, the ghadf verse could have been revealed before the efk verse and after the spread of the rumor. In this case, since no Shari’ ah rule acts retrospectively, it was not obligatory for the Prophet (p. b. u. h. ) to mete out the punishment. The Quranic reports confirm this view as they depict a situation in which the spread of false accusations had reached its peak. If the verdict of the ghadf punishment had been revealed before the rumor had culminated, people could not dare make and spread such a vulgar accusation against the Prophet's wife (p. b. u. h. ). Therefore, punishment of four individuals by the Prophet (p. b. u. h. ) is an unacceptable, fabricated story contrary to the Quranic reports.

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One of the novel approaches to reading and criticizing texts is a focus on intertextuality views and intertextual relations. Intertextuality refers to the informed application of a total text or part of it to another text. Influenced by the earlier or contemporary works, every work undergoes changes and adopts a new identity. Hence, every text has different meanings and semantic layers, part of which is based on its relation to other texts. The Quranic verses and hadiths have an intertextual relation with Ghazaliyat-e Shams. Dealing with the indicators and features of the four components of intertextuality, namely citation, reference, plagiarism, and allusion based on the descriptive-analytic method, this paper explores the intertextual relations between Ghazaliyat-e Shams and the Quran and hadith. The results of this research work reveal that the components citation and allusion have the highest frequency in Ghazaliyat-e Shams, and there is no deliberate, hidden intertextuality equivalent to plagiarism in this work.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The rule “ During the time of having the option or right to withdraw from a contract of sale, the buyer who does not have the right to withdraw from a transaction is responsible for any damage to what is sold / bought” is one of the most definite rules in Islamic jurisprudence. One of the important issues related to this rule is its scope and extent of coverage in comparison to other options, whose jurisprudential outcomes, similar to other jurisprudential rules, are influenced by various perspectives about its extent of coverage. The findings of the present study reveal that there are three important theories on this issue: 1) the theory of limiting the rule to ‘ the option of condition’ and ‘ the option of animals’ , which is the basis of Article 453 of the Iranian Civil Code; 2) the theory of limiting the rule to ‘ the option of meeting place’ ; and 3) the theory of generalizing the rule to all kinds of ‘ options’ . Examining these theories critically, the present article has favored the third theory as the criterion for the liability for any damage to or defect on what is sold / bought is expiry and non-expiry of the condition intended for the contract of sale such that if the stipulated time extends, the surety resulting from the unwanted occurrence of any defect on what is sold / bought will be passed to the seller and in case of the establishment and stability of the contract of sale for the customer, it will be passed to the customer in all options.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The existence of prosodic or non-prosodic meters in the holy Quran is one of the topics that has been frequently considered by Quranic scholars. Meanwhile, there has been a lot of immoderation in dealing with this issue, the result of which is a lack of a scientific look at meter and its nature, as well as a lack of a comprehensive examination of this topic, in the linguistic structure of the holy Quran. In this article, after the syllabic segmentation of the whole verses of the holy Quran, the most important prosodic patterns, which are used in different types of Persian and Arabic metric poetry, are identified and introduced. The results reveal that a major part of what has been introduced in various sources as metric verses, in most cases, does not have any metric status and has been along with some changes in natural reading of the verses of the holy Quran. In this article, some of the metric verses of the holy Quran, in various forms, patterns, and structures, have been introduced, and the honorable readers can considerably find out the extent and status of the metric verses in the holy Quran by studying these examples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The order of surahs in the Quran is one of the most important issues in interpretive studies and Quranic sciences that has attracted a lot of attention. The scholars of Quranic sciences and commentators tend to either believe that the current arrangement is the result of the ijtihad (exertion and understanding) of the companions, or merely consider this arrangement a tawqeefi (established through revelation) order based on the length of the surahs. Meanwhile, some also focus their attention on another type of arrangement, i. e. the revelatory arrangement. Of course, a few scholars of Quranic sciences and commentators believe in the role of wisdom in this arrangement in addition to believing in the tawqeefi order of the surahs and set forth some ideas in order to explain the wisdom behind the arrangement of the surahs. The theory of linear symmetry of the surahs, the theory of quartet hizbs of the surahs with the pivotal role of the Surah al-Baqarah, and the theory of septet Meccan and Medinan hizbs of the surahs including the binarity of surahs are the three theories set forth so far. In this paper, first, these three theories are evaluated and criticized. Then modifying and completing the third theory, a new theory on the system and arrangement of the surahs in the Quran is offered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Firoozian Haji Ebrahim

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Nowadays, considering that governments have all the means and tools of power, their lack of control over it may lead to corruption and abuse of power. Establishment of the legal principles to defend the individuals and citizens of the society in the face of state authority and power seems to be necessary so that some kind of balance is created among people and their positions using the tools and means of exercising power. On the other hand, restricting the state may provide grounds for those who disrupt the order in the society. Hence, public affairs of the society should be managed in a way that both issues can be addressed. The presumption of innocence, as a fundamental principle, plays a significant role in guaranteeing the freedom and legitimate and legal citizenship rights of individuals in the community, as well as protecting the dignity and prestige of citizens against the perpetrators and spiteful individuals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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