IGBT's are widely used in switching power conversion applications due to their distinctive advantages such as easiness in drive and high frequency switching capability. Since IGBT's can handle higher voltage and power with higher power density and lower cost compared to MOSFET's, they are replacing MOSFET's in high power applications. Because of tailing current characteristic of IGBT its operating frequency is limited. To operate IGBT at higher switching frequency, it is required to reduce the turn-off switching loss. For this purpose, ZVZCS techniques are introduced. In these techniques which uses phase-shift control for driving the switches, ZVS condition is provided for leading-leg switches by adding external capacitor and ZCS is achieved for lagging-leg switches by resetting the primary current during the freewheeling period. In high power applications, paralleled dc-dc converters is often preferable to a single-converter considering modularity, performance, reliability, availability, redundancy, size reduction and thermal management. When operating converter modules are in parallel, the major concern is equal load sharing among the paralleled modules. In this paper a 3 kw, 350 v, 30 khz FB-PWM-ZVZCS power supply is implemented. By adding an auxiliary inductance and change in control strategy the ZVS range of leading leg switches is extended. Then load sharing methods are introduced briefly. Finally three module of implemented power supply is paralleled using automatic Master slave load sharing method and a 9 kw power supply is realized.