Considering the importance of wheat, it is very important to identify the expressed proteins in the different stages of growth for improvements and enhancing the efficiency of production. The stage between germination and tillering is called leaf development. In the leaf development stage, the seed embryo has three primate cells of leaf that they start to divide after the growth of meristem of stem’ s peak starts to germinate and it contributes to emergence of a new leaf. The sampling was happened in three stages: one leaf, two leaves, and three leaves. The proteins were extracted according to TCA-acetone method from the wheat leaf samples. They were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis later. 360 repeatable protein spots were identified with by analyzing the gels extracted from two-dimensional electrophoresis. From this number, 31 protein spots indicated significant changes in 5% level in the different stages of leaf development. 55% of identified proteins indicated the decrease of expression and 19% shows the increase in expression and 26% of identified proteins did not have regular and significant changes. Finally, each protein spot with meaningful changes, regarding the molecule weight, isoelectric point, the shape of spot and with search in related literature and uniprot website, was identified possibly. The results showed that a vast range of metabolic activities including photosynthesis, breathing, proteins, biosynthesis, proteins transformation, assembly and packing of proteins, carbohydrates, biosynthesis, message translation system, detoxification, and genetic fundamental procedures (replication, duplication and translation) were changed during the different stages of leaf development. Most proteins showed the decrease of expression, were from chloroplast enzymes and mitochondrial enzymes. And most proteins that had increasing change procedure were from healing and protective proteins.