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In beginning of third millennium era, cities because of population growth and urbanization have been faced by increasing challenges such as urban poverty, lack of infrastructures, informal settlements, growth of pollutions, reduction of life quality, and finally growth of unsustainability. In this situation, finding new and less-cost solutions are more necessary for attaining sustainability. Therefore, this research reasons that smart-making, by having indicators of smart governance, smart environment, smart economy, smart mobility, smart living, and smart people, is effective approach for attaining sustainability (in economic, social, environmental and physical dimensions). Research method is correlation method, namely there is a logical relationship between smart-making and urban sustainability. Data gathering has been done using library and survey methods (by questionnaire, observation and interview tools). Information has been analyzed using descriptive and deductive tests (includes of multinomial Regression, Pearson correlation, One sample T-test, ANOVA Varian's, and Beta Coefficient). Case study is neighborhoods of zone 6 Tehran city, which are 18 neighborhoods according to municipality dividing's. Indicators reliability has been done using Cronbach's alpha, and their validity has been done using Face validity. Results show that there is a direct relationship between smart-making and sustainability that sustainability of nighbourhoods increases by growth of smart-making. Nighbourhoods of Arzhantin-Saei and Daneshgahe Tehran that have the most smart-making scale, simultaneous have the highest sustainability level, and Nighbourhoods of Ghezel Ghale, Gandi and Abbas Abad that have the least smart-making scale, simultaneous have the lowest sustainability level.

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One of the things done in the field of synoptic climatology is air typology. An air typology represents types of air that are similar enough in terms of particular atmospheric variables. The emergence of an air type in a certain area, on one hand, depends on the air masses entering to the area, and on the other hand, reflects the geographic conditions (roughness, adjacency to the masses of water, etc. ) of that area. Since the geographic conditions of each area are usually constant, the difference in air types that come and go in the region is a function of the air masses that enter the area. Characteristics of the air masses while moving and crossing different areas, change, adjust and turn into another air. Given the fact that the repetition of air types determines the climate in an area, it is very important to identify the types of air. This is because without knowing the types of air dominating an area, management and planning will be very difficult and even impossible. This is while by identifying air types, it will possible to identify possible types of natural disasters in different sectors of agriculture, industry, etc. and prevent its damages. Since each type is related to circulation patterns, recognizing the characteristics, severity, and frequency of each type can show us their remaining time and duration of their domination, and help us in planning.

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Changes in the base levels are the most important factors of forms and processes’ imbalance in drainage basins. Ghezel Ozan basin, which is the sub-basin of Caspian Sea, has had many effects on base level fluctuations. In this study, Channels and Lithology were evaluated using GIS software and topographic and geological maps. Using evidences, the base level changes including the capture and diversion of convergent radial rivers and channels of Bijar geo-neuron in Qezal Oazan Basin were identified. Also, the relationship between branch and length of the channels in Bijar sub-basins was investigated using the fractal geometry theory and Horton-Strahler stream ordering method and their fractal dimension was calculated. The results show that the effects of changes in local base levels of Bijar hole can be traced as aggregate levels in the alluvial plains of 6 sub-basins of Angouran-Chay, Hassanabad Yasukand, Yol-Kashti, Ghorveh and Dehgolan, Garmab and Sujasrud. The prospecting process is visible in the center of the hole. At elevations of 1561, 1540 and 1515 meters in Bijar hills, 3 lake terraces have been observed. The fractal number of 2. 12 of Bijar basin indicates that the whole basin is in a relatively moderate condition and the retardation erosion in the branches is going to be stopped. In the two sub-basins of Yol-Keshti and Ghorveh-Dehgolan, fractal dimension of less than 2 shows that the coefficient of branching is greater than the basin area. At the head of the water at the Angoran Chay, Sujasrud and Garmab sub-basins, the branches are still developing and retreating. Hassanabad Yasukand sub-basin with the highest fractal number among the sub-basins (3. 25) reaches its maximum balance and the lowest erosion is dominant in its branches. Investigating the relationship between fractal dimensions and branching ratio with the area of the studied basins indicates a reverse and negative relationship.

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Evaporation is one of the important factors in the hydrological cycle and is one of the determinants of energy equilibrium at ground level and water balance, which is required in various areas such as hydrology, hydrology, agriculture, forest management, and management of water resources (Sanei Nejad et al., 2011). In this regard, one of the basic data in designing irrigation and drainage networks is the amount of evaporation power in each region. Because the design of transmission networks, such as drainage or drainage channels, as well as other parts of water design, depends on the amount of water required by the evaporation phenomenon (Jahanbakhsh et al., 1380). In general, evaporation hydrology is generally referred to as the phenomenon of water It simply turns steam into a physical process.

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Among the natural disasters of the earthquake, it has a special position because it causes more damage than severe floods and storms, as it occurs almost without fear of any warning. Due to Iran's location on the Alp-Himalayas earthquake belt, earthquakes sometimes shake different regions of the country and with their effects and consequences have incurred irreparable damage in various social, economic and environmental dimensions, especially in rural areas. For this reason, it disrupts the development of a settlement or region. Based on numerous studies carried out in Tehran, including the Aftab area in this city, in terms of vulnerability to earthquakes in high risk areas are very high. In this regard, the study of socio-economic capacities of communities in increasing the resilience and recognizing the dimensions of resilience in local communities is important and can be considered in future plans. Accordingly, the present study aims to investigate the socioeconomic resilience capacity and its spatial analysis in the villages of Aphat district in Tehran using primate techniques. Today, resiliency is proposed as a way to strengthen local communities against the natural disasters by using their capacities. In this regard, the aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate the different dimensions of social economic resilience of rural communities in Aftab district of Tehran County.

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Pre-crisis management planning is a matter of paramount importance which nowadays, urban managers have to deal with, especially in the filed of crisis management. In this research, finding locations for multi-purpose crisis management stations in regions 1, 4 and 10 of Tabriz municipality has been studied. At first step, the parameters affecting the selection of locations have been investigated. After gathering and preparing the layers, raster maps were obtained and subsequently, parameter weighing was done throughout the AHP process using Expertchoice software. At next step, data layers were combined together based on IO Boolean and Fuzzy models and the results were utilized to present some locations as desired onse, Due to the Geographic Information System in solving complex problems of urban and ease of analysis and spatial analysis, the ability of the system to prepare, collate and analyze the layers have been applied. The results obtained from this study, the southern part of the region which was set four as the best urban spaces such as green spaces, educational, sportive and etc, and better access conditions for the establishment of these bases is to have the highest priority and the best places for locating the base of the parks Amir Kabir, Anna, Tawhid and Jihad area around the field to 22 Bahman and a few other points is evaluated.

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Public places in villages are belonging to all the people and they are built to provide needs of having relationship among people. That’ s why nowadays these kinds of places must have a great role in planning of rural areas and by that they would be able to improve the level of happiness and wealth among people in all economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects. Therefore, the main abject of this project would be analyzing the needs of the people from this kind of public places in the study area. Research method is of descriptive-analysis based on field research and observations and it’ s a functional project. Statistic community is habitants of Dehdasht gharbi of kohkilouye province which includes over 1460 households in the region. Among these 1460 families we chose randomly 226 samples using Cochran formula with 0. 06 percent risk of error. For analyzing data, we have used freedman and correlation tests. The results of the freedman showed that indicators; comfort, pleasure and conservation have allocated themselves the most part of the periodization with amounts of 7. 26, 4. 90 and 3. 78 respectively. On the other hand, results of the multiple regression tests showed that most of the correlation is between environmental skeletal and social vitality with amount of 0. 372 and 0. 275 respectively and these indicators have had great influence on other indicators as well.

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Rainfall erosivity factor is the most important factor influencing soil erosion. Various indicators has been developed to quantify it. Selection the appropriate index due to ecological conditions is necessary. Therefore mapping rainfall erosivity and awareness its changes, plays an important role in soil conservation, erosion control and land management. The purpose of this study is the selection of the best geostatistic method for mapping the rainfall erosivity factor in Fars province. In first step Fournier factor was calculated for 42 stations in Fars province and its surrounding and was determined the best geostatistic method using IDW, GPI, LPI, RBF, Ordinary and Simple and was prepared zoning map for Fournier factor. The results showed that among the various geostatistic techniques, RBF method (Thine plate Spline) is the best method for mapping rainfall erosivity factor in Fars province. Also, Noorabad city in northwest of province with an average of 31. 6 mm Fournier and Izadkhast city with 8. 67 were determined as the highest and lowest of the erosivity index. Also, Fournier index has increased from the East to the West as 46% of the province has a low erosion and 3% of the province has been high erosion that have had the highest and lowest levels.

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As a core of wind speed, Low Level Jet (LLJ) of the Persian Gulf is made on the Persian Gulf and its surrounding in the low levels of the atmosphere during the hot period of the year. Known as north wind, this jet appears in the body of a more extensive current of wind with the northern, northwestern, southern, southeastern direction. North wind often blows from the mountainous regions of Turkey and Iran to the southern regions. Except for topographic reasons, the formation of this wind is influenced by hollow topography of low regions of Mesopotamia and Khouzestan appearing as a corridor. Reaching the Persian Gulf, this phenomenon is intensified as the water area of the Persian Gulf is besieged as a low hollow by Zagros Mountains and Arabic Peninsula aggravating the wind.

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Today, sustainable development has become an important issue in meeting the urban needs for a happier and more environmentally friendly community. At the global level, planners manage residential construction through prioritizing sustainability criteria as well as providing sustainability planning framework. Due to the growing population and mass construction of residential complexes in urban areas, compliance with the criteria of environmental sustainability and achieving sustainable development in our country has become a requirement. Therefore, the present paper aims to achieve a systematic sustainability assessment regarding construction by managing the priorities of sustainability criteria in Iran. As a result, by getting to know the environmental sustainability criteria and prioritizing the importance of these criteria based on the needs of the Iranian community's residential construction, a suitable guidance can be provided to planners. The purpose of this research is to provide an appropriate framework for planners' decision making in order to consider sustainability and achieve a suitable approach in sustainable design of residential complexes in Iran. In this paper, the investigation of the criteria and concepts of environmental sustainability has been done through descriptive-analytical method and documentary studies, library and researchers' experiences in order to achieve the theoretical foundations and questionnaire. Afterwards, by using multi-criteria decision-making method, the questionnaire will be used to assess the importance of priorities from the perspective of Iranian sustainabiloity designers. The results showed that Also, factors such as energy and atmosphere considerations, and materials and resource considerations are amongst the most important environmental sustainability criteriain terms of construction, which should be considered in the planning of sustainable construction of residential complexes in Iran.

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One of the major issues of population in the world is generally the problem of the aging population and the consequences of it. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the city of Tabriz based on favorable city indicators of the elderly (such as housing, social participation, respect and social support and health services). The methodology of this research is descriptive-analytical of the applied type and the method of collecting data and documentary and survey data. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The statistical population includes all 60 years old and older elderly people based on the general population census and housing in 1390 in the regions 1 and 10 of Tabriz Municipality. Using the Cochran formula, the sample size for area 1, 138 and for area 10, 138 it is achieved. Then, using the available sampling method, distributed among the regions 1 and 10 of Tabriz Municipality. Statistical analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) have been used in data analysis. The results of the study indicate that the average housing situation, the rate of social participation, social support and health services among the elderly were moderate to low And the average respect index among the elderly is moderate and the level of each of the desirable city indicators of the elderly, except for the housing index, does not differ significantly in terms of housing type and residence area of respondents. Also, the effect of social support and health services on respect is equal to (0. 44), the effectiveness of civic participation on respect is equal to (0. 23) and the effectiveness of social participation on respect is equal to (0. 17). Regarding the coefficient of explanation, we conclude that three variables (housing, social support and health services and social participation) explain a total of 0. 82 of the variance of the variable of respect, and another 18. 1% is related to factors other than existing variables.

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The importance of inner city transport with accounting for about 25 percent of its urban spaces, as well as the field of mobility by providing cities and their citizens, it is very clear and undeniable. Today, urban transport, due to the problems and challenges, such as urban air pollution and noise pollution, the attention of urban planners and researchers. In Shahrekords, in the field of sustainable transport planning has been done, and poor transport infrastructure available, not enough for the growing population of the city, and the city has serious problems, such as environmental pollution, traffic is facing. Hence it is essential that managers and urban planners with the strategic outlook, analysis and planning in the development of urban transport systems, pay. Therefore, in this study, using an analytical method, first by the model SWOT weaknesses and strengths, opportunities and threats transport system Shahrekord, identified, and then use the matrix of evaluation criteria and internal and external factors, the city transit system known position, and accordingly a combination strategies to improve the situation suggested. Finally, using quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM), to prioritize proposed strategies, are discussed.

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Since the beginning of the present century, the changes in urbanization and its physical transformations have had unfavorable consequences on the structure of the Iranian city, so that the current city, without any attention to its initial construction and organization, has been characterized by disruption, irregular (uneven) development and Socio-economic inequalities. Therefore, the study of changes in the spatial and physical structure of urban environments and their orientation towards harmony and spatial equilibrium is necessary in various aspects of physical, social and economic and preventing spatial instability and inequality. Since it is difficult and impossible to understand the structure and frame of cities based on the analysis of all parts of the city. therefore, analyzing the spatial structure of cities in relation to urban development pattern needs to be able to respond to these spatial spatial complexities and help to understand the structure and spatial structure of modern cities. of theories and methods that study the structure and configuration of urban spac is space layout theory. based on this theory, the city structure and basics.

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Study and recognition of the capabilities of geographic regions to create the systematic scientific fields to achieve better use of available resources for useful and sustainable agriculture development is necessity. The mountain structure of Fereydounshahr has been increase the important of geographical spaces of this field from the point of view of rural development and agriculture. Therefore, the main approach in this research is identifying and introducing the capabilities and limitations associated with land level for agriculture activities in the study field. This research could be part of a comprehensive land capability plan for sustainable agriculture development in field. In this study, the evaluation of land potential and the preparation of potential determination maps through the Geographic information system GIS based on the multi-criteria decision-making analytical approach (MCDM) has been carried out. Hierarchical analytic process (AHP) to weigh the criteria, and finally, weighted linear combination (WLC) method has also been used to integrate maps in order to achieve this result. The parameters were used in this study are topography including a digital elevation model and slope, soil characteristics including soil depth, soil texture, and soil gravel, as well as land use and land coverage. The results of the evaluation of the agricultural ability of the county show that 6. 25% of the area is suitable, 6. 15% of the land is relatively suitable, 12. 88% of the land area is slightly suitable and 6. 88 % of the area is almost unsuitable. This is while 67. 84% of the area is in full constraint for agricultural activity.

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The growing number of scientific journals’ issues on one hand, and the widespread use and dependence of the scientific community on the other hand, have turned the quantitative and qualitative periodicals review into one of the most important issues in this type of resource evaluation. This research was conducted with the aim of evaluating the scientific products of the authors of Geograohy & Planning from 2015 to 2017. The results show that 186 articles have been published in this journal in these three years. Approximately, 55% of the articles were conducted by the universities’ faculty members through a team collaboration. The results show that the average of co-authorship-rate in these three years was 0. 59, which indicates the level of collaboration between authors of this journal. A total of 97 papers were co-authored with the participation of fellow authors from a university and 69 articles from authors of different universities, indicating that this journal’ s authors are more inclined to participate in inter-institute activities. Tabriz University, Tehran University and Tarbiat Modares University and Payame Noor University have the most cooperation in producing journal articles.

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