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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Rivers are the naturally dynamic features of the landscape that exhibit different characteristics at specific times and in different places as the response of different environmental factors. Dams are among the most important man-made structures along the rivers that can make major changes in the river regime and ultimately in the entire drainage basin. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the change of hydrological flow indexes under the dam effect (pre and post-dam periods) using an Independent T-test in southern rivers of Lake Urmia. For this attempt, at first, nineteen hydrological indicators of the flow discharge were calculated in four main groups including Peak flows, Flow variability, Low flows, and Flow duration. Then, the effect of dam construction on pre-and post-dam periods before and after the construction of the dam on the hydrological parameters of the flow was analyzed using an independent T-test. According to the results, the values of 1-day minimum discharge, average daily flow in the period after the construction of the dam were significantly different in the period after the construction of the dams. Also, the amount of flow at 10, 50, 75, and 95% exceedance levels were different based on Flow Duration Curves constructed for pre and post dam periods. Meanwhile, the number of days zero flow, skewness, average annual coefficient of variation, Falling rate, Falling days, Flashinnes index, had a significant difference compared to the period before the construction of the dams. Also, the effect of dam construction on the five studied stations, the lowest effects of dam construction was related to Alasagle-Rast hydrometric station and the Sariqamish hydrometric station had the most effect under the dam construction. Construction of the dams has the effect of changing the hydrological parameters of the river region, which can harm plant and animal species. Therefore, the effects of human activities (such as dam construction) provide the possibility of making logical management decisions that can play an important role in optimizing the exploitation of rivers.

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The Golegohar mine area is located at 53 km southwest of Sirjan city, Kerman province, Iran. The mine is one of the largest open-pit mines in the country. Due to exploitation, the pit floor level is below the water table. Current dewatering operation is going on by groundwater pumping in digging wells in or out of the pit to prevent flooding. Until now, discharged water and tailings have been disposed near pit without proper environmental safeguards. This water is in contact with minerals containing heavy metals and it may dissolve or suspend them. Therefore, a tailings dam, constructed with environmental standards, has been proposed to address this problem. So the groundwater pollution plume is studied using FEFLOW software. The results of the sorption isotherm tests for Ni, Cu, and Co show good agreement with the Liner and Freundlich models. Moreover, the plot of Kd for every single solution concentration indicates that the Kd is increasing with Cu concentration while it is decreasing for other metals. Examining the isotherms indicate that Ni and Co behave similarly, while the Cu behavior is different despite equal initial molar concentrations. This implies that the sorption of Cu is higher than Co and Ni. Flow and mass transport simulation in the groundwater of area show due to the dewatering, a capture zone has been developed near the pit. So groundwater pollution plume moves toward the pit and contamination migration (advection) has been prevented to other area. In addition to results of mass transport simulation in the tailings dam show that due to low material permeability and hydraulic gradient in the aquifer, the retention time of the groundwater pollution plume will be long.

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Maoodian S.A. | MONTAZERI M.

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The population of Isfahan has increased ten times over the past six decades. The rapid urbanization of the historical city of Isfahan has had a great environmental impact. At the same time, drying of Zayandeh Rood, increasing the air temperature, decreasing rain has brought the city to a critical environmental situation. The emergence of the urban heat island is only one of the consequences of the environmental changes of the past decades. Urban heat island has consequences for the health of citizens and it affects the consumption of water and energy. In this study, MODIS Aqua/LST data was used for night and day from 1379 to 1395. By using this data, the background climate of the metropolis of Isfahan was identified with the distanceazimuth (DA) charts. Then the representative pixel within the city and the representative pixel of the background climate were identified. Based on the time series of LST over these two pixels SUHI index of Isfahan metropolis was calculated. Studies show that the Isfahan metropolitan area is colder than the suburbs during the day and it is warmer than its surroundings during the night. The magnitude of the SUHI is maximal in January and is weaker in the summer. Regarding the temporal and spatial behavior of the SUHI, it seems that the changes made by the city in humidity, albedo, and composition of the atmosphere have played an important role in the emergence of the SUHI. Zayandeh Rood has played a major role in modulating the land surface temperature in the metropolitan area of Isfahan, and its drying has had environmental consequences.

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Sand dune advancement poses a major threat to agricultural land, residential areas and residents of the eastern and southeastern parts of Kerman province. So that the occurrence of frequent sandstorms today is one of the most important environmental problems in these areas. The purpose of this research is to identify the range of Rigan, Fahraj and Narmeshir cities in terms of Sand Encroachment potential. For this purpose, the sand dunes vulnerability index (SDEVI) was used. In this regard, five effective factors in the spread of sand, including wind intensity, soil moisture, topography, lithology type, and vegetation were used. After preparing the relevant maps, all of them were ranked in terms of impact on vulnerability and integrated into the GIS environment and the final vulnerability map was prepared. Accordingly, an area of 345 square kilometers is located in the area of high and very high vulnerability. The southern half of the city of Narmashir, 68 villages and parts of the communication network between the three Fahraj, Rigan and Narmeshir counties are in very high risk of Sand Encroachment. In order to verify the results of the SDEVI index, OLI sensor images related to Landsat 8 satellite and SENTINEL 1 radar images were used. By dividing the infrared band on the blue band, the sandy areas were identified and applying the correlation change technique (CCD) to radar images, the stability of sandy areas was determined. The results confirm the accuracy of the vulnerability index.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Global warming leads to changes in precipitation patterns, temperature, and other climatic variables. These impacts affect the risk of thermal stresses in cropping systems. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of climate change on the cold stress variation of potato plants in the tropical regions of Kerman province. To this end, changes in the occurrence of cold stress in the observation data of Jiroft, Kahnouj, and Manoajan stations were analyzed(from 1981 to 2005) and the future period (from 2011to2100). The future course data, using general circulation model CanESM2 with respect torcp26, rcp45 and RCP 85 scenarios were quantified by SDSM software. For this, the climactic indices were used to evaluate the changes in cold stress of potatoes by the tolerance thresholds of potatoes and based on the average of long-term climate data and the probability of its occurrence during the growth period. The results showed that in the Jiroft station, the probability of occurrence of early and late temperature below 5º decreased to 83% and 63% respectivelydintheKahnoj and Manoajan stations the probability of occurrence of early and late temperature below 5º in the future period decreased and increased, respectively. Also, the date of the beginning and end of cold stress was shifted to the beginning and end of the cold season. The statistical analysis of data indicated that the days of cold stress (5≤ T≤ 0) will increase from 2011to2040 in the Jiroft station, and from 2071to2100 in the Manojan station but it showed a decreasing in the Kahnouj station. The results show that the days with freezing stress will increase in the future in the Jiroft, Kahnoj, and Manojan stations, as a result, date of early and late cold stress will happen 10 days earlier and 14 days later compared to long term average of climate in the study area.

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The Lavijrood watershed can produce seasonal floods; this is due to its topographical and physiological situation, climate system, non-compliance with technical construction standards, riverside violation, geology, and the other factors that affect the runoff production. In this research, we investigated the performance of the cellular automata (CA) and SCS model as a suitable estimation method and examined the possibility of integrating the method with the ArcGIS application to simulate the flood hazards and the hydrograph flow for the Lavijrood. The runoff height and the flood hazard were obtained through the SCS method. The flood simulation using the SCS method requires the data of land use, hydrologic groups of soils, Digital Elevation Map (DEM), rainfall, and the roughness coefficient of the basin. The raster format of all these layers was prepared with cell sizes of 30×30 m. A large part of the Lavijrood watershed belongs to the hydrological groups C and D, which have very low permeability. This means that a large volume of rainfall converts into runoffs. Due to the low permeability and closeness to the watershed outlet, the northern half, especially in the northwest of the watershed, has a very high runoff depth and height. Also, the flood risk is high in the Lavijrood River route and its surrounding area especially at the downstream. The runoff simulation in this watershed showed that land use, soil, permeability, slope, and the geographical distribution of rainfalls are the most important factors that control runoffs and their movement to downstream locations to produce floods.

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Iranshahr County with an area of about 30, 000 km2 is one of the warm and arid regions of Iran. This region has faced a drought crisis in recent years that has caused irreparable damage to vegetation. Considering the necessity of awareness of the response of plant species to drought to preserve and restore the ecosystem, in this study, the effect of drought on the species of Prosopisesp, Salvadorapersica and Calligonumcomosum were investigated. In the present study, the drought trend and its periods were determined using the SPI index, and also the changes in the density of three plant species within plots of 50 × 50 m during two periods of wet and drought were investigated. Results showed that parameters of drought and species had a significant effect on plant density in all three species. In general, shrub species were more vulnerable than tree species and species with less root depth became extinct sooner in drought conditions than species with deeper roots.

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The Sangchal earthquake occurred on July 2, 1957, in the central part of the North Alborz fault zone. The North Alborz fault is an arched shape fault that continues from Lahijan to Gonbad-e Kavos. This fault, along with Khazar, Lalehband, Kandovan and Mosha faults have affected the shortening and rising of the Alborz Mountains. This shortening and uplift are accompanied by large earthquake events that continue today. With knowledge of the geometry of faults and how faults are displaced and the use of computational methods for fault analysis and also, the Focal mechanism, direction of maximum tension governing the part of north Alborz fault has been determined. The two methods show similar acceptable results. In addition, considering the comparison of the findings with the results of geodetic studies of the scope, accuracy of the findings is confirmed. The results of the study show that during the North Alborz Fault, the dominant vector is compressive, and the left-lateral slip is observed. From the central part of the Alborz to the east, the left lateral displacement increases and causes shear mechanism in the eastern parts of the Alborz. This movement has caused compressive earthquakes in the central Alborz and compressive-shear earthquakes in the eastern parts. Therefore, the magnitude of future earthquakes in the eastern part is slightly smaller than the central Alborz earthquakes.

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District 20 (Shahr-e-Ray), as the southernmost urban area among the municipal districts of Tehran, has a population of 4553740 individuals and an area of 22km2 within the urban zone and 178km2 outside this zone. The earthquake risk is estimated to be very high in this region due to the tectonic and geographical position, presence of numerous faults around the region, the occurrence of several historical destructive earthquakes within this area, as well as other tectonic and geological evidence. In the present study, by investigating the current status, analyzing and classifying the vulnerability of the habitats in this region, and using the MLP model, a new strategy is presented. The results of the model based on the input models indicated the higher accuracy and efficiency of the standard classification method compared to the standard max/min method. By taking a look at the map of the standard classification method in the applied model, it can be found that the orange and nearly blue spots, which are mostly scattered in the central part of the region, have the highest correlation with the worn texture and the highest vulnerability. According to the results of the model in terms of vulnerability expansion and zone, out of the total area of the region, 21% has the high and very high vulnerability, 61% medium vulnerability, and 18% low vulnerability. Also, the results of the population layers indicated high, medium, and low vulnerability intensities for 56. 8%, 27. 9%, and 14. 1% of the total population, representing the population density in worn-out buildings with narrow pathways. Moreover, the results concerning the layers of material type and important places showed that the material types including metals, bricks, semi-metallic, respectively, and the important places such as educational centers, clinics, and medical centers have the highest vulnerability intensities.

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In recent decades, Tabriz metropolis as the largest city in the northwest of the country has faced increasing population growth and development of industrial, commercial, services and residential structures. Increasing development along with failure to comply with land use planning criteria has led to an increase in air pollution. Current study has been carried out in order to understand factors causing pollution in Tabriz city. Research method is descriptive analytical and the type of the information is documental-library. Eight indicators, i. e. floor area ratio, population density, intersection density, bus stop density, industries density, green spaces density, distance from industries and elevation were used as predictor variable. NO2 concentration was used as dependent variable and wind flow was used as an emission factor. In order to analyze the data, ordinary least squares and geographically weighted regression were used. According to the results of ordinary least square, the relationship between predictor variables and dependent variables is significant. So that the concentration of nitrogen dioxide increases with increase in floor area ratio, population density, intersection density, bus stop density, and industries density. In fact, there is a direct correlation between these variables and the concentration of nitrogen dioxide. By increasing the elevation and the distance from industries, the concentration of this pollutant decreases, which indicates an inverse correlation between these two variables and the dependent variable. Based on the results of geographically weighted regression model, considered variables account for 62% of air pollution in the city. Finally, maps of spatial variations of independent variables were drawn by using geographic weighted regression in the city of Tabriz.

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