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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The issue of regional inequalities and deprivation is not only the problem in the affected areas, but it also have important consequences for the entire country. Imbalances in demographic and spatial proportions, inactivation of the potential of the affected region and so on, are very serious problems of regional inequalities. "Deprivation" is a term related to the imbalance in regional development. One of the most important features of the border areas, especially the coast, is their remoteness from the center of gravity of the motherland, which is generally shaped by the economic centers and the heart of the growth and development of governments. During identification of the deprived areas of the country that took place at different times, Bushehr and Hormozgan have always been among the most deprived provinces. While Bushehr province has the potential to be one of the most developed provinces in the country, with its special geopolitical location, massive oil and gas reserves, access to maritime transport, and so on. Hormozgan Province, in spite of access to free waters and existence of various harbors, has the potential to become a trading hub for export and import of the country. The purpose of this study is to identify the deprivation level of southern coastal provinces (Bushehr and Hormozgan Provinces) and evaluation of the indicators of deprivation dimensions. Indicators of investigation have been extracted from different economic, social, educational, health and housing components of theoretical literature. Due to the large number of indictors and sub-indicators, Factor Analysis method was used for data reduction purposes and Data Pooling method transformed numerous indicators into key components. Now comparisons between all counties of both provinces are possible which is implemented with various components and is based on data retrieved in the year 1996, 2006 and 2011. Then the same method is repeated using new components derived from Factor Analysis method and then composite deprivation indicators are determined. In order to assess new data series derived from Factor Analysis method, Cluster Analysis method is used to classify the counties of both provinces. Different dimensions of deprivation, changes in the rate of deprivation and changes of the level of deprivation indicators for every single county of both provinces are derived. The obtained results show that deprivation is more evident in Hormozgan Province and is more intense as it moves eastward. The analysis of the trends over the years 1996 to 2011 indicate that in recent years, deprivation has generally decreased and the number of rich counties has increased. However, this reduction has increased in the counties of Bushehr province and some of the eastern counties of Hormozgan province have experienced minimal improvement over the past years. The severity of deprivation in the educational and health dimensions of counties in both provinces are greater and social and economic indicators have better status. According to the 2011 data, Jask, Roudan and Minab counties, which are all in the Hormozgan province, were the most deprived counties and Bushehr, Bandr Abbas, Bandar Deilam and Bandar Lengeh were the most benefited ones among the counties of both provinces.

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Due to the sprawling development of cities, the pattern of the initial spatial organization and their original structure have changed. These factors have led to the spatial segregation of various parts of the city, especially urban neighborhoods, and as a result, socioeconomic segregation. On the other hands, deprivation has always been the subject of focus by sociologists, economists and urban planners as one of the important components of urban sustainability after the industrial revolution. Recently, urban planners in morphology and structuralism have claimed that changes in the level of physical segregation play a significant role in changing levels of deprivation in urban areas. Based on the literature, this research intends to examine the relationship between physical segregation and deprivation in the urban areas of Isfahan. Thus, neighborhoods with different socioeconomic conditions, forms, and configurations in this city have led this study to examine the hypothesis that there is a significant and strong correlation between physical segregation and multiple deprivations in Isfahan's neighborhoods. In this regard, this paper tries to test this hypothesis in 155 neighborhoods of Isfahan. So, the physical segregation of neighborhoods was analyzed by space syntax method and deprivation by factor analysis and numerical taxonomy methods for Isfahan’ s neighborhoods, and then the correlation between these two characteristics was investigated. In this paper, in analyzing physical segregation used from the integration index as a space syntax index, and in analyzing multiple deprivations, 15 indicators are combined in four domains (employment, education, housing and services, and living environment). The results in the relationship between segregation and deprivation show that there is a significant and positive relationship between the level of multiple deprivations of Isfahan neighborhoods and physical segregation (the value of the integration from space syntax). It is also stronger at the local level than at the global level of physical segregation. Therefore, the internal structure of the neighborhoods, especially the deteriorated neighborhoods, will be more effective in increasing the deprivation of these neighborhoods. It also shows that the segregated form and structure of the neighborhoods plays a more effective role than the location of each neighborhood in the city. In other words, in the case that neighborhoods are located on the edges of the city or the distance from the center, there is fewer roles in increasing the deprivation than the structure and internal form of the neighborhoods. Therefore, it can be claimed that the changes in the level of deprivation (especially in socioeconomic deprivation dimensions) and the physical structure segregation in Isfahan are effective on each other, and it is possible to predict the changes of each indicator by changing the other indicator. These results suggest that the neighborhoods that their network configuration or spatial structure are not integrated to the city or are more segregated, are more at risk of socioeconomic segregation and deprivation.

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Architectural design is a major challenge faced by architecture students during their training period. This paper analyses architectural studios in order to find the weaknesses and strengths, and also to identify methods and tools that can be used to support both learning and teaching studio-based methods in architecture. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the different criticism and correction methods in architectural design courses and their effectiveness on student teaching-learning process. Current common learning style in architectural design studios has inherent problems, which results from the fact that professors teach students in ways that are mainly based on their personal experience. At the same time, professors who are sometimes professional architects can criticize their own professional insights and applied knowledge, however, they further tend to comment on the work of students, without having proper understanding of "criticism" or its application in architectural design educations. A professor in architectural studio must anticipate and examine a wide range of issues and factors. Criticism is one of the most important and effective factors in activation of design thinking. Hence, practice of "criticism" not only among professor and students, but also among classmates is very effective and necessary for transferring concepts, learning and communication. Therefore, a professor should have the art of criticism to provide opportunities for "criticism" among his/her pupils. In today’ s education system, which is based on critique, all the efforts are aimed to increase students’ self-criticizing capability to able to manage their own projects. The main factors in the critique that are performed by the professors include the steps of: defining a design or explaining it, describing, analyzing, and architectural judgment according to the design. The current model in studios is based on ancient model that must be redefined in order to improve pedagogy state. In this research, different types of critique are examined such as desk criticism, group criticism, informal interaction, interim review, formal or final review and new evaluation methods such as peer criticism, public criticism, seminar, written criticism, panel discussion, exhibition and internet correction. Correction, like a dialogue, is a two-way relationship. The meetings between the teacher and the student are deliberately aimed at raising the mind and hands of the student as a designer, and both the teacher and the student know well that the design theme and the lines ahead of them are the ways to become a designer. The study population consisted of 57 male and female students of Urmia University in architectural design courses, which were divided into three different groups. Each group of students was asked what is the most effective way to transfer knowledge, experience, workshop knowledge & learning with regard to various types of corrections. The following results were obtained by comparing the answers of the three groups: students in the preliminary design courses (1) and (2) considered individual correction (desk criticism) and panel discussion more effective than other learning methods. Students of architectural design courses (1) and (2) did not consider individual correction as an appropriate method. They believed that group criticism and correction play a more effective role in learning. Students in design courses (3), (4) and (5) while emphasizing the effectiveness of group criticism, considered temporary delivery (interim review) as an effective learning method.

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Ziashahabi Nooshin

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It is almost 60 years from the establishment of the Decorative Arts Faculty in Iran, which was the beginning of the academic education of interior design. After the revolution educating interior design encountered an interruption for about three decades, and that is one of the main reasons for the forgotten history. Nowadays after the reestablishment of the interior design education, there is a considerable lack of information about the past. The main questions are about features of the genesis period. What was the curriculum? How did the educators perform it? Is there any revision about it? Is there any exam for entrances? If there is, what were the subjects? What is the reason for the interruption? And so many questions like these. The first step is to determine the research sources. There are five main subjects about the questions: general information such as the beginning and the last year, subjects about the university programs and decisions for curriculums, information about the students such as their ability, information about graduated students at the profession and the society. Another important factor in questions is Time. Therefore, there are two main factors: Subject and Time. Several papers have already addressed the history of interior design education, however, they do not provide clear answers to such questions. For this research, the main sources are in two types: written and oral. At the first steps of the research, all written sources were studied. Lack of information made it impossible to find out the story of the past; therefore, the best approach was to investigate another type of sources, i. e. oral testimonies. For the purpose of comparison, oral testimonies are more important than the other types of sources because of the “ mortality” . They will be lost forever by neglecting. Oral history research and accumulating the oral testimonies is a specialized field in historical studies that has its own subtleties. Oral history, like any other research, has two theoretical and practical fields. Synchronization of theoretical foundations and implementation of the plan leads to a better understanding of theoretical issues and, in some cases, to a more precise prediction of the practical section and the mitigating the errors. In this paper, I describe the abstract of studies on the oral history research methodology in terms of the program used for this project. By reviewing and summarizing the documents, it will be noted that using the criterion of continuity in education, interior design education in Iran is divided into the period of development and the new era. Its developmental period consists of two parts: stability and crisis. It is necessary to know the characteristics of these two for any fundamental research that qualifies for qualitative assessment. This research can be continued in the form of completion of basic information or critical and analytical review.

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In interior spaces of offices, standard dimensions ensure that the spaces are dedicated fairly and effectively in accordance with practical needs of the job. If the office spaces would be designed and implemented in a calculated and effective way, this will lead to motivation, creativity, innovation and ease of working relationships among employees in addition to improving the efficiency and efficiency of the work space. A standard is a solution which guarantees consistency between planning and budget. Therefore, a controversial issue is that which parameters define the standard and which conditions lead to changes in standards in various societies. Hence this paper tries to descriptively review the reasons for differences in required dimensions of work places through the qualitative research, and explaining the importance of preparation of such standard using environmental psychology. This study leads to the description of components and indicates how standard dimensions should be presented quantitatively under a variety of classifications based on them. In the final section of the paper, the standard dimensions are evaluated in various cases to validate the studies carried out through comparative analysis. The geographic borders are used to select the statistical population and it is tried to choose at least one country from each continent. The results given in the table reveals the impact of studies in this paper. The data is collected through desk research and this study is based on a comparative-descriptive research methodology. The research findings provide a basis for understanding the effect of environmental factors in interior design. Among the issues related to environmental psychology, the underlying conditions include the urban environment (historical / modern), political conditions (planning design policies: personal ownership / leasing, building architecture regulations, type of work, administrative hierarchy), climatic conditions (natural light, rainfall, wind, ambient temperature, human dimensions), cultural conditions (human resources relationships, importance of employees, hierarchical / formal or informal hierarchy / emphasis or lack of emphasis on privacy and personal space, market conditions, emphasis or lack of emphasis on access to daylight and outward visibility), economic conditions (market conditions). These are the factors that lead to changes of standards in different countries and cultures. Among these effects, the following factors can be observed for the purpose of the abovementioned factors: buildings with low or high class floors, offices as traditional or remote place of work, planning an open or closed layout, spatial organization, building form, natural ventilation, combined systems due to environmental issues, electrical and mechanical systems, lighting supply, spatial arrangement, space usage per employee, methods of working, etc. In addition to the introduction of remarkable points in this regard, it is possible to consider environmental differences in various cities on a micro scale and enhance the efficiency and satisfaction of these spaces. Also, selection of compatible materials with codes and standards in each area is dependent on the design of the interior, which will confirm the design choices and the reliability of the work in terms of safety, environmental health and the wasting of the budget and the cost.

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The purpose of restoration is to preserve the life of the monuments, and the purpose of architectural historiography is to reflect the knowledge of past architecture. Monument, as the main subject of the action and subject of the study of restoration is regarded in architectural history as a witness by which a narrative of architectural history can be achieved. In addition to this theoretical framework, the aspects of studies can be followed by practical restoration in Iran, particularly in the early decades of the formation of restoration. Architectural historiography in Iran has been presented in a variety of ways where it is possible to approach architectural works and documents. In this study, restoration is assumed to be one of these ways. Because due to the experience of conservation and restoration of the Iranians, which has a history of nearly a century, for addressing architectural works and executive actions, documents and data have been provided that can be contemplated in architectural historiography. The first half of the fourteenth century has been the focus of this research due to the first systematic attention to architectural works. The research is designed to answer these questions: “ What are the sources and documents related to the study of architectural works from the restoration experiences of the first half of the fourteenth century (SH) in Iran? ” , and “ What is the position of these writings in architectural historiography? ” Because the subject is related to past, the method of research is “ interpretive-historical” , and it is based on desk research. It is the purpose of the research that explains the position of restoration in relation to historiography. For this purpose, the primary sources of this research include papers, notes, and books on the subject of architectural historiography. Historiography of the buildings examined in this study include: Jame Mosque, Tomb of Babaqasim, Imamzadeh Ismail and Chahar Bagh School in Isfahan, Atigh Mosque of Shiraz, Kourosh Tomb, Kerman Green Dome, Khaneghah-e Bondarabad and one of gate in Yazd, Sheikh Safi and Ghara Kelisa (Blake Church) in Azarbaijan, etc. The classification of documents and sources shows the following research findings, researches made at this time, or in the form of architectural books such as Athar-e Iranand Rahnamaye Athar-e Tarikhiye Azarbayejane Sharghi va Gharbi(a guide to East and West Azerbaijan historical monuments), or independent short and long research that is published in the form of papers. The second type of historiography was mainly carried out by Iranian scholars who supervised the restoration. Because these researchers were directly dealing with monuments and discovering new evidences, they published papers about buildings. The result is that, although the restorations were executed in the first half of the 14thcentury (SH) in field works, however, some part of the research efforts of some these restoration supervisors served to study the monuments, and sometimes it was presented in Iranian architectural historiography. The results of the published researches are the first experiences of Iranians in architectural historiography of Iran.

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