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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (21)
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Objective: One of the functions of urban planners is to focus on the locating of infrastructure, especially sports infrastructure. In locating this type of infrastructure is necessary to considering various factors, including environmental factors. According to importance of subject has been investigated in this study for determining the appropriate directions for the development of sporting facilities and infrastructures in Tabriz city. Methodology: In this research has been used the combination model of AHP and WLC. First, with using the library studies and experts' opinions, it's been chosen the parameters necessary to locate sports facilities (distance from communication, distance from sports, land use, elevation, slope, tilt, lithology, and fault) then, with using the AHP model and expert opinions were weighed these parameters. Finally, it used the IDRISI software combines together with the WLC model. Results: The results of the study indicate that the city of Tabriz faces environmental constraints with many constraints to develop infrastructure, especially sport infrastructure. The final result of zoning also indicates that for the desired purposes, the northern areas of Tabriz city have the lowest proportion, and the marginal areas of this city have the highest proportion. Conclusions: Due to the geomorphological condition of Tabriz city it is necessary to pay attention to related parameters. In the development of infrastructure, especially sport infrastructure, the parameters of the present study should be considered in order to minimize the costs of preventing the risks of infrastructure advancement.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The aim of present study was to Presentation a conceptual framework for maturity management of business processes in sports companies. Methodology: the research methodology was performed in terms of quality, process strategy and the objective was applied. The statistical population was selected to consist of human community (Directors of sports production companies, Professors in Sport Marketing, and ect) and the information society (scientific resources, documents and libraries dealing with business management and management maturity). The statistical sample was sampled and questioned in a number of capability-based theoretical saturated content (21 and 52 documents). Based on theoretical saturation and you will be considered. Research tools included systematic library study and the exploratory interview structure. The validity of tools using qualitative narrative methods was evaluated at a desirable level (Content validity). The method of conceptual coding and frameworks were used for analyze the findings. Results: The proposed analytical framework includes six overall perspectives including market ecosystems, company systems, process chains, process performance, process management, and maturity of business process management. The conceptual model emerged from the code framework as a process system from the market ecosystem and company system to the maturity of the process management. Conclusion: Overall, the results of the research showed that based on this model, an objective assessment of the level of business management activities in each sports company can be provided and scientific information on the appropriate steps that the organization needs to achieve the next level of maturity in terms of managerial development To do.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The exchange rate is one of the most important factors in determining the domestic price of imported goods. Iran's economy has always been affected by the exchange rate fluctuations, and thus the industry of sports goods, which is one of the most important cultural, social and welfare industries, is not excluded. Methodology: The present research is a theoretical and practical objective and is descriptive in terms of research methodology. The method for collecting statistics and information in this study is documentary and library. Data were analyzed using a panel data approach during 1993-2015 with the help of Eviews9. Results: The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the exchange rate and the index of prices of imports of sports goods in Iran, and the rate of exchange rate passage in Iran and business partners is incomplete. GDP variables, final costs of business partners, commercial openness and inflationary environment have a positive and significant effect on the index of prices of imports of sports goods. The rate of exchange rate passage in the inflationary targeting system was 0. 43 and in the anchor system, it was 0. 41. Conclusion: Inflationary targeting has increased the rate of exchange rate on the price of import of sporting goods.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The aim of this study was designing competencies model for sports marketer managers by using grounded theory. Methodology: The research method was qualitative and done with exploratory nature of foundation. The Statistical population research includes sport management professors, CEOs and Iranian Marketers of Premier Football League clubs, Football Federation were members of the Marketing Committee. Based on grounded theory, the interviews were coded and analyzed. Results: In sum 682 source codes were obtained from analyzing 17 interviews. After extracting the same codes, 109 were distinct open source. 109 open source codes were design from 23 group coded centered include: Personality, Behavior, Worthy, Organizational intelligence, emotional intelligence, Strategic intelligence, competitive intelligence, business intelligence, moral intelligence, business intelligence, cultural intelligence, political intelligence, social intelligence, Managerial, scientific, Athletic, Technical, Marketing mix management, Customer management, sales management, brand management, market segmentation, global marketing, market research and marketing of ethical Islamic. Axial codes were designed from 4 groups of selective code include: merit-based election code, intellectual, professional and selective classified. Finally, the research model was designed in pyramid (four levels). Conclusion: The model presented in this study can be used as an instrument for identifying competence of Sport marketing manager of football clubs.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: the purpose of this study was to weigh and rank the indices involved in the success of the Iranian Premier League and then ranking the 16 Premier League clubs based on AFC indices and requirements. Methodology: Research data was collected from coaches with a degree in coaching. In order to analyze the data, two methods of multi-criteria decision making techniques (MCDM) called ANP and VIKOR were used in fuzzy conditions. Finally To analyze the sensitivity of the results, the ranking of the research, based on the prediction and opinion of the experts from the clubs in the Premier League in the 96-95 season, was compared with the actual ranking of the clubs at the end of the season. Results: The results indicated that the first three teams from the research rankings were exactly those who ranked first to third at the end of the season. This demonstrates the high reliability of the results of the research. Conclusion: The result of weighting the criteria indicated that according to experts, the criterion of adolescent growth and development is the most important criterion in the progress and success of the clubs in the country. Therefore, it is suggested that they pay more attention to this issue and invest more in raising the base team.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to design and develop a model to encourage athletes to purchase domestically produced sports goods. Methodology: This is a qualitative research exploratory study conducted in a Grounded theory manner. The statistical population of this study consisted of all outstanding and elite athletes in Ardabil province, out of whom 22 were selected as statistical sample (Purposive sampling). And through in-depth interviews, their information was collected. The data obtained from the interviews were coded and analyzed using the data base grounded theory. Results: The analysis of research findings from the five concepts of causal conditions, intervening conditions, contextual conditions, strategies and outcomes in the form of Strauss and Corbin's (1990) coding model showed that: Improving the quality of sports goods, advertising and culture of appropriate use, organizing and refining sports companies, donating commemorative plaques and online shopping are key components in encouraging athletes to purchase domestic sports goods. Conclusion: In general, the results in the form of a qualitative model showed that by adopting a general procedure and policy and by promoting the quality of domestic sports goods, athletes can be encouraged to purchase domestic sports goods and with appropriate strategies such as combating the smuggling of sports goods, promoting the quality of sporting goods within; Information and advertising, can increase sports goods prodution, can nullify economic sanctions, and can increase national solidarity, eventually will happen to the phenomenon of preferring domestic sports goods rather than foreign sports goods.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The present study aims to editing institutional strategies in macro policies of resistance economics in Iran's' sport based on systematic plan of grounded theory. Methodology: Participant in the research are twelve experts in the realm of sport management and economy. A theory sampling was implemented. Data was developed through the research procedure and each data was shaped as the consequent of previous data analysis. Sampling was continued to achieve to a complete theoretical element. In-depth and discovery interviews were implemented as the research instruments. A panel of stuff experts and pilot interviews also confirmed its validity. Analyzing and interpreting data, the researchers took advantage of open and selective coding. Results: At the end of interviews, coding procedures was detected as follows; 193 open codes, 95 axis codes, 73 selected codes in form of 6 dimensions of paradigm model including logical reasoning, central elements, strategies, background features, intervention situations, and consequences. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the integration of the categories based on the existing relationships between causal factors, environmental factors, intervening conditions and strategies around the institutionalization of resistance economy in sport can have a positive effect on the macroeconomic level of the Iranian economy.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The purpose of this research is evaluating the performance of sports Selected Boards in Isfahan province. With the help of this model, in addition to identifying efficient and inefficient boards, appropriate strategies can be developed to improve the efficiency of inefficient branches and to strengthen more effective ones. Methodology: In order to achieve the framework and model of research, combination method and field method have been used. By using the balanced scorecard model, the evaluation indices were extracted and then, using the fuzzy network analysis process, the relative importance of each index was obtained and using the fuzzy data envelopment analysis technique, the evaluations of the departments were addressed. Results: The findings suggest that the combined method used has similar results to the balanced scorecard combination and fuzzy data coverage analysis. In other words, fuzzy network analysis has been able to enhance the reliability of the results while reinforcing the past combined approach. In addition, based on the results of the Taekwondo boards, chess and dance ranking is roughly equal in the evaluation process of delegations. Conclusion: In order to evaluate the performance of sport boards in Isfahan province, it is better to use hybrid methods. The research has been identified. Evaluation data has been extracted using appropriate questionnaires, and since partial results are obtained, data must be fuzzy and take into account the effects of incomplete judgments due to quantitative methods alone or only qualitative methods by combining methods Destroyed.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The maturity of knowledge management is considered as an essential management activity for businesses. This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the elemental structure and standardizing the Maturity of knowledge Management Based on Business Strategies Questionnaire. Methodology: This study is a field research and is based on objective, applied and research-development, and has been conducted in a nonexperimental way. To investigate the factor structure and standardize the questionnaire, 282 people among all the elite sports management and specialists from the entire sports and youth departments of the country Responded To The Maturity of Knowledge Management Questionnaire Based on Business Strategies Jami Pour et al. (1393). The method Multistage cluster sampling. Data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOSE software. Results: The results showed that, Factor analysis of first order and second order showed that all factor loads were greater than 0. 4 and were significant at 95% probability level. Therefore, the construct validity of the indicators of the strategic, human-organizational and technical-content categories is established and no item is deleted. Conclusion: According to the results of this research, the maturity of knowledge management questionnaire, along with business strategies, has the characteristics needed to apply knowledge research in business.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: In recent decades, sports organizations have paid special attention to the importance of considering the purchase behavior of customers. Mean while, the variables that can have a Relationship on customers' purchase behavior have been considered. Methodology: In This study to determine the causal relationship of the Brand Equity of sports teams and Purchase behavior of Spectators. For this purpose, The Ross’ s (2008) spectators based brand equity questionnaire and Kim’ s (2008) spectators’ purchasing behavior questionnaire were distributed among Spectators of the national volleyball team in World League(2015) present in Azadi stadium, and by 480 spectators as Voluntarily Completed and collected. Results: The results of Regression analysis showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between spectators based brand equity and their purchasing behavior (p≤ 0. 05), and brand equity A good predictor of spectators’ purchasing behavior (β = 0. 108). Conclusion: Considering the findings of this study, approaches can be provided to determine the strategies of Brand Equity and evaluate the Relationship of this strategies on purchase behavior of spectators-as the main customers of sport clubs.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of privatization and advertising on sports clubs revenue in Ardabil province. Methodology: The research method is descriptive-correlation based on partial least squares structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the research is all experts, managers, and supervisors of sports clubs in Ardabil province (N=90). 72 experts, managers and supervisors of sports clubs filled out the researcher-made questionnaires of privatization, advertising for sports clubs and the amount of club revenue during one year. Structural equation modeling based on the partial least squares in software Smart PLS was used to analyze collected data. Results: The results showed that the privatization have a direct and significant effect on the sports clubs revenue (β =0. 634, t=13. 481). The advertising has a direct and significant effect on the sports clubs revenue (β =0. 286, t=6. 675) as well. The study of the goodness of fit model showed that the proposed model has a strong fit (GOF = 0. 847). Conclusion: It can concluded that sports clubs through privatization move toward change in management, structure, manpower, increase and development services, cost management and improving efficiency and productivity and through advertising by changing barriers to entering the market to create a monopoly or promotes competition and as a result, they will increase their customers.

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    1 (21)
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Objective: the present study aims at investigating the effect of national volleyball leagues on the host society’ s support with the moderating role of traffic problems. Methodology: the study was carried out based on a descriptive research of correlation type. The study’ s population included the spectators of the national volleyball leagues’ games during 2019. A total of, 456 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. To assess the effect of this event on the society’ s support, a self-adminisrated questionnaire was utilized. After verifying the face and content validity of the questionnaires, the reliability of its variables was estimated in a pilot study using Cronbach’ s alpha method and a coefficient equal to 0. 7 was attained. PLS software was employed for investigating the study’ s model. Results: the results indicated that the economic, psychic income, political and socio-cultural factors have positive impacts on the host society’ s support; and, the traffic problems were found having negative effects on the host’ s supports. However, no association was evidenced for bioenvironmental factors on the effects of the event on the host society’ s support. Moreover, traffic problems, as moderators, have only negative effects on the relationship between psychic income of the event and the host society’ s support. Conclusion: Since Iran will participate in these competitions continuously for up to seven years, it is possible to reduce the negative effects and emphasize the positive factors of this event, to provide the conditions for the community to benefit from these effects.

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