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The purpose of this study was to identify the modt important factors affecting corporate governance with a corporate sustainability approach, according to the nature of operational activities of the National Iranian Oil Company. Initially, by conducting theoretical studies including articles, G4 Global Reports Guide, and governance patterns of the worldchr('39')s major oil companies, the factors influencing governance with a corporate sustainability approach were identified from a conceptual perspective. Then, by conducting judgmental sampling, the Delphi panel consisting of 22 senior managers inside and outside the organization was formed. Then, by designing an open Delphi questionnaire and confirming its validity and reliability, seven new factors affecting corporate governance were identified at the end of the second round of Delphi method. Finally, 59 factors influencing governance with a corporate sustainability approach for the National Iranian Oil Company were agreed upon with an appropriate reliability coefficient. After prioritization, four factors were identified: updating strategic statements with corporate sustainability approach, increasing the level of knowledge and awareness of the board of international concepts of sustainability, applying long-term risks in strategic plans and evaluating the process of addressing community critical concerns.

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The aim of this research was to propose a local model for selecting managers of public enterprises by determining affecting political and non political dimensions, concepts and codes. To achieve this goal, mixed-method approach was applied. In the first step, meta-synthesis was carried out with analyzing 46 aricles from 761 articles (2007-2019) targeted for the research subject. For validation of findingd, Delphi method was used. Eighteen experts were selected and Delphi technique was performed in two stages. Finally, seven dimensions, 20 concepts and 101 codes were extracted. The findings suggested that in addition to nonpolitical dimensions, political dimension, comprised of two intra-organizational interventions (e. g., political skills, internal networking, politicization, political background, political behaviors, politics perceptions, political will, and political considerations) and extra-organization political interventions (political ecology, political pressure, external networking, presidential courses, government, and elected officials support) influence the selection of managers.

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Due to the fact that organizational well-being seeks to improve happiness and performance in the workplace by adopting a positive approach, this study aimed at designing organizational well-being model in the National Iranian Gas Company. This research is developmental and applied in terms of purpose and qualitative-exploratory research in terms of nature. Data were collected through snowball sampling and semi-structured in-depth interviews with 18 managers and experts of the company and were analyzed using the grounded theory approach. Professional virtues, social virtues of work, and psychological capital of individuals were the main factors in shaping the organizational well-being of employees. Organizational well-being consists of three professional, relational, and reflective pleasures that create transitional, developmental, and functional consequences by creating psychological ownership in employees, along with intervening and infrastructural factors.

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The present study investigated the effect of coronary stress on work-related accidents with the mediating role of nurseschr('39') emotional burnout. In terms of purpose, this research is fundamental and in terms of data collection is one of the applied research that was conducted cross-sectional in 1399. The statistical population of the study consisted of 510 nurses of Tehran Oil Industry Hospital, from which a sample of 140 people was selected using simple random sampling method. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire whose validity was checked and confirmed by convergent validity in addition to face validity. Convergent validity was calculated for coronary stress (0. 63), emotional burnout (0. 54) and work-related accidents (0. 66). The reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated and confirmed by Cronbachchr('39')s alpha for coronary stress (0. 89), emotional burnout (0. 87) and work-related accidents (0. 85). Pearson correlation test and structural equation modeling method were used in data analysis. Findings show that coronary stress has a positive and significant effect on emotional burnout and also on accidents caused by nurseschr('39') work. Finally, nurseschr('39') emotional burnout has shown a positive and significant effect on work-related accidents.

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The purpose of this paper was to provide a model for promoting middle managers by identifying influential factors on it. The research was done by reviewing the research background in 79 articles from 189 scientific articles related to the subject (2010 to 2018) and the factors influencing the promotion of general managers according to general policies of the Iranian administrative system. Subsequently, the research data was completed by using fuzzy Delphi method with 10 experts from the Ministry of Petroleum and the University. Finally, the model was classified into four dimensions, 9 components, 42 indices and 77 sub-indices. The results showed that physical ability component and indices of physical and motion ability, age, gender, educational qualification, time management, experience, non blaming and being revolutionary were not effective in promoting middle managers. Also the components of human and perceptual skills, personality traits, mental strength, and intra-organizational knowledge were more important.

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The purpose of this research was to design and test the antecedents and consequences of organizational pride in the National Iranian Oil Company and it was done by mixed method. In the qualitative section, 19 individuals were interviewed and after data analysis, a proposed model has been formed. In the quantitative phase of the research, a researcher-made questionnaire was designed and distributed among 381 members as research samples which had been selected by cluster sampling method. After assuring the reliability and validity, the data were fitted using structural equation modeling. Finally, it was found that intrinsic motivation, organizational image, successful organizational history and the importance of organizational output directly are the antecedents of the organizational pride and the consequences of organizational pride were included: retention in the organization, organizational identity and organizational citizenship behaviors. Also, extra-organizational positive views and employees and their families’ prejudice to the organization mediate the relationship between organizational pride and consequences of organizational pride.

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Today’ s organizations in order to survive in the competitive scene require more modern approaches to maintain and develop their human resources as the most important capitals of the organization. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design a coaching character pattern for managers in the gas industry. The research method in terms of data nature is qualitative and in terms of purpose fundamental. The participants of the research consisted of managers and experts of the gas industry, 12 of whom were selected after theoretical saturation and by criterion purposeful sampling. Data collection was semi-structured, and data analysis was conducted using content technique. The findings indicated the recognition of the indexes including justice, humanity, accountability, knowledge and wisdom, serving, modesty, moderation, excellence, transcendence, courage and daring as coaching character of gas industry managers. Therefore, identified indicators can be useful for managers as instructors, guides and guides in achieving organizational goals.

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The purpose of this research was to identify the factors affecting employees envy in the workplace and to examine the concept of employees envy in the workplace and its consequences. The purpose of this study was qualitative, based on thematic analysis and using interviewing tools with an exploratory and semi-structured approach. The statistical population of the study consisted of experts from the staff units of National Iranian Oil Company That had at least five years of experience in the organization. The sampling method was judged by snowball sampling and interviewed by 19 experts. Triangulation strategy was used for accreditation. Two methods of reliability test (stability index) and intra-subject agreement were used to measure reliability, which were 84% and 86%, respectively. After analyzing the data, individual factors, organizational injustice, cultural factors, administrative and managerial factors, political factors and structural factors were identified as the "contributing factors"; emotional, cognitive and behavioral factors were determined as "components" and personal, interpersonal, group, and organizational outcomes have been identified and discussed as "employees envy outcomes" in the workplace.

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the human resource management functions of Mazandaran Province Gas Company. In the present study grounded theory as a kind of qualitative research method has been used. Accordingly, a sample of 27 managers and experts of the company was interviewed using purposive sampling method and theoretical saturation criterion. After designing the interview protocol, a three-step coding process including open, axial and selective coding was used to determine the categories. The statistical population of this study was staff of gas departments of Mazandaran Province Gas Company. Data was collected and analyzed from 26 interviews in gas department. The results of the interviews were categorized in three category, 11 topic and 29 concepts. Finally, a paradigmatic or exponential model of research was presented in five categories causal, pivotal, environmental, strategic and consequential.

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The aim of this study was to design the optimal model of talent management in the National Iranian Oil Company. This research is based on the applied data and in terms of the nature of the data, it is a qualitative data based on Grounded theory of the foundation on the Strauss and Corbin paradigm. The statistical population of the study was experts and specialists in the field of human resources of the National Iranian Oil Company, and the sampling was done purposefully and included 14 people. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. To analyze the data, the data coding method was used in three stages: open, central and selective coding with the Foundationchr('39')s Grounded theory approach. The research findings showed that the optimal model of talent management consists of causal conditions which are factors (internal and external), contextual conditions(organizational development), intervention conditions (organizational learning), pivotal phenomenon (talent management and development), action strategy (establish a comprehensive system of performance management) and ultimately the consequences, consisting of three categories of individual, organizational and extra-organizational consequences.

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The purpose of this study was to design and evaluate a human resource empowerment model for the productivity of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), which was done with a combined approach. This research is a survey in terms of purpose, and applied in terms of its nature, and in terms of paradigm, it is a combined-exploratory research. The data collection method has been library and field study. In the qualitative section, during the interviews with 18 industry experts, the most important indicators affecting human resource empowerment were extracted, including: managerial factor, group factor, individual factor, environmental factor, structural factor, organizational factor and ethical factor. In the quantitative part, to determine the relative importance of the model variables, a questionnaire was designed and distributed among a sample of 337 employees of the National Iranian Gas Company. The important factors were managerial, group, organizational, environmental, ethical, individual and structural factors.

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The purpose of this research was to suggesting a model of factors affecting on promoting the resilience of rotating staff in Iranian Oil Terminals Company. This research was conducted using qualitative method and thematic analysis based on inductive and need-based method. The statistical population of this research was the rotating staff of Iranian Oil Terminals Company. The statistical population of this study was 2000 people. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview that was saturated after interviewing with 10 experts in this field. Content validity of research model was confirmed by subject matter experts. Findings showed that four factors including, family factors, individual factors, Social factors and organizational factors affects rotating staff resilience and among these factors, Individual factors have the highest and social factors have the least impact. Understanding these factors by rotating staff and increasing the skills needed to deal with, can improve their resilience.

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Purpose of study was determine of the Role of Psychological Empowering, Happiness at Workplace and Job Engagement in Productivity of Employees of Isfahan Province Gas Company in Order to Provide Related Pattern. This study was fundamental in terms of purpose type, it was also practical nature and it was structural in case of correlation type. The statistical population of this study was all 1150 Official and contractual employees in this company, that 183 employees were selected by convenience sampling method. The Hersey & Goldsmith’ s Questionnaire (1980), Spreitzer’ s Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (1998), Kjerulf’ s Happiness Questionnaire (2007) and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (2001) were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS and PLS. Statistical findings were demonstrated using structural equations that the model was well-fitted, also psychological empowering didn’ t have direct effect on productivity, but when job engagement and happiness mediated between these two variables, the effect of psychological empowerment on productivity was significant. As a result, even though employees are empowered, their productivity is not necessarily explained, and the role of motivational variables such as job engagement and happiness at workplace must be taken into account.

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This study has been conducted to the human resource strategic direction in each main sub-section of HR in Iran oil industries, and some sources such as: upstream documents, business strategic, trends, adaptive comparison, historical documents, and half-structured interviews has been used for gathering information. The research method was qualitative and contents analysis was used for data analysis. The research data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 49 superior managers in oil industry. Based on the results, 4 main category (provision, training, employment, and maintenance), 71 secondary category and 20 concept for strategic direction in human resources policy of Iran Oil Industry have been recognized.

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