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The purpose of present research was to investigate the relationship between principals' reflective leadership with teachers' self-efficacy. The research method was descriptive – correlational. The population consisted of the whole high schools’ teachers nearly 2165 people in the academic year of 1395-96. 327 teachers were selected as a sample using Krejcie and Morgan table through proportionate Stratified random sampling method. The tools used in this research were researcher-made Reflective Leadership Questionnaire based on Castelli’ s (2012, 2016) integrated model of RL and the Teachers’ Efficacy Questionnaire (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Their face and content validity was confirmed by experts. The instruments’ reliability coefficients were estimated 0/96 and 0/92 respectively. The data, at the descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics level (Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis, t-Test, ANOVA and Tukey Test) were analyzed by SPSS 23. The findings showed a positive and significant relationship between principals' reflective leadership and teachers' self-efficacy (r = 0. 81, p≤ 0. 05). Moreover 77 percent of teaching strategies, 28 percent of classroom management and 71 percent of student engagement were predicted by principals' reflective leadership. And finally, education and work experience on principals' reflective leadership and teachers' self-efficacy were significant. The principals' reflective leadership can raise the teachers’ self-efficacy belief through the knowledge and experience connection.

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RAHIMI HAMID | khayami Faezeh

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Kaplan and Sadok refer to the organizational indifference as a condition of lacking inner sense and emotion, lack of interest and emotional involvement toward environment. Michael and Coniston define the organizational indifference as a subjective and objective feeling of detachment and separation between person and society (social institutes and structures such as politics, family, and religion) (Jahanshahi, 2009). Indifference is the outcome of person’ s continuous unsuccessfulness in achieving goals in an especial condition and he/she avid from Unsuccessfulness resources (Rezaeian, 2006). The psychologists believe that indifference is the outcome of person’ s continuous unsuccessfulness in achieving goals in an especial condition and he/she avid from unsuccessfulness resources (Danaeifard and Eslam, 2010: 450-460). In other words, organizational indifference refers to a condition that a person is completely indifference toward surrounding phenomenon and organizational successfulness or unsuccessfulness (Kramer, 2006: 14-24). Also indifference is a deviation from organizational equilibrium conditions. Organizational indifference is a destructive factor in the organizations and is considered as a continuous destruction, slow fall, and talent crisis (Raeichi, 2010). Organizational indifference occurs when employees no longer care about the entity’ s success. They’ re simply working for a paycheck, doing only what it takes to not get fired, and not looking for opportunities that will help the organization thrive. Unfortunately, organizational indifference exists in entities of all sizes and on all levels of government. How much organizational indifference is in your entity? What percent of your employees come to work just to get a paycheck or to add the organization to their resume? 10 percent? 25 percent? Maybe 75 percent? Realize that no matter what percent you perceive, the reality is usually much greater. When you consider all the labor costs involved in recruiting, hiring, training, and paying benefits, do you really want even one organization-ally indifferent person on your team? When you rid your team of organizational indifference, your employees are eager to express new ideas and genuinely want to help customers. They are excited to come to work because they know their contributions matter and they have a definite purpose in the organization. As a result, customers enjoy doing business with the department, thus increasing your success. The employees’ indifference toward organization can be observed in four areas. These include indifference toward manager, work, client, and coworkers. Each of these indifferences has been described in the following sections. Indifference toward Manager: this includes the employees’ avoidance from expressing their abilities for doing more activities and do not make their manager aware from work progress. They also postpone managers’ expectations or even lie for avoiding from their responsibilities s (Kramer, 2006: 14-24). Indifference toward client: this indifference refers to the conditions that the employees limit the client services to a specific time (Leander, 2009). Indifference toward coworkers: in this indifference, the employees do not participate in the group works and have not any friendly relationship with their coworkers (Willemsen and Keren, 2009: 42-59). Indifference toward work: this indifference refers to the conditions that the employees have not sufficient accuracy in their work, do not pursue their works seriously, have not any creativity and innovation to in the works, and consider the organizational functions as valueless Ones (Murphy and Davey, 2007: 17-30). The organizational indifference results in several problems for organizations. Some of these problems have been presented in the following section. The employees do their functions only for salary and have not sufficient motivation in their work (Jahanshahi, 2009). • Using any opportunity for escaping from work (Danaeifardand Eslami, 2010: 2010: 450-460). • Indifference toward organizational problems and even accelerating its process (Jahanshahi, 2009). • Indifference toward preserving organizational resources (Mirhoseyni Zavareh, 1995: 68-73). • Inattention to creativity and innovation (Leander, 2009). • Inattention toward taking responsibility in terms of problems (Jahanshahi, 2009). Organizational indifference leads to lack of motivation, reduction of organizational commitment, reduction of organizational performance, interpersonal participation, reduction of competitive advantage and creativity of employees and it prevents the organization achieving to goals. Thus purpose of this research was antecedents and consequences of organizational indifference in teachers in Kashan City. Research type in terms of objective was applied research and in terms of method was descriptive survey. The statistical population consisted all of teachers in Kashan city in academic year 2018-2019 (N=3731) that by Cochran Formula and stratified randomized sampling 245 ones were chosen as sample. To gathering data’ s used from researcher-made questionnaire antecedents with 15 items, organizational indifference standard questionnaire with 33 items and consequences researcher-made questionnaires with 18 items on base scale five Likert. Questionnaires validity confirmed as content & construction. Questionnaires reliability through Cronbach alpha coefficient, were estimated equal to 0. 85 for antecedents, 0. 95 for organizational indifference and 0. 87 for consequences. Data analyses done in two level descriptive & inferential by using Spss & Amos software’ s. Finding showed mean of quality of work life and organizational support were lower than average and mean of job stress was upper than average. Mean organizational indifference components was lower than average and mean of consequences was upper than average. There are no significant & negative relation (r=0. 05) between antecedents & organizational indifference and significant & negative relation (r=0. 31) between organizational indifference & consequences. When your employees know what the organization is about, how to use their technology effectively, how to instill team motivation, and what their empowerment processes are, you lay the groundwork for eliminating organizational indifference. And when your employees care about the organization and are excited about their work, they’ ll solve more problems, serve customers better, and contribute to the entity’ s success significantly. It’ s the combination of these four elements that moves the organization forward and unifies people with the entrepreneurial spirit that leads to long-lasting results. All in all, the result s of this study indicate that managers must pay attention to decreasing bureaucracy and selective approach, increasing salaries, and coordinating the employees’ performance for decreasing the employees’ organizational indifference. Also it is important that the managers help their employees to have sufficient information about their job.

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The research’ s method is applied and it has descriptive-correlational method. The statistical population comprises all of the schools’ principals in district 1 and 2 of Urmia City, counting 143 individuals that 104 pricipals were selected in accordance with Cochran Formula and using random stratified sampling proportional to volume. The required data were collected using 2 questionnaires of Organizational Culture and Management Excellence Plan. The validity of questionnaires were approved using content analysis. The reliability of questionnaires were determined as follow: 0. 91 and 0. 88. The data was analyzed in 2 levels which are descriptive and inferential (Pearson’ s coefficient of correlation and step by step regression). The main results showed that there is a meaningful and positive relationship between organizational culture and its four components (Consensus, Rational, Hierachical, and Ideological culture) with Management Excellence Plan. The variable of organizational culture has the ability to predict the variance of the variable of acceptance of the Management Excellence Plan. Among the components of organizational culture, the ideological culture has the biggest share. Finally in line of resuts, applied suggestions have been presented.

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The Environment is a Set of Physical, Chemical and Vital Elements such as Water, Air, Soil and Living Organisms that Determine its Own Effects, Shape, Survival and Life Span of the Living Things of a Community. Protecting This Environment, which is a Huge Asset for Future Generations, is one of the Main Goals of Sustainable Development, which Requires the will and Determination of all Citizens of a Community. Participation in the Preservation of the Environment, the Need for Environmental Literacy Raised by Charles Roth. Because this Type of Literacy is a Prerequisite for Maintaining and Improving the Quality of the Environment. to Educate this Kind of Literacy, there are Schools Called "Green School", which are Also Titled Nature School, Forest School, Environmental School, Healthy School, Sustainable School. the Green School is an Energy Efficient and Popular School that Can be Useful for the Environment, and is Economical and Affordable, and Provides Improved Learning Environments. the Goal of the Green School is to Raise the Level of Knowledge, Attitudes and Understanding of Students about Environmental Issues, to have an Accurate Pattern of Culture and Environmental Behavior, and to Empower them to Learn Social Responsibility, Which Involves Engaging Students in School Events. According to Researchers, the Green School, by Virtue of the Commitment of Students and Officials Who, Through the Design of School Facilities Based on Architecture and Engineering Days, Creates the Practices and Training Provided for Students in the Curriculum, they are Intended to Become Global Citizens and Responsible People he does. One of the Main Goals of the Environmental Education System for Sustainable Consumption, in Accordance with Modern Educational Documents at the Global and National Levels, is that Schools Need to Change their Structure to Become Green Schools with an Environmental Approach. at the Same Time, the Recent Commitment by the Ministry of Education (in Collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency) to Improve the Quality and Quantity of Environmental Education Materials in Various Textbooks of Different Levels of Education, the Development of a Chapter Called "Environmental Health in the Coricolumn which the Title is a Defined Educational Program (Comprehensive Health Education in Schools). "Since Designing and Editing such Schools Requires a Standard Framework, this Paper Examines the Question of what Kind of Model Can be Designed for Green Schools in Iran? Been Paid. for this Purpose, the Exploratory (Qualitative-Quantitative) Approach is Considered for this Study. the Statistical Community in the Qualitative Section, Knowledgeable and Fluent in Green Schools (at Least for More than 5 Years in the Field of Education, Management, Policy and Consulting in the Field of Environment and Green Schools, or in the Compilation, Translation and Writing of Books, Essays and Environmental Education and Green Schools), and in the Small Part, All Male and Female Managers of State and Nongovernmental Schools were Elementary Schools in the 19th Educational District of Tehran in the Academic Year of 2017-18 (N=1862). the Sample Size was Estimated in the Qualitative Section with Theoretical Saturation (N=12) and in the Quantitative Part Based on the Cochran Formula (N=350). a Qualitative and Quantitative Sampling Method was Used to Select the Sample in the Quantitative Section and in the Quantitative Section, a Combination of Cluster Random Sampling and Stratified Sampling was Used. the Data Collection Tool in the Qualitative Section was Interviewed by the "Focal Group" Method and in the Quantitative Section, the Questionnaire was Based On the Likert Scale of Five. the Validity of the Interview with the "Triangulation" Method and its Reliability was Evaluated and Confirmed by the Cohen Kapa Coefficient (K=0. 714). Validity of the Questionnaire in a Logical (Formal and Contextual) Way Through a Survey of Several Experts, Convergent Validity was Confirmed by Calculating Ave and Divergent Validity Through the Calculation of Ave Root. the Reliability of the Questionnaire was Obtained Through Cronbach's Alpha (α =0. 846) and α =0. 849 Through Retest (After 2 Weeks). for Analyzing the Data in the Qualitative Part of the Cohen Kappa Coefficient and Coding and Coding in Axial and in the Quantitative Part, Ave, Cronbach's Alpha, Retest Tests and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Using SPSS, LISREL, SMART-PLS Became the Results in the Qualitative Section Led to the Identification of 3 Dimensions, 9 Components and 30 Indicators for "Conceptual Design of Green Schools in Iran". the Input Component then Includes the "Design and Architecture" Component with 3 Indicators and The "School Environment Quality" Component with 3 Indicators. the Process Later Includes the Component of "Sustainable Education" with 3 Indicators, the Component "School Partnership with the Environment" with 3 Components "Using Energy Management Technology" with 4 Indicators, The Component "Renewable Energy Utilization" with 3 Indicators. Then the Output Includes the Component of "Reform of Consumerism Model" with 5 Indicators, the Component of "Waste Management and Green Purchasing" with 3 Indicators and the Component "Environment Friendly Citizen" with 3 Indicators. in the Quantitative Part, it was Found that the Values Obtained in Fitting Indices are in Accordance with Acceptable Standards and it Can be Stated with Certainty that the Pattern of Research is Suitable for Fit and Can be Used to Design Green Schools in Iran. Finally, Some of the Suggested Suggestions were as Follows: 1. Consider the Location and Location of the School Building Before its Construction, and to Obtain the Desired Result, Instead of Using Traditional Methods, GIS should be Assisted. 2. Educational Sessions for Continuous Nutrition and Healthy Living for Parents and Students. 3. by Providing the Necessary Training on the Use of Cyberspace, Schools will Exploit the Potential of This Space to Reduce their Costs in the Field of Electricity, Telephone, Paper, and the Like. 4. Schools will Try to Use Intelligent Instrumentation Tools and Equipment to Control Their Electrical Devices by Providing Adequate Funding (Short-Term and Long-Term Loans) with One Time Expenditures. 5. in Education Policies, Funding for the Preparation of Solar Panels and Rainwater Collection with the Goal of Generating and Optimizing Energy Consumption will be Provided and Implemented with a One-Time Cost-Saving and Energy-Efficient Use in All Schools of the Country.

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Makvandi Mohammad

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the rationality of public policy making in education. Because policy making in education has been successful in some areas, other fields are in crisis. Of all the types of management, management over education organizations is of particular importance and has a strategic role. Because all the goals and factors of these organizations are human. If other community organizations fail in fulfilling their mission and goals, The results are directly attributable to the group or organization they are dealing with. But if the education agency and its managers are ignorant of the nature of the work, their work will be addressed to society in ethical, social and economic terms, and Will have a significant impact on the growth and development of the community or its decline and decline. Is and must be familiar with the essential goals and tasks and management skills required, especially in building human relationships. In 2002, the Higher Education Council adopted a decree appointing school principals by teachers or teachers of each school. By implementing this instruction, decision-making was transferred from the highest levels of the system to the lower levels, and the teachers were able to choose. Managers participate. Given the importance of education managers in the country's education and development, and the discussion of the selection of principals who have been the focus of education in recent years, a new plan is needed. The selection of principals by teachers throughout the country and at all levels of study is reviewed; To this end, we aimed to identify the desirability, strengths and weaknesses and suggested solutions for managers to improve and redesign their plan and execution, and by summarizing information, strategies to improve and implement each. What is more, it is desirable for the authorities to use the results of this research to improve the quality of the project and address its weaknesses and to strive to improve the management of schools and the educational status of the country. The structure of the research is based on the views of Eugene Snellen; the research question will be answered. The model has four dimensions of economic, political, legal, and professional (scientific) rationality, each of which constitutes a kind of rationality. There is no clear understanding of the concept of rationality. Any commentator on the subject that is rationality is definitively presenting his argument. The type of rationality and reasoning are more important than the rationality and rationality principle. The sovereignty and the political elite in some way enjoy the principle of reasoning and thinking, in other words, a sovereignty that is not Chocolates and issues of their own society do not have rationality and thinking. But there is a considerable gap between sovereigns in terms of how they think and reason, which has led to different policies and then to the different strategic fates of different societies. The method of data collection is library-structured interviewing. Unstructured Because the information gained from an unstructured interview is completely spontaneous and more consistent with reality than the structured interview is more likely to be. The interview is a common research data collection technique or tool that Some scholars consider it to be the most important and best tool for gathering information. The statistical population of the research will be the elite of the four areas of rationality. Breeding and MPs will come. For three More volts to reach the elites, the community will be limited to Abadan education and MPs. The size of each elite group will be limited to six to maintain the quality and quantity of research. Experienced secretaries and directors and officials of the Islamic Consultative Assembly will be interviewed regarding the four areas of policy rationality. The sample population is intended to be suitable for the purpose of the research. Judicial and accessible sampling, which is more targeted than non-random sampling schemes, is therefore used. will be. The method of data analysis will also be due to the nature of the qualitative analysis research. The method of data collection has been field-interview and qualitative information analysis method. 1. Economic rationality: Analyzing data on economic rationality indicates that economic rationality has been very high in the selection of managers by the vote of secretaries. Students ranked the interviewees in three important respects, respectively, that reflect the education policy maker's attention to this area of rationality. Economic rationality is the prelude to teachers' acceptance of education policies., Meet the financial needs of the editors Browsing the mainstream loses motivation and leaves the organization. 2. Political rationality: Analyzing data on political rationality shows that the opinions of government officials and MPs have decreased but instead the sympathy and convergence of the secretaries has increased. This plan has been able to garner support and elite support. Increase the presence of teachers and students in the political scene. Therefore, the project has been subject to high political rationality. 3. Legal Rationality: The data analysis shows that compliance with legal rationality is not as much considered as economic rationality. Although correct execution with a score of 7 at the top of the statements indicates education for legal security, but the statements Next, the lack of consistency with other schemes and the exception, indicate that education has ignored some components of legal rationality at the implementation stage and has, to a certain extent, increased discrimination amongst teachers. It has been average. 4. Professional rationality: A review of the information obtained shows that professional rationality has been very high in the selection of managers by the votes of the secretaries. As you can see in Table 7, the propositions about meritocracy, increased motivation for teachers, the use of psychological theories, and attention to research on the project were the most rewarding indicators of high professional rationality. The results show that, except for the legal rationality that was moderate, the rest of the rationality was very high. In fact, the plan was one of the very successful ones that was implemented, but I don't know why it stopped suddenly and hoped that Implement this plan again.

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The purpose of this study was to provide an optimal model of organizational culture of education with a social exchange approach. The culmination of organizational culture studies is the end of the two decades of the twentieth century. But at that time, due to the emergence of new technologies and rapid developments, efforts to integrate culture, maintain a competitive advantage, and prepare people to accept the changes were considered by managers of organizations. In the cultural studies of the twenty-first century, the potential role of a variety of organizational culture in the performance of individuals and organizations is considered. Therefore, the mission of organizations is to exploit the experiences, talents and intellectual potential of individuals. The place of organizational culture in the educational institution is wider due to the scope of the operation, the variety of spectrum involved and the high volume of social exchanges from other organizations, So, if we put together the functions of the culture and functions of education, we find that education and training require a serious consideration for organizational culture to carry out its mission and the existence of a rich culture based on the genuine Islamic-national values, taking into account the interests and needs of all stakeholders, is a prerequisite for the missions of education and training. A rich Islamic culture is a culture that, along with finding possible solutions to improve the performance of the organization, can excel the organization and it’ s members within a harmony between its genuine and global values. The present study seeks to explore the characteristics and indicators of the optimal model of education culture and provide an organizational culture model. This research was a method of exploratory sequencing of a hybrid strategy and was conducted as a case study in Firoozabad city. The statistical population consisted of formal education teachers with more than 15 years of work experience, using parallel sampling method for quantitative and qualitative sampling. In the qualitative section, snowball sampling was performed and interviews were conducted with 9 teachers to achieve theoretical saturation. To analyze the qualitative data, using the thematic analysis, teachers' opinions about the desirable situation of education in social exchanges were extracted. In a desirable situation, six factors, power base, manager role, decision making, performance criterion, acceptance condition, and focus of the organization were attended by teachers. With a library study of organizational culture models, the existing definitions and frameworks, and its conformance to the conceptual model derived from the thematic network, four characteristics for the desired organizational culture were developed. Which are the culture of perfectionism, interactivity, developmental, and missionary and the researcher's model was presented in the framework of competitive values. In the quantitative section, simple random sampling was performed and 30 experts were selected. The tool used in this section was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the characteristics and indicators of the desired organizational culture of education in the qualitative section with 48 items (24 indicators) and the seven-level scale. For example, for the index of “ the pattern of managers” , (the adherence of managers to the rules and regulations and the model of their behavior for other employees) or for “ the consensus opinion” index (high trust, participation in decision making, and getting school councils from a stronger decision-making base). The experts confirmed the content validity of the questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis was done using descriptive statistics, single sample t-test and Friedman test. The results of t-test showed that the culture of perfectionism with a mean of 6. 44 out of 7 Likert scale had the highest mean and lowest dispersion, and mission with the mean of 6. 26 was on the next. Meanwhile, the average of four types of organizational culture was higher than the assumed sociological mean (4), and four types of organizational culture were desirable for high school education. Also, Friedman's test showed that among the 24 indexes of cultures, social status indexes had the highest mean and the risk index was the lowest. Among the 10 top priorities of the experts, the element of power base with a mean of 32/17 by the emphasis on informal status (social and specialized) was confirmed. The role of the director with the most variety and with three types of roles for managers is in the top priorities of the table. The law-fullness index with an average of 14. 72, the contributing and supporting with the average of 14. 22 and the risk taking with the average of 13. 53 were seen. Also, the risk aversion was found with a mean of 7. 82, the commitment to processes with an average of 48. 8 and the change with an average of 7. 7 of the weakest characteristics of the desired organizational culture of education. The most variability in the bottom indices of the table are the criterion for decision-making on consensus with an average of 9. 75 and the central assignment with an average of 7. 68, indicating the emphasis of the experts on the mission of the organization with an average of 88. 81 as the highest decision criterion above the table. The combination of top ten indicators from the perspective of experts indicates that the most desirable culture organizational from the point view of experts is a culture in which employees, with emphasis on meritocracy and social status of teachers, having directors with some degree of discipline, risk taking, staff supporting, while enjoying moral virtues and respect for their rights of all stakeholders in order to excel in pursuing their education mission. The results of this research show that, although in terms of human resources approach, the existing culture of education is a rigorous culture in which the performance of teachers and their response to society's expectations and the demand for an ever-increasing effort to achieve better results and successful students are considered important and in contrast there is little attention to their welfare. However, teachers value realities, beliefs, interactions and practices, human responses and social exchanges in their organization. This research also helps to better understand the organizational culture, especially in educational systems, and can provide further research.

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This study is a descriptive-survey research, which is practical in terms of purpose and in terms of data type, it is quantitative and it was conducted to provide a model for improving and promoting spiritual leadership in the management of elementary schools in the city. The statistical population of this research includes all elementary school teachers in Tehran-which according to the statistics of the academic year 95-96, there are 15103 students (14520 women and 583 men). Initially, using Morgan table, the number of samples was 375. Then, using a mixed sampling method, stratified sampling method was used to determine the number of samples per gender (360 females and 15 males) and cluster sampling method is used to determine the samples. First, the city of Tehran was divided into five sections (north, south, east, west and center) and one educational district (zones 2, 19, 4, 9 and 6) was randomly selected. Finally, 10 schools were selected from each region and questionnaires were distributed among the samples. The second statistical population was management and education experts in which 10 people were selected by purposeful sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire was developed by the researcher in two questions (one question, individual dimension of spiritual leadership, and the next one, organizational dimension) that questions the current status and desirable status of spiritual leadership. The questionnaire was designed based on a grading scale with ten points. Finally, using the components derived from the theoretical studies of the study, 34 items were prepared for the first question and 23 items for the second question and a total of 57 items. Delphi technique and related questionnaire (open and prioritizing) were used to achieve the mechanisms for promoting spiritual leadership in Tehran elementary school management. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, at first content and face validity were determined based on expert judgment and a comprehensive review of the research literature. The questionnaire was administered to 30 elementary school teachers in district 3 of Tehran city, And through the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the reliability of the questionnaire was 0. 85. In order to analyze the data in the qualitative section, Delphi and coding techniques were reused and in the quantitative section, the percentage, mean and standard deviation were used descriptively. and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the normality of the test data. But in the inferential method through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, paired and single sample t-test and structural equation modeling were performed. The research findings show: In the virtue component, the trust index had the highest rate (0. 922) and the hypocrisy index had the lowest rate (0. 610), in the faith component, the solace rate had the highest rate (0. 824). and the index of harmony and integration was the lowest (. 589). In the component of organizational commitment, the highest value was related to the school intimate atmosphere index (0. 738) and the lowest was related to the system of reward system in the school (0. 551). and, in terms of meaningfulness (job attractiveness), the highest value was related to the teacher job honor index (0. 759) and the lowest value was related to the performance evaluation index (0. 52). According to the research results, In order of importance four components of faith (including 19 indexes), organizational commitment (including 10 indexes), meaningfulness (including 6 indexes) and piety (including 19 indexes) were identified and approved which had a good goodness. The findings of the study generally indicate the discrepancy between the status quo and desirable spiritual leadership components in primary school management. With 99% confidence, we can say that there is a significant difference between the status quo and desirable status of the mentioned components, and considering the positive value of the mean in all the components, it can be concluded that the mean of status quo of all the components is lower than the desirable status In other words, the optimal situation for all four components was higher than the existing situation. Research findings also show that executive mechanisms can be used to promote spiritual leadership in elementary school management, In order of priority are: Component of Faith: 1. Modify the guidelines for appointing school principals based on the characteristics of spirituality-based management 2-Involvement of teachers, parents and students in the administration of school affairs 3. Encouraging principals, staff, and teachers who behave in schools on the basis of spirituality standards and motivate other staff. 4-Developing an annual and strategic plan for the school with the collective involvement of the principal, teachers and other staff. Component of Organizational Commitment: 1-Modifying the principles and criteria for evaluating the performance of principals and teachers based on indicators and components of spiritual leadership and using the self-assessment method 2. Strengthening the Teachers' Council and other in-school councils with a focus on participating in decision-making and creating a spiritual atmosphere in staff activities and interactions with each other. 3. Modifying the criteria and guidelines for evaluating schools performance based on criteria in spiritual leadership. 4-Preparation and operation of the Code of Ethics for teachers in schools 5. Forming and activating school work teams with the involvement of teachers, parents and students to implement programs and troubleshoot school and colleagues. Meaningful component (work attractiveness): 1-Strengthening the Teachers' Council and other in-school councils with a focus on participating in decision-making and creating a spiritual atmosphere in staff activities and interactions with each other. 2. Strengthen school-based management by giving schools more authority. The Virtue Component: 1-Teaching teachers, principals and school deputies on the subject of spiritual leadership to enhance their cognitive and organizational abilities. 2-Modifying the principles and criteria for evaluating the performance of principals and teachers based on indicators and components of spiritual leadership. 3-Modification of curricula and educational courses of Farhangian University with the aim of enhancing spirituality in teacher education 4-Modifying student teachers acceptance at Farhangian University with the aim of choosing people with stronger beliefs about spirituality as teachers 5-Preparation and operation of the Code of Ethics for teachers in schools 6-Holding specialized meetings and conferences on the subject of spirituality in school management in order to create social sensitivity to the promotion of spiritual leadership in school management.

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Perceived justice is a term used to describe the role of justice directly related to job positions. Organizations need effective and efficient staff to achieve their goals of comprehensive growth and development. In general, the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations depend on the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources. Schools are one of the most important institutions in the field of education and play an important role in maintaining the valuable knowledge and educational health of students. Inadequate utilization of school resources, especially human resources, will limit the quality and delivery of services. Lack of efficient and effective knowledge promotion services not only reduces quality of life but also prevents productivity gains in other economic sectors. Therefore, the importance of productivity and improvement of the quality of educational services in order to meet the needs of the people in society and meet their expectations is increasing day by day and as a priority is the basis of the decisions and activities of school principals. Research has shown that the realization of justice as a strategic variable plays an influential role in organizational productivity. Schools are no exception. Discussion and study of justice in organizational environments has a long history and originates in Adams' theory of equality in the 1960s. In other words, perceived organizational justice means the extent to which the organization's actions with respect to its employees are treated fairly. Organizational culture is a set of values, beliefs, and behavior patterns that shape the organisation's core identity and play an important role in shaping employees' behavior. Research by Ibrahim Pour et al. Has shown that an unfavorable organizational climate, such as a glass ceiling that results from an unfavorable organizational culture, can lead to perceptions of injustice by employees. Experimental studies show that organizational culture is a key factor for organizational effectiveness. Elmaz and Organ have studied the impact of the dimensions of Denison's organizational culture model on the performance of organizations. In this study, it was found that the highest score for adaptability and the lowest score for adaptability were obtained. Researchers believe that a culture that values human dignity boosts morale and job performance. Gifford concluded in his research that there was a significant positive relationship between hospital culture and R&D. Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between hospital culture and the maintenance of human resources, and this correlation can lead to productivity. The purpose of this research is to predict the perceived organizational justice of teachers based on the components of organizational culture in 2016. This study was descriptive-correlation. The society of this study was teachers of Tabriz 4th district selected random sampling. The sample size was estimated 86 people by the Krejsi-Morgan table. to collect data, have been used two of the standard questionnaire, organizational culture of Denison (2000) and organizational justice of Morman and Nijhov (1995). data analysis was performed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient, single sample T-test, Anova and Regression Tests. The results of Pearson correlation showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between the components of organizational culture and organizational justice, except the component of adaptability; Analysis of variance (Anova) showed that there is no significant difference between organizational culture and employee justice perception in terms of level of education and years of service (F = 0/9, p < 0/05). Regression showed that only three dimensions-commitment to participation, adaptability and mission-are able to explain and predict % 17/3 of the total variance of perceived justice that the most is the commitment to participation with Beta (β = 0/26). from teachers point of view organizational culture and justice perception are lower than average. school management should strive for dimension reinforcement of both components to increase university efficiency. Despite the high level of interactive justice perceptions of Morgan's organizational justice perception and commitment to participating in Denison's organizational culture in schools, the overall mean of perceptions of organizational justice and organizational culture was below the conceptual and poor average. Therefore, organizational culture and organizational justice in these schools need to be revised. Given the importance of perceptions of organizational justice and organizational culture on other organizational dimensions such as motivation, satisfaction, productivity, performance, stress and so on, school management should take the necessary steps to enhance the dimensions of these two components, especially distributive justice. And the performance appraisal and promotion system is conducted to the required and fair standards. In line with the culture, the mission and vision of the schools should be clearly explained to its teachers, and organizational adaptation and learning should be streamlined. Despite the tremendous influence of each organization's atmosphere on its other dimensions, this study explored the organizational culture's insignificant amount of perceptions of organizational justice. It is therefore concluded that teachers view factors other than organizational culture that affect perceptions of organizational justice. It was also found that prioritizing the dimensions of organizational culture and organizational justice differs from one organization to another because of the different management systems governing organizations, with each organization prioritizing one dimension of culture. This study was conducted in Tabriz District 4 schools and the conditions of those schools and should be cautious when generalizing the results to schools and other organizations. The main limitations of this research are teachers' honesty in answering questionnaire questions and using questionnaire tools. In line with the results of this study, the following suggestions are offered: Investigating Factors Affecting Perceptions of Teachers' Organizational Justice Investigating the Effective Factors on Improving School Organizational Culture and Designing a Questionnaire by Exploratory Mixed Method. Due to the low level of average organizational culture, in-service classes for teachers to justify organizational culture and school-based culture. Given the low average level of organizational culture, the necessary solutions are provided by the Education Organization to improve school culture. Priority given to low levels of adaptability, collaboration, and empowering teachers to make school decisions a top priority. Given the low average level of distributive justice, teachers should be promoted and promoted according to the required standards, their level of activity and participation in education issues.

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Purpose: The employability of outcomes of education system was a huge challenge to engage the community. It was important that the huge number of people who are exposed to education annually can earn money from these trainings. But over time, the saturation of forces flooded the market and the overcrowded community of unemployed professionals. Different solutions were presented. However, this did not include such success because these solutions did not increase the number of existing businesses. Value Creation was the nascent solution that was used to changing the way. Entrepreneurship with the creation of new businesses has so contributed to the prosperity of employment, with many hopes created. Although entrepreneurship and its development are usually considered to be micro-businesses, they are deeply tied to the development of macroeconomics. This paradigm shift in the definition of the sources of production and the creation of wealth has spawned a new literature. In the meantime, educational systems, such as formal public education, higher education, and even informal education systems, are urgently needed to understand structural change and nature through understanding this paradigm shift. The structure of entrepreneurial schools has been conceptualized by understanding the widespread paradigmatic changes in the creation of wealth created by the creation of the film and the retrieval of the role and contribution of educational systems in this evolution. In general, it seems that, in the current context, transforming entrepreneurial theories into effective practice, it is inevitable to take advantage of these theories, especially in the establishment of school systems. The authors of this paper believe that the establishment of an entrepreneurship ecosystem in schools is the core of the development of entrepreneurial schools. By understanding this necessity, they have attempted to design a pragmatic scale to measure entrepreneurship ecosystems for Iranian schools. Considering the above mentioned points, the following questions are being examined: What are the components of the scale of monitoring of entrepreneurship ecosystems? What factors are saturated with? And how does the system of scoring and interpreting the scale of school ecosystem monitoring? The authors of this paper claim that the design and deployment of an entrepreneurial school is the establishment of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. At the same time, due to the vital importance of establishing an appropriate ecosystem for schools that are planning to become entrepreneurial schools, it is imperative that they regularly monitor the status of their entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, studies show that suitable tools for this work are not available to managers and decision makers. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to describe the process of constructing and native scale normalization for monitoring the Iranian-Iranian school of entrepreneurship ecosystem. Method: The research reported in this article was a descriptive correlation. The present article seeks to standardize a scale for monitoring the specific entrepreneurship ecosystem of Iranian schools. The tool used in this study is a scale adapted and rebuilt. For this purpose, the tests were first translated into Persian and the necessary changes were made. Some words and phrases in Farsi were liquefied and corrected. Then, in line with recent changes in the field of entrepreneurship, especially with regard to the structure of Iranian schools, a number of new propositions were developed and added to this tool and finally a 77-point scale was prepared. The propositions of this scale range from one to three to measure the indices of entrepreneurship ecosystems in schools. The research community was all experts in the field of entrepreneurship in the country. Using a targeted sampling method, 100 tons were selected based on the range of activities and theorizing in various entrepreneurship fields as the final sample. The reliability of this scale was investigated using Cronbach's alpha test and its validity using factor analysis. Results: The factor analysis model was used to analyze the data obtained from the participants' response to the school-based entrepreneurship ecosystem scale scorecard statements. The findings described five main factors as representing the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Iranian schools. Based on the matrix derived from the Varimax rotation, a set of propositions that were co-associated with a factor, formed a factor, and according to the theoretical foundations of the first factor, "Establishment of the leadership of the school committed to the development of entrepreneurship", the factor The second is titled "Establishment of Entrepreneurial Development Organizational Structure, " a third factor entitled "The Comprehensive and Practical Commitment of All School Beneficiaries to Entrepreneurship Development", the fourth factor titled "Individualization of All Entrepreneurial School Programs" and the Fifth Part The title "The development of a network of culture for creating creative entrepreneurship at school" was named. Also, the internal consistency coefficient for each of the factors and the total questionnaire was estimated to be appropriate. The 52-item score scoring procedure for school entrepreneurship ecosystems is done by assigning scores (3, 2, and 1) for options (very effective, somewhat effective, and low-impact). The high score shows high impact and low score indicating the ineffectiveness of creating, deploying and continuing the entrepreneurship ecosystem in schools. The maximum score in this test is 156. The scale of school enrollment ecosystems that was designed and conducted in this research, in the initial scoring, only presents raw data, and without a doubt, paying attention only to the raw scores of the test, in terms of interpretation and comparison, is usually faced with a serious rationale of rationality. Therefore, normalization operations were performed. Conclusion: The design and validation scale in this research has the capabilities needed to monitor the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Iranian schools. Also, the components of this scale can be used to establish an entrepreneurial school. These factors are theoretically and experimentally consistent with the findings of other researchers. The first component, "Establishment of the School Leadership Leader, committed to the development of entrepreneurship, " explains the 859. 24 percent of the changes in the monitoring of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. This factor shows managers' willingness to facilitate and promote entrepreneurial projects at school. The second component, "Establishment of the temporary organizational structure of entrepreneurship developer", explains 736. 7 percent of the changes in the monitoring of entrepreneurship ecosystems. This factor explains that, when organizational structure has lower layers, intra-organizational entrepreneurship becomes more evident. The third component, "Developing the Comprehensive Commitment of All School Beneficiaries to Entrepreneurship Development", includes 936. 5 percent of the changes in the monitoring of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. It is important that all school stakeholders, such as management, teachers, employees, parents and, of course, students, understand entrepreneurship and commit to developing it. The fourth component, "Integrated Individualization of All Entrepreneurship-based School Programs", includes 503. 4 percent of its monitoring of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. New and innovative products need their own new programs. The fifth component is the component of the "Development of Network Culture for Creativity and Entrepreneurship at School", which explains 4 00/8 percent of the changes in the monitoring of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Networking has a tremendous impact on the advancement of business creation and is of interest to all entrepreneurs and companies active in this field.

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this research present and test a model to better understand of managers' stewardship behavior impacts based on individual responsibility, self-dedication to organizational goals and preferring organization profitability to individual profitability on teachers' job engagement (vigor, dedication, absorption) by mediating role of quality of work life (QWL) in framework of survival, Belonging and knowledge needs. according to survey methodology, a questionnaire was designed and distributed. research data was gathered by 197 teachers sampling form regions of Mashhad Departments of Education District No. 2, 3 and 4 and finally, by using structural equation modeling, it was analyzed. the results of testing research hypothesizes show that managers' stewardship behavior directly affect on quality of work life and teachers' job engagement and quality of work life, moreover, mediate stewardship behavior effects on teachers' job engagement. according to survey methodology, a questionnaire was designed and distributed. research data was gathered by 197 teachers sampling form regions of Mashhad Departments of Education District No. 2, 3 and 4 and finally, by using structural equation modeling, it was analyzed. the results of testing research hypothesizes show that managers' stewardship behavior directly affect on quality of work life and teachers' job engagement and quality of work life, moreover, mediate stewardship behavior effects on teachers' job engagement.

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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between Transformational Leadership and organizational agility with role Knowledge sharing of the mediator. This research any sort study is descriptive correlational study sample is included all teachers one and tow medium year 1395 bijar city has established a number of 500 people. The statistical sample of 217 people is the sample using the method stratified proportional size selected. For data collection questionnaires Transformational Leadership Bass and Avolio (2000) with alpha (0. 93), organizational agility Sharifi, H. & Zhang(1999) with alpha (0. 64) and Knowledge sharing Bock, Zmud, Kim & Lee (2005) with alpha (0. 86) was used. For the analysis of structural equation modeling using statistical software was used lisrel. The results show that Transactional Leadership directly (β =0. 46) and indirect (β = 0. 21) is impact on organizational agility. impact Transformational Leadership directly (β = 0. 70)is impact on Knowledge sharing. also Knowledge sharing also directly (β = 0. 33) is impact on organizational agility. In this regard, when the Knowledge sharing as a mediating variable in the equation is treated with more power. In other words it can be said that Transformational Leadership (β =0. 70) with role Knowledge sharing of the mediato(β = 0. 33) increase organizational agility (β = 0. 46) between school teachers.

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The purpose of this study was determine priority of training needs (technical, human and conceptual ) and effective factors on it (technical, human and conceptual ) in the primary and secondary school managers in the region of 4 in Tabriz city. This study was descriptive and surveying. The population size of 112 school managers, 95 samples obtained using Cochran equation using random stratified proportional sampling method. For assessment of training needs, Management skills, an questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale was developed. After collection of questionnaire, data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Independent Samples test and ANOVA were used to analysis of data. Result sowed school managers in all skills of technical, human and conceptual need to education. Technical skills were first priority and human skills were the last. Skills of technical, human and conceptual in different Educational field were a significant (P<0/05). Skills of technical, human and conceptual among educational degree, years of employment different educational level were not significant correlation (P>0/05). Key words: Management skills, Training needs assessment, School managers Key words: Management skills, Training needs assessment, School managers Key words: Management skills, Training needs assessment, School managers.

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The Professional development of school principals and the presentation of its related methods and programs can serve as a powerful tool for creating a change in the educational system and increasing the productivity of schools. The purpose of this study was to design a conceptual model for the professional development of high school principals in Lorestan province. Research Method: This research was a type of qualitative research and the methodology of the grounded theory was the criterion of action in this study. The statistical population consisted of experts and educators in the field of education, education officials and trustees, and faculty members in the field of educational administration, utilize a purposive sampling method and using theoretical saturation criterion, that semi-structured interviews done with 12 people as participants in research. To obtain validity and validity of the data, two methods of reviewing the participants and reviewing non-participant experts were used in the research. Findings: ­ ­ With Using the results of studying theoretical fundamentals and the research background and analyzing the content of the interviews, the primary indicators of the professional development of school principals have been identified and in three stages of open coding, theoretical coding and selective coding significant 18 total categories in the framework of a paradigmatic model including: causal Conditions (laws and regulations, budgets and financial resources, managers' need), pivotal phenomena (participation in codify of professional development programs), strategies (creation of professional development centers in education offices, establish workshops, visiting other schools, studying books and articles, coaching sessions, getting help from Experienced peers), intermediate conditions (personality characteristics of managers, educational policies), background conditions (support of senior management of the organization, Utilize of professional development appropriate methods, establish of training courses for principals) and consequences (development of the school, professional development of teachers and development of students) has been analyzed.

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The main purpose of the study is to determine the features of organizational structure of school based on the Fundamental Reform Document of Education in Iran. To this end, the study was carried out as a documentary research and content analysis technique. Research population included 6 documents which were the Philosophy of Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Philosophy of formal and public Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran, doctrine of formal and public Education system in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Strategic evolution Document in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Fundamental Reform Document of Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran were analyzed. To analyze the data, data coding method was used at open and axial phases and interviews with 6 document formulators to achieve reliability. Based on the categories, the main features of organizational structure of school were classified in three main themes: Antecedents (religious value system and social factors), main Components (hierarchy, decentralization, networking, rule orientation, responsibility and authority, teamwork and education process formation) and consequences (professionalism, organizational justice and school orientation). Organizing education processes is one of the features pulled out by content analysis technique during this research. Organizing education processes considers as a facilitator of the process of transforming school into a learning organization. Organizing education processes and all other features of school organizational structure are surrounded by religious value system. The change in management style towards value-based management has begun since 1986 and has resulted from the emergence of four organizational processes in recent decades and The extent of the influence of the religious values governing the school in the fundamental reform document of education in Iran is very wide and can be seen in other features of the organizational structure of the school, such as teamwork, education process formation, educational guidance, responsibility and authority, human relations and organizational justice. The results of this research showed that Fundamental Reform Document doesn't only emphasizes on internal elements of school and school performance affects by social systems of the community too because schools do not operate in a vacuum. They interact with other institutions and systems of society and the proper functioning of a system depends on establishing healthy and principled relationships with other social institutions and systems (family, government, media, and NGOs). Several features of the school organizational structure based on Fundamental Reform Document of Education represent enabling bureaucracy concept. Enabling bureaucracy is a hierarchy that helps rather than hinders and a system of rules and regulations that guides problem solving rather than punishes failure. Procedures and hierarchical structure in Saleh school which Considers as the best type of school in Fundamental Reform Document of Education facilitate teaching and learning. In this regard, other feature of the reform Document is school-centered approach which can be pointed out by delegating more authority to the school and the components of the school. The realization of a school-centered approach to decentralization is dependent on the provision of the infrastructure needed to strengthen inter-school communication and networking. Network structures designed to enrich the school environment and create a network of learning environments to move from traditional hierarchical organizations to Network Form of organizational structure. This form of structure Facilitates and accelerates the flow of information and communication between members of the school. In the fundamental reform document, this is also recommended in various forms, including the school principals communication network, the learning environment network and the active and comprehensive research network within the structure of the formal education system. Based on the content analysis, all features of organizational structure in fundamental reform document is pivotal in achieving goals and one of the most important components are teachers. Teachers play an important role in the righteous school Based on Fundamental Reform Document of Education. High levels of organizational structure will make high teacher performance so the authorities have to manage this variable that might increase teacher performance. developing human resource has become a pivotal strategy of Fundamental Reform Document as it is not only teachers that influence the goals of righteous school but all human resources are important in achieving school goals. One of the most basic concepts in human resources is justice. Justice is the most fundamental, moral and social value in the Islamic criteria system, and in the organization of the process of education. Justice is a virtue exhibiting in relationships of individuals, groups of people and groups in schools and it is Sensitive to movement of social divides. Another important concept which is related to groups of peoples in schools is teamwork. Fundamental reform document encourages teamwork in schools. Teamwork is something that every administrator, teacher, and student should know how to do it. For schools to achieve their goals, integrated teamwork on several fronts is vital. The more teamwork fundamentals exhibited, the more opportunity exists for students to learn the vital skills of compromise and collaboration. Collaboration or Participation is an important component of the broad concept of enabling structure. This feature emphasizes in the fundamental reform document. Development and strengthening of participation among school members based on Islamic brotherhood in the form of a working group as a public responsibility is mentioned in fundamental reform document a lot. One of the benefits of school communication with the environment is to enhance professionalism in school. In all of documents which analyzed during this research, much emphasis has been placed on the wisdom of intellectuals, the views of the educated people, the views of contemporary educational philosophers, and the scientific and specialized support of the seminaries, higher education institutes, technical and vocational education centers, especially the Quranic science faculties, Science Education and psychology and of course the reflection of the main agents of the process of education is essential in the collection developed by these valuable resources. In other words, professionalism was considered as a source for strengthening organizational structure in fundamental reform document. The findings of this research, not only help school board to gain more insight and knowledge about the important factors affecting their school structure, but also help decision makers and planners of the education system to improve the effectiveness of education system planning by paying more attention to the organizational structure dimensions.

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The purpose of study was to design and validation talent management model of Islamic Azad University schools(sama) organization. This research was applied of purpose and of the mixed method of implementation (qualitative-quantitative). The research population in the qualitative section was 26, and in the section of 190 managers and managers of schools in the whole country were selected in 1996-1997. They were selected using purposeful and cluster sampling, respectively. For collecting data in the qualitative section, interviews were conducted and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. Their formal and conservative validity was verified and their reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha method of 87%. Data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The findings showed that the talent management model Sama was presented in the form of 6 dimensions and 16 variables.: 1-Identification and reception of key posts (school administrators and managers) 2-Predictable person (ability-commitment skills) 3-Predictable person selection (interview and test-review of resume) 4-Employability (liability initiative Conscientiousness) 5. Development (empowerment of career progression in in-service training) 6. Maintenance (Compensation system-paying attention to material and technical needs). . The results of the second-order confirmatory factor analysis show that the six identified components have a meaningful load factor and have a desirable value.

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If we want to observe the knowledge management in schools, we should operationalize it’ s elements creation, release and application of knowledge, and increase the students motivations for sharing of knowledge and data exchange. The aim of sharing of knowledge is improvement of school community or raising the school knowledge base for more effective and efficient decision making in all aspects of educational organization. The revolution process in schools routinely, is up to down transfer in organization structure that is possible only by direct actions of school principals. Obviously, intellectual style of principal would be effective. A principal with one intellectual style could facilitate the process of creation, release and apply of knowledge, and the other principal with other intellectual style. Not only could be helpful. But as to could be a serious barrier in these steps. Sensitivity and importance of management and leadership in elementary schools is more than other courses due to the commencement of education and it’ s effects on continuation of education process. Acquaintance with intellectual style could be helpful for people to identify their strengths and weakness and understand how developed their strategies in decision making and problem salving. This could decrease the wrong decisions. Recognition of thinking style and related variables in education is necessary. Because many differences in people performance could be related to thinking style instead of their ability (Zareei, 2001). On the other hand, understanding the thinking style help people to better understand why some activities are suitable for them and some others are not, indeed the thinking style is one reason for people different actions. The thinking style of one principal has a considerable effect on correct decision for knowledge creation in organization, the process of making availed and improving the created knowledge by people in organization and applying this knowledge among employees. Principal’ s thought directly appear it’ s influence on decisions, plans, behaviors, and how to dealing with different problems and conditions in organization, and by these results, establishing and tuning the principal’ s thought could be traced. It seems that with improvement of thinking style of principals, the knowledge management in organization could be enhanced, and more attention to knowledge management lead the employees to work in growth and eloquence way by talent, motivation and latent and potential forces beside the wisdom strategy. In this research attempted to examine whether the thinking method of principals could be anticipated base on creation, release and application of knowledge? This study according to the application purpose and data collection method is descriptive, are variable and correlation. The studied statistical population in this research include all principals of schools and education organization in Alborz province in 2017-2018 in all courses and education bureaus. Normally, applying the questionnaire for principals is difficult, because they are busy and the questionnaire was given base on their agreement and verification. Therefore, the available sampling method was used. Among about you people, 167 people answered the questionnaire as on available sample. The measuring tool of questionnaire were made by knowledge management in 12 items, including three elements. Questions number 1 to 4, knowledge creation, number 5 to 8, knowledge application, 9 to 12, knowledge release. Principals inform about their ideas as four degree range (always, frequently, sometimes, rarely), and questionnaire of thinking method which was made by Harisun and Beramsun (2002), this section is a set of 18 questions with 5 options and everyone ranks it according to his preferences, that 5 has the most and 1 has the less similarity to him. The obtained total score of 18 questions of each option evaluate one intellectual style. The total scare of first question measure combined intellectual style, second question evaluate idealistic style, the third one pragmatic style, the fourth one analyst style, the fifth one realist style. The score 60 or more than it, is the peak of intellectual style, score between 49-59 could be adopted by intellectual style with various conditions, and score 48 or less in portial intellectual style which could be ignored. The final evaluation of credit of knowledge management questionnaire was evaluate a=0/9125 and credit of it’ s elements are knowledge creation (F1)=0/7803, knowledge release (F2)=0/1118, knowledge application (F3)=0/8527, respectively. The credit of intellectual style questionnaire is evaluated as follow: combined thought (A)=0/873, idealistic thought (B)=0/6188, pragmatic thought (C0/1848, analyst thought (D)=0/8917, realist thought (E)=0/8017. In addition, the questionnaire of elements is one dementia and for it’ s final evaluation, the Cronbach’ s Alpha Formula could not be used, so the Ferguson Formula (1949) were used. The data were analyzed by one sample tests(t), Friedman Chi square and basic correlation. The results of analysis of data indicated that the stualied statistical population in all elements of thinking style have obtained the scores of 49-59. It means that they are intermediate in all thinking levels and can adapt with different conditions, and they haven’ t reach to the peak of the intellectual style. In population from which the sample group have been extracted, the knowledge management variables were intermediate the knowledge creation variables were intermediate range, and knowledge release variables were upper than intermediate and knowledge application variable was evaluated in intermediate level. In this population, in thinking variables of principals set, pragmatic thinking has the upper grade and cornbined thought has the lower grade. Analysit thinking variable is in second grade, idealist thought is in third grade and realist thought if in fourth grade. And in the set of knowledge management variables, release variable is first, knowledge creation is second and knowledge application is third grade. So, in the studied population. Science application is in lower grade. In Chi square fit model, the relationship between sex and knowledge creation, type of school. With knowledge application and realist thought have been verified, and other personal properties have no relation with elements of knowledge management and thinking style. And for answer the last question (i. e. could it possible to anticipate principal thought base on creation, release and application of knowledge? ) the correlation model were used, and according to the results, relation among them were verified. Therefore, the set of principals thoughts with knowledge management elements in the studied organizations were belonged to various fields and more and less are working independent of each other.

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