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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: Whey is a by-product of dairy industries along cheese production. As a raw material, whey has several applications in food industries and its valuable protein and lactose contents. Membrane technology, more specifically ultrafiltration (UF), is being used in dairy industry to produce whey protein concentrate (WPC) because this technology allows selective separation of whey proteins compared to the rest of its components. In this regard, the objective of this research was to investigate the effects of different operating parameter on whey protein concentration and purification process using ultrafiltration membranes. Method: Three different nanostructure Poly-Eether-Sulfone (PES) hollow fiber membranes were tested and the effects of operating parameters, temperature (43 oC), three different pressures (1 bar, 2 bar, 3 bar) and feed flow rate on the permeate flow rate, protein rejection and lactose permeation were studied. Findings: Results showed that pressure increase enhances the permeation flow rate which is more sensible at lower pressures. Moreover, high pressures have not been considered suitable considering higher fouling and lower flux recovery. Increasing feed flow rate resulted in higher turbulence on the surface of the membrane and reduces the membrane fouling and enhances the permeation flow rate even though these parameters (pressure and feed flow rate) did not have any significant effect on the protein rejection and lactose permeation. At the best operating conditions, maximum protein rejection was %91. 01. Discussion and Conclusion: considering the findings, it can be concluded that UF process using PES hollow fiber membrane is capable of performing desired separation and purification of whey.

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Background and Objective: Following the results of the electrolysis process application to upgrade the anaerobic baffled reactor for treating wastewater, the present study was conducted to evaluate the EABR performance efficiency, considering hydraulic retention time (HRT), current density and organic loading. Methods: In this study, a semi-industrial pilot of ABR with total volume of 72 L was studied before and after integration with an electrolysis system. The performance of the reactor was evaluated in terms of COD removal and bacterial adaption time. Findings: The findings revealed that a HRT reduction from 45 to 38 and 29 hours results in a decrease of COD removal efficiency from 77. 6 to 74. 9 and 72. 2 % respectively. Also, a current density reduction from 3 to 2, 1, and 0. 5 Mill ampere/cm2 results in a decreasing COD removal efficiency from 77. 6 to 73. 5, 71. 2, and 70 % respectively. Moreover, an increasing organic loading from 700 to 2400 mg/L enhanced the COD removal efficiency from 77. 6 to 90. 2 %. Result and Discussion: The results showed that by increasing organic loading from 700 to 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2400 mg/L the necessary HRT for achieving operation stability increases from 3 to 8 days, which is less than in conventional ABR. Therefore, employing electrolysis process is a sustainable method for improving ABR performance efficiency.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: The use of nanotechnology is one of the most important and effective methods for microbial enumeration and water treatment. Dispersing the silver oxide nanoparticles in different polymer matrixes (in particular, open cell polyurethane sponge matrixes) can be an efficient way in the water treatment and microbial enumeration. Method: In the present study, the silver oxide nanoparticles were dispersed into the open cell polyurethane sponge raw materials and then, the polyurethane sponge was synthesized using a One-shot method. In addition, the usability of synthesized polyurethane sponge as an antibacterial agent for water disinfection was investigated by using "plate counting" (reducing the bacteria number in contaminated water over time) method. Also the 0. 5 McFarland (1. 5*108 CFU/ml) suspensions diluted with biomass serum (1: 2) of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were used as contaminated water. Ultimately, the structural properties of synthetic sponges were investigated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). Findings: The end of 12 hours has been recognized the antimicrobial activities of the prepared sponges against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus are acceptable. The results indicated that the antimicrobial activities of the prepared sponges against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus are acceptable. The results also showed that nanocomposite in certain conditions after 6 and 8 hours prevented the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria, respectively. So that after 6 and 8 hours contact with the nanocomposite, the number of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria in contaminated water was reduced by 100% (t0=50*106 CFU/ml, t6=0*106CFU/ml) and 30% (t0=50*106 CFU/ml, t8=35*106CFU/ml), respectively. Discussion and conclusion: Development and utilization of antimicrobial sponges in water treatment processes can reduce the use of chemical agents to infection control. Silver oxide nanoparticles, due to the high surface-to-volume ratio and interactions with the bacterial cell walls, cause damage to the bacterial cell walls and destroy the cellular structure of the bacteria.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: Today environmental issues and avoid irregular greenhouse gas emission has become one of the most important concerns of each country. This study has been done with the aim of determining the amount of greenhouse gas emission in different industries and ranking these industries based on the most destructive greenhouse gas including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Nitrogen oxides, Sulfur dioxide and Sulfur trioxide. Method: In this study after identifying the most pollutant greenhouse gases based on the literature review and using the average of five recent year's data from the Iranian Statistics Center, the weight of each greenhouse gas were determined based on Shannon entropy and by using VIKOR technique and MATLAB software, the most pollutant sector was determined. Findings: Based on Shannon entropy, Co with the weight of 0. 3 has the highest coefficient of importance among pollutant greenhouse gases. Based on VIKOR technique, transportation sector based on utility measure, Vikor measure and regret measure was determined as the most pollutant sector. Discussion and Conclusion: Based on the result of study, transportation sector has played a major role in greenhouse gas emissions and identified as the most pollutant sector. So, attention to structural and cultural components associated to transportation field has become more important than the past. Using green transportation technologies, investing in public transportation and providing infrastructure for non-motorized vehicles can be introduced as suggestion for reducing pollution in this sector.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: Available water resources are limited, thus use of saline water can protect water resources and compensated water scarcity. Since saline water cannot be used directly, this study investigated the adsorption capacity of Zeolite, Perlite as minerals and rice husk and seashell as bio compounds in water solution. Methods: Particles were classified in five different sizes of 841, 400, 177, 125 and 74 μ m which based on ASTM sieves. Sodium chloride solution was prepared in different concentration of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 750, 1000, 3000, 5000, 7000 and 10000 ppm. The effects of the sizes, dosage, contact time, rate of mixing with duration of 10, 15, 25, 35, 45, 60 and 120 minutes for the salt removal done with batch experiments in 25oC. In this method the sodium chloride solution with certain amounts of adsorbent put on a shaker device with constant speed of 200 rpm and were mixed at intervals of 10, 15, 25, 35, 45, 60 and 120 minutes. Then the samples in centrifuged with 10000 rpm in 10 minute and the upper solution used for chloride titration. Findings: The effects of different amount of absorbent on salt absorbance showed that for all samples the highest absorbance is related to the range of 2 grams. Among the used sizes of particles, the most efficiency was related to the size of 74 μ m in salt absorption. The optimum time of used samples was identified as 25, 15, 25 and 15 min for zeolite, perlite, rice husk and sea shell respectively. Based on isotherm model, perlite and rice husk followed Langmuir model, while zeolite and seashell followed Freundlich. Conclusion: Mineral and bio sorbents in different micron sizes have able to absorb salt ions. Among the use of different adsorbents, zeolite showed highest efficiency to salt adsorption.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: Due to scarcity of water in most regions of Iran, the use of superabsorbent polymers is known as a helpful approach in improving soil physical and chemical properties, soil fertility and water resources storage. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of pumice on water availability, chemical and nutritional properties in a course and fine textured soils under onion cultivation. Method: This research, was conducted in spring of 2017 in greenhouse as factorial in form of CRD design with three factors including soil texture (with two levels: sandy loam and clay loam), irrigation schedule (with two levels: every 4 and every 7 days) and pumice (with four levels: 0 (C1), 2. 5 (C2), 5 (C3) and 7. 5 (C4) percentage w/w) which were carried out in three replications. Findings: Results, showed that increasing pumice rate, could increase P, K, S, Fe, Mn and Zn concentration in onion. In most cases, there was no significant difference between 5 and 7. 5 percentages of pumice rates. Positive effect of pumice in sandy loam soil was more than clay loam. In pumice treatments, there was no significant difference between two irrigation rates, for none of parameters except for Cu concentration in plant. Discussion and Conclusion: By Application of 5 percentage w/w pumice in soil, irrigation schedule of onion could be increased from 4 days to 7 days. Noting that the irrigation schedule is one of the most important factors in onion cultivation, pumice application, can cause a good economic efficiency in water use.

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Sadr Al Sadati Seyed Ali | Jalili Ghazizadeh Mohammad Reza

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: One of the most effective methods of coping with leakage in water distribution networks is pressure management. Therefore, a proper understanding of leakage behavior and its relationship with pressure variations can play a significant role in water loss control. The use of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes has increased in recent years in water distribution networks so that in some rural area and small cities, these pipes have been utilized only. The aim of this study is to investigate the leakage behavior of orifices in HDPE pipes. Method: In the present study, the leakage behavior of polyethylene pipes has been investigated numerically and experimentally. In this study, the effect of temperature as one of the main factors on leakage behavior has been considered. Findings: The results showed that the Torricelli's classic relationship for the orifices can be used and the amount of leakage exponent for the orifices is approximately 0. 5. This study shows that the discharge coefficient of the outflow from the orifices is dependent on some parameters such as Reynolds number, the thickness of pipe wall, orifice diameter, surrounding environment and orifice deformation. Discussion and Conclusion: The assumption of no deformation for the orifices in HDPE pipes with increasing pressure, particularly at high temperatures, is not necessary true. The symmetry state of the orifices in low-elastic pipes is removed with the pressure increase, due to the distribution of stress at the opening and also the effect of the Poisson coefficient, thereby reducing the discharge coefficient.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: At present, agriculture is one of the most important economic sectors of the country and that it can be said that economic growth is not possible without agricultural growth. Each agricultural product requires specific climatic and environmental conditions. This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental capabilities of East Azarbaijan province for growing sugar beet (ArcGis). Methodology: The data have been studied in consist of annual precipitation and raining of growth duration, temperature, evaporation, relative humidity, sunny hours, number days without freezing and hence height, slope, direction and depth of soil. The used of suitable ecological condition of sugar beet cultivation, production information layers and each series of data were valued and classificated that combined by GIS area and analysed with using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (ranking, rating and analytic hierarchy process). Findings: The results showed that the environmental capability of sugar beet cultivation plays an important role in the province of East Azarbaijan, and the factors affecting the climatic factors play an important role. It should be noted that in the overlapping method, temperature and precipitation factors play the most important role. Particularly, the role of precipitation is the highest. Discussion and Conclusion: The final results show the fact that climatic elements and factors Together, they play an effective role in the process of assessing the environmental capabilities of sugar beet cultivation. The share of each of the climatic elements and factors during the growing period of the studied crop is not the same. By adapting the effective layers in the sugar beet planting process in GIS environment, it is possible to identify suitable areas for planting this crop.

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Background and Objective: Human beings are always exposed to ionizing radiation. One of the sources of this radiation is the nuclear radiation from terrestrial radioactive nuclide in water, soil, rock and plants. Nuclear radiation emission from radionuclides causes diseases like cancer and genetic abnormalities. Therefore, studies of soil radioactivity are of great importance. Method: In this research, 34 soil samples were studied between the Shazand Power Plant and Arak city. The specific activities radionuclides were determined using gamma ray spectrometry method, with employing a high purity germanium detector (HPGe) model GCD30195 with 30% relative efficiency. Finding: The specific activity of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in these samples varied from 18. 92± 1. 91 to 43. 11± 2. 69, 25. 31± 2. 16 to 54. 27± 3. 65, 230. 17± 9. 96 to728. 25± 18. 03 and <1. 49 to 9. 52± 0. 88 in Bq/kg respectively. Absorbed dose rate in air one meter height from ground and radium equivalent were calculated as 4. 57± 1. 38 to 79. 68 ± 2. 07 in nGy/h and 84. 14± 3. 08 to 157. 74± 4. 50. Conclusion: The average of radium equivalent for soil samples was calculated as 116. 38± 18. 38 Bq/kg which is the same level of world average (131. 69). Maximum radioactivity observed in 3 to 7 km distance from Power Plant. The results of this study indicate that the radiation of the soil does not pose a threat to the health of the inhabitants.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Aim: The aim is first to express the differences and identify three models, namely, Gene Expression Programming (GEP), Neural-Fuzzy Network (ANFIS), and Bayesian Network (BN), and compare them with each other. Furthermore, the research's central question is whether the superior simulation meta-modal in this study can be a suitable alternative to conceptual models in the conditions of lack of data and information. Methods: The data used for this study are the daily rainfall and flow data of the Gamasiab Nahavand River in 10 years from 2002 to 2012. For the prediction or simulation stage, the data of the blue year 2012-2011 have been used. Results: In the training phase and according to the coefficient of explanation and the square root of the mean squares error and the AIC criterion, it is observed that in all three models, both in the training phase and in the test phase, we see a minimal difference in the amount of these parameters. Moreover, all three models' results are close to each other with almost a minimal difference, and almost the relative superiority of the GEP model can be seen. Discussion & Conclusion: The results indicate that the simulator meta-model of gene expression has an excellent ability to simulate and predict the river's daily flow, this simulation meta-model can be a suitable alternative to models in the absence of data and information. Be conceptual. Also, the speed of implementation of the gene expression programming model was faster than other models and was able to provide results in a short time.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: Biomonitoring is a simple and inexpensive method for assessment of the quality of the environment. Vehicle emissions introduce high levels of heavy metals into the atmosphere. The use of plant species can be effective in assessing and decreasing air pollution and the levels of heavy metals. This research was conducted to select the best accumulator of lead, zinc and cadmium in the leaves of four tree species, namely Thuja Orientalis, Ulmus umbraculifera, Fraxinus Rotundifolia and Ligustrum Ovalifolium, in four areas in the city of Shahrekord, Iran, with different traffic levels. Method: For this purpose, testing was conducted in areas with high levels of traffic (Kashani Street, Saadi Street and Shahrekord Terminal) as polluted areas, and Shahrekord University served as control area. In two periods, at the end of spring and the end of summer, leaves were sampled. Findings: Results showed that heavy metal levels in one polluted area, Kashani Street, were higher than in other areas. Also, the highest level of lead and zinc accumulation was observed in the leaves of Ligustrum Ovalifolium with levels of 5. 47 and 32. 68 mg/kg. The highest level of cadmium, 1. 84 mg/kg, was observed in the leaves of Thuja Orientalis. Discussion and Conclusions: according to the results, Ligustrum Ovalifolium, Thuja Orientalis, Ulmus Umbraculifera and Fraxinus Rotundifolia were introduced as the best wood species for accumulating heavy metals.

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Background and Objective: In recent years, blight or boxwood blight, caused by a fungus, has spread from Western Europe to the Hyrcanian forests. In this study, the aim is to investigate the effect of breeding operations that reduce the humidity and temperature of these populations in controlling this disease. Method: For conducting a surface study equivalent to 3 hectares in series 1 of Gombl in Lahijan forests was selected, part of which was intact and as a control and part also had a forestry plan. All trees in two stands by 100% measurement method and variable diameter equal to chest for all species and small variables equal to diameter, collar diameter, height, number of reproductions in three classes as well as qualitative variables of trees Boxwood was recorded and analyzed statistically including the percentage of leaf freshness, branches and crowns of trees. Findings: Based on the results of quantitative variables of canopy diameter, height, cross section and number of regenerations in the height class less than 1. 3 m and the vigor of leaves, branches and trunks of boxwood trees in the managed massif were evaluated with better conditions. Only the number per hectare of total reproductive area in the control area was better. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, it can be said that management practices in the populations infected with boxwood blight by reducing the moisture trapped under the canopy of trees, prevent the spread of disease and resistance of rootstocks to this disease Increases.

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Background and Objective: Many of the antibiotics used in poultry farms are excreted in their feces. This waste is used as organic fertilizer in agriculture and causes the release of animal antibiotics in the environment. These compounds may increase the antibiotic resistance of microbial populations or damage plants grown in these soils. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic and anaerobic poultry manure composting on the amount of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin antibiotics in poultry manure at two levels of high and low concentration and compare them with each other. Method: Two samples of fresh broiler chicken manure were prepared after the end of the chicken treatment with antibiotic enrofloxacin. The two samples contained two levels of high and low concentrations of Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin. The composting of chicken manure was done using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments of 1-aerobic treatments at a low concentration, 2-aerobic treatments at high concentration 3-anaerobic treatments at low concentration 4-anaerobic treatments at a high concentration in five replicates in 75 days. Samples were prepared at specific intervals and the concentration of Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin was measured by HPLC method. The obtained data were fitted with the first-order kinetic equation and the half-life of the antibiotic degradation was calculated. Findings: The results showed that at the end of the period, in treatments 1 to 4, 54. 2%, 64. 3%, 65. 3% and 69. 7% of the Enrofloxacin and 41%, 57. 8%, 57. 8% and 61. 8% Ciprofloxacin remained. The correlation coefficient (R2) obtained from the fitting of the first-order kinetic equation in treatments (from 0. 71 to 0. 92) showed that the data fit well with this equation. The half-life of the Enrofloxacin degradation was obtained between 96. 27 and about 150. 68 days. The half-life of degradation for Ciprofloxacin was also found to be between 57. 28 and 117. 48 days. Discussion and Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that the process of composting reduced the concentration of antibiotics and prevented its entry into the environment. The rate and total amount of antibiotic degradation in aerobic conditions was higher than anaerobic. The rate of degradation of both antibiotics at a high initial concentration was lower than its rate of degradation at low concentrations. The rate of ciprofloxacin degradation was also higher than Enrofloxacin. The results of this study can help to create relevant laws and regulations in relevant institutions, in order to reduce the release of veterinary antibiotics into the environment.

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Background and Purpose: In today's world, culture is becoming more and more complex, sensitive and important at the same time. Social developments, the accelerated process of globalization and the increasing growth of technology, the expansion of communication, have created fundamental and continuous changes in culture. Culture has a great impact on the economic and social aspects of life. The field of culture, in addition to helping the economy by creating job opportunities, production and income brings important social benefits to consumers and producers of cultural goods and services. Cultural activities are an important factor in achieving peace of mind. Culture is the main factor and engine of sustainable development and environmental protection. In this regard, the main purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of cultural indicators (number of press, number of cinemas, number of public libraries, and numbers of books) on carbon dioxide emissions as an indicator of air pollution in Iran. Methods: The present study is an applied, causal and inferential research method. The method and tool of collecting information and statistical sources is also the method of written documents, electronic information and filing. Methodology: This study is an applied research and inferential research method. The method and tool for collecting information and statistical resources are written documents, electronic information and taking notes. Results: The results of the estimation models using OLS method shows that Number of public libraries has a significant and positive effect and number of the press, the cinema, number of books as cultural indicators have a negative significant effect on Co2 as an indicator of air pollution.

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    4 (95)
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Background and Objective: In recent years, there is an increasing attention to homogenous representative areas to develop a network of coastal-marine protected areas. One of the current common systems is an ecoregion approach. The aim of this study was to determine ecoregions of southern coasts of Iran as a basis and prerequisite to develop coastal-marine protected areas according to global new procedures. Materials and methods: A survey to recognize the ecoregions of southern coastlines of Iran in Persian Gulf, strait of Hormoz and Oman Sea was done according to international valid and common criteria. Criteria used in this study were determined in the field of biogeography according to the related literatures in this field, and three criteria of surface sea temperature, depth and surface currents were set as the base criteria. The maps of determined criteria were overlapped with the help of ArcGIS. After that, identified areas were controlled with country divisions, and then final boundaries and limitations of southern coast’ s ecoregions were separated. Results: Results showed that, in Iran’ s southern coast, five ecoregions can be recognized. Discussion: This classification, which is the first one in Iran, can be a basis and a step to select coastal-marine protected areas and a model for ecological surveys.

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Background and Objectives: The pollution increase caused by population growth and the occurrence of various psychological pressures caused by it, has introduced the green space as environmental, physical and mental need. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the status of parks and urban green spaces in Ardakan city using the Electre model. Method: This research was conducted based on descriptive-analytical method, library studies, field studies and using Electre model. In this method, the quantitative and qualitative indexes were used and were ranked with paired comparisons between the options and by applying the method of the Electre step by step and using the distance factors such as area, green space and beauty, distance to the center, security, quality of facilities and the quality of the equipment to be ranked 5 parks and Ardakan urban green space and in the end the municipality's performance was investigated. Findings: The Results showed that among the studied parks, , Farhangian Park located in Sadr Abad Street-Valiasr Town, in comparison with the other four parks, has been able to have a better performance than the discussed indicators. . This park has an area of 19, 000 m2 and is equipped with a health and recreation station and its distance to the center of the city (15 Khordad Square) is 3. 6 km. Conclusion: Assessment of urban parks and green spaces in Ardakan city shows that in spatial development plans, attention to green space is essential to achieve a balanced and sustainable development. The results of this study can be widely used in urban space planning.

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Background and Purpose: Different decision-making models are applied for assessing and providing the desertification optimal strategies through taking into account the total effective measures that sometimes the results of the prioritization of these models are not consistent. This issue depends on the nature of the model, the considered criteria, and the way of weighing the criteria as a group by the experts. So, there is need for presenting some functions in some groups to prioritize the strategies offered in each region by the different models on the basis of logic and strong principles and theoretical foundations. Methods: In this paper, it has been tried to do so by using the Social Choice functions. The Social Choice functions are a counting method from a set of given alternatives to resolve the voting paradox and the inconsistency of prioritizing. Therefore, for the final selection from the Nanson, Kemeny and Gopeland functions are used and the desertification strategies were analyzed. Findings: The obtained results from functions indicated that, the alternatives of prevention of unsuitable land use changes (A18), vegetation cover development and reclamation (A23) and modification of ground water harvesting (A31) respectively were identified as the most important alternatives for combating desertification in the region. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of the evaluation of the strategies showed that the obtained rankings are somewhat different from each other, which is mainly due to the structure of the methods. The results of this study enable the managers of desert areas to use the limited facilities and funds allocated to control the desertification process in correct and efficient ways in order to achieve better results, to avoid wastage. Prevent the outflow of national funds. Therefore, it was suggested that in the plans to control and reduce the effects of desertification and rehabilitation of degraded lands, the results and rankings obtained should be considered.

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Background and Objective: Energy intensive industries cause serious impacts on the surrounding environment. Therefore, in these sorts of projects, environmental impact assessment of energy intensive industries is one of the most important aspects of environmental management. The objective of present research is using one of the environmental impact assessment methods to make the managerial decisions for determining the most important identified impacts and impacts occurring prevention or reduction. Method: The environmental impact assessment of energy intensive industries, which is located on Steel, aluminum, cement and petrochemical industry in Markazi province, were investigated. Firstly, environmental impacts were identified using Delphi questionnaire method and based on their criteria including physical-chemical, economic and functional, Bio ecological and socio-cultural. Then the aforementioned criteria of impacts were assessed by using RIAM Fuzzy method. Results: The results show that most severe negative impacts (-E) and significantly (-D) for energy intensive industries are as following: aluminum, petrochemical, steel and cement. The results show that the most important impacts of energy intensive industries are respectively including air quality and air pollutant emissions(physical-chemical), changes in species diversity and density (Bio ecological), create job opportunities (economic and functional) and changes in demographic patterns (socio-cultural). Discussion and Conclusion: All energy intensive industries have significant effects on the environment of Markazi provinces and the RIAM Fuzzy method is suitable for reducing uncertainties in the environmental impact assessment of energy intensive industries.

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Background and Objectives: Calculation of biodiversity indices of urban birds in Tehran in order to better understand the environmental conditions and improve or modify seems necessary. The aim of this study was to calculate the indicators of richness, biodiversity and bird uniformity in Tehran as a case study in the parks of the city, Mellat, Jamshidia and Ghaem. Methods: In this study, the birds were recorded by point counting and the indices were calculated using Ecological Methodology software. Finding: A total of 3723 birds were observed in 40 species of 8 orders and 19 families. 75% of all recorded species belonged to Passeriformes and among them the number of House Sparrows. Although the Ghaem park had the largest area among studied parks, had the least species richness and diversity and was the most abundance. The Shar park the oldest Tehran urban park located in the densely populated of the city, with the highest richness and species diversity and the lowest abundance, compared to the other parks. Discussion and Conclusion: The birds registered in the studied parks were mostly owned by the Passeriformes and half of them were native to Tehran. The area of the above boats does not necessarily mean that the birds are more diverse. According to the findings gathered in Park-e-Shahr located in the city center, We found out despite the presence of dense texture, the suitable space existed, attraction and capturing the birds were observed. The results of this research can provide an opportunity to study the factors affecting urban biodiversity indices and help environmental researchers, managers and urban planners to design a suitable green space to protect biodiversity and attract birds as one of the health habitat indicators and improve citizen’ s quality of life.

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Background: The tourism industry, due to its strong dependence on weather conditions, is influenced more by climate change; this impact is more intense in Faridounshahr County, where its ecotourism potential is more dependent on the climatic conditions. Method: In this research, the trend representing the bio-climatic tourism changes of Fereydounshahr County was investigated by using nonparametric methods. For this purpose, the monthly climatic elements employed in the TCI tourism climate model were used during a period of 30 years, from 1987 to 2016. Finding: The results obtained by conducting the Man-Kendall test showed that the trend related to variations in the maximum daily and the average daily temperature was a growing one; while variations in the minimum average and the average relative humidity showed a deceasing trend; this was followed by a decrease in the amount of precipitation, thereby severely affecting the TCI index. Changes in bioclimatic conditions of some months were another consequence of the changes in the trend of climatic parameters. For example, January living conditions varied from very inappropriate to inappropriate, March changed from inappropriate to border conditions, and April conditions ranged from acceptable to borderline. Discussion and Conclusion: Change in climatic conditions include; the significant decrease of precipitation, as accompanied by an increase in the average temperature and the average maximum temperature, had such consequences as decreased snow falls, the rapid melting of snow in high altitudes, and the reduced desirability of the environment for recreation on the snow in the cold season, as well as the loss of mountain climates and the liveliness of vegetation and animal ecosystems. This will lead to decrease in eco-tourism attractions.

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Background and Objective: One of the most fundamental problems that may affect growth and development of plants and animals are environmental pollution by some heavy metals. Cadmium is a contaminant metal which has harmful effects on the physiological activity of the plant. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the Nasturtium officinal plants for clarifying of contaminated water and evaluation of this plant ability for phytoremediation. Method: In this study the effect of different concentrations of Cadmium (including 10, 50, 100, 300 and 500 μ M CdCl2) was investigated on physiological parameters and Cadmium absorption of Nasturtium officinal plant. The experiment was carried out in completely randomized design with three replications. Findings: The obtained result showed that the effects of Cd was significant on growth, physiological characters and the amount of Cadmium in plants, so that fresh and dry weight of shoot and root, height of shoot and root and the photosynthetic pigments increased as levels of Cadmium increased in nutrient solution. By increasing Cadmium concentration in medium culture, the amount of Cadmium was enhanced in roots and shoots. The highest Cadmium content in both root and shoot organs was observed in 500μ M cadmium treatment. Discussion and Conclusion: The current results revealed that Nasturtium officinal plants have certain ability for Cd phytoremediation.

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Background and Purpose: Optimal and principled use of natural resources and land use management based on ecological potential, has an important role in environmental management and prevention of environmental degradation in the direction of sustainable development. However, ignoring the social need, despite considering the economic and especially the ecological potential in land use planning, leads to inconsistency with the terrestrial reality, which is one of the basic principles of any land use planning. Materials and Methods: In this study, using weighted linear combination method and hierarchical analysis and standardization of criteria using fuzzy sets, in addition to preparing an ecological and economic potential map for agricultural use, the social needs to change land from barren lands to agriculture were also mapped. By combining all of them, a map of the desirability of changing barren lands to agriculture in the Semnan watershed was obtained, which can also be used in modeling land use changes. Results: In this study, unemployment rate and population growth rate in the next ten years as the most important social factors of agricultural land use change, access to roads and electricity as the most important economic factors, and soil and water as the most important ecological resources of agricultural land use were determined. Discussion and conclusions: Considering the social needs and economic potential along with ecological capability, is more in line with the ground reality and can be used in the optimal allocation of agricultural land.

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Background and Objective: Many environmental threats are the consequences of human behaviors and just the change in human behavior can reduce this environmental problem. The environmental education is one of the best ways to change these bad behaviors toward the environment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental education on attitudes and increasing environmental awareness of preschool boys of Malayer city. Method: First 22 students were selected and assigned to experimental and control groups, respectively. After environmental education, the test of both groups and statistical analysis was performed both tests to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental education. Findings: The results of t-test with 1% error showed significant difference between pre-test and posttest in both groups (control group and exam group) in awareness of the environment (t=-15/79 sig= 0/00) and environmental attitudes (t=-17/80 sig= 0/00). Discussion and Conclusion: Therefore final results are insisted that age-appropriate environmental education have vital role in improving the environmental attitude and knowledge. So this training can be considered as a preventive strategy of environmental degradation.

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Background and Objective: Plants are the major component of natural ecosystems including the rangelands which extend all they largely controlled by environmental factors and ecological, climate, soil, topography and biological properties are effective on their presence and traits. This study was performed in the Shohada valley of Urmia in order to evaluate the effect of physiographic factors on density, canopy cover and production of Ferula Orientalis. Methods: According to the current situation in the region, three height floors, three direction floors and seven slope floors were selected. Also, 8 sites were identified in the study area. In each site, 3 transects with a length of 100 meters were systematically-randomly plotted along each transect and 5 parameters were recorded. Analysis of variance was used to investigate the differences between the studied parameters and physiographic factors and Duncan's multiple range tests was used to compare the mean of the traits. Findings: Most density of studied species was observed in the 1700-2300 meters height class with 7, 500 individuals per hectare. Also, the highest level of the species extends belong to slope of more than 70 percent with an area of 97 ha. The highest level of the aspect is related to East with 3/148 ha. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be said that the elevation, slope and aspect significantly have been effective on density, canopy cover and production of Ferula Orientalis. Generally the results showed that the highest density, canopy cover and production belonged to 1700-2300 meters altitude and on the slope above 70% and in the east aspect.

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Background and Objective: The World Award for Sustainable Architecture is the largest award accepted by the international community in the field of sustainability in architecture, which is given annually to five prominent architects in this field and shows the best intellectual ideas in this field. Since familiarity with international characteristics of sustainability in architecture and their evolution in architectural works can reveal the main orientations in the field of sustainable architecture, in the present study, in order to recognize this issue, three characteristics of sustainable architecture as the main goals of sustainable architecture in the largest donation process. World Awards have been reviewed and analyzed. Methods: In this paper, first, the presence and absence of all three acceptable characteristics of sustainable architecture in the award process from 2007 to 2016 have been investigated by the method of contextual analysis, and then the global approach to each of the three characteristics has been analyzed. Finally, by examining the regression diagram, the future orientation trend is approximately predicted. Results and Discussion: The results of all three characteristics in the selection of top awards in this field have shown a change in the direction towards the selection of projects with all three characteristics of sustainable architecture from 2011 to now, and also in the analysis of scatter regression diagram, on the one hand, the trend Increasing attention to life cycle and saving resources was identified in the selection of top projects, and on the other hand, the trend is Decreased attention to design was identified based on human needs.

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The precautionary principle plays a very important role in preventing the occurrence of environmental damage, and in order to achieve sustainable development, environmental policies must be based on the precautionary principle. This principle, along with other environmental principles, acts as a golden rule to prevent environmental damage. The principle of this principle in the marine environment is to prevent "marine pollution" and to achieve the "Right to a Healthy Marine Environment". The jurisprudence of the International Court of the Law of the Sea has played a key role in identifying and illuminating the hidden angles of this principle in marine environmental law, which has been made clear in the case of the "Bluefin Tuna" and the International Court of Justice Maritime Law examines and analyzes how this principle is applied in the international law of the sea. The present article examines this principle in the law of the sea and the role of the International Court of the Law of the Sea in this regard. The findings of the article indicate that this principle plays an important role in international environmental law and the international law of the sea is no exception and international jurisprudence in the case. "Bluefin Tuna" has emphasized this important point.

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Background and Objective: Todays the pollution of air, water and soil caused by industrial units, has been proved in the world. Among them, the cement industry is one of the most important environmental pollutants that have adverse environmental effects on the surroundings. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of afforestation on sequestration of Cd, Zn, Pb and Mn in soil of 7 stands around the Ilam Cement Factory. Methods: In each stands, some plots (10 × 10 m) were established systematically. Soil sampling was done from the depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm. Also, heavy metals from the soil samples and electro filter were measured. Findings: Results showed that the amount of Cd in the electro filter was similar to Cd in soil of the stands, but the amounts of Pb, Zn and Mn in electro filter are more than of those that in soils of the stands (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm depth). The results also showed that with increasing soil depth the amount of Pb sequestration decreased. In natural Oak stand, the most amount of Cd was seen in surface soil (0-10 cm depth), the most Zn were in deep soil (10-20 cm depth) and the Most amount of Mn sequestration in both depths were observed. Discussion and Conclusion: In general, we can say there are direct relationship between the degree of tree mixing and sequestration of heavy metals. In addition, in the natural Oak stand, the amount of heavy metal sequestration was higher than other stands.

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Background and Objective: The increase in heat waves in cities has caused many problems for human health. Reducing environmental problems by reducing the ambient temperature and thus improving human health is one of the most important concerns in the present age, which can be achieved by changing urban forms and environmental elements. Method: The main method used in this research is numerical simulations, using Envi-Met and Leonardo software suites. Findings: The findings indicate that the higher the height-to-width ratio, the less access sunlight has to the environment, resulting in lower ambient temperatures. Shading due to the ratio (H / w), the presence of plants and wind in urban valleys can also reduce the ambient temperature. In addition, the reduction of impermeable surfaces of urban coatings and the presence of materials with high albedo, increase evapotranspiration, which provides cooling conditions for urban environments and reduces the adverse effects of urban heat on human health. Conclusion: As a result, creating shadows through a combination of vegetation and diverse alterations in structures of H / W can be effective on reducing the ambient and surface temperatures. Moreover, the use of permeable surfaces and building materials with high albedo are effective in reflecting solar heat and can reduce the intensity of urban heat islands.

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Background and Objective: Tree species composition is a major feature of forest ecosystems and understanding the major factors that clarify patterns of diversity is an important objective for ecologists. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between species diversity in tree layer and some features of beech stand in savadkooh forest. Method: Field data from 24 circular 400 m2 sample plots in the inventory grid of 100 m × 150 m were used in beech stand. For characterizing tree-layer diversity, tree-layer species richness (SR), Shannon– Wiener diversity index and Hill's evenness index were used. Herb-layer species richness (herb-layer SR) was estimated in each plot. Diameter (DBH) and height, also crown diameter in beech trees were measured per sample plot. In addition, litter and humus layer thickness were measured at center and cardinal points of sampling points. Findings: Result showed a total of 7 tree species were recognized in 24 plots. Totally, 23 herbaceous plants belonging to 21 families were found distributing in different plots within forest which higher life form was presented by Hemicryptophytes. There was a significant difference between dominant and co-dominant layers regarding to tree species richness (SR) and Shanon-weaver diversity index (P<0. 01), and higher mean values belonged to the dominant layer. The herb-layer richness correlated significantly with litter thickness, whereas there was no correlation between other factors. SR of tree layer was negatively and significantly correlated with DBH and Height of beech trees and Shanon’ s diversity and Hill’ s evenness indices of tree layer were negatively correlated with beech frequency. Discussion: In general, it can be stated that the highest indicators of richness and tree diversity are observed in the upper floors of the target population, which can be due to competition, the nature of the tree species. It is recommended in forestry operations, the diversity of tree species in different floor to be considered.

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Background and Purpose: Omid Park renovation has been performed in order to increase the environmental quality and sustainable design. Method: In order to achieve the main goal, which is to revitalize and improve the quality of the environment of Omid Park, after a field visit, similar items were studied, collected and the libraries around the goal were examined. Based on the relevant references, the basic data required for the study area were prepared. Geographic data system (GIS) is a tool that was used in the analysis of primary data and its achievements were used in the design process. To identify the needs and views of residents and users of the site, questionnaires were prepared and completed by the project stakeholders. According to the analysis of spatial data and users' opinions, the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats of the study area in this process were identified and placed in the SWOT table to be analyzed. The current research process, in addition to using the qualitative method, has also considered quantitative approaches and therefore the research method of this article is considered a combination. Findings: Regenerative approach includes improvements for damaged parks while increasing stability and environmental quality. Therefore, collected data analysis and resulting standards including cultural, social, economic, ethnicity impact and the neighboring parks standards were used for the design purposes. In addition to reducing maintenance costs, these plans can improve the quality of the environment and increase people's satisfaction. Discussion and conclusion: The result of this research can be used as a quality standard for neighborhood park designs. These designs can increase the population living in the area as well as the longterm value of a sustainable environment and urban landscape.

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