Background and purpose: Hepatitis B infection (HBV) is a world wide health problem, and about 2-10% of the infected persons will be prone to permanent liver conditions, of which, one third will have chronic liver disease and get cirrhosis, liver Carcinoma. Some people such as permanent blood products receivers, health services staff, addicts, neonates from chronic carrier mothers etc more in risk of being infected.Hepatitis B vaccine is one of the safest and effective vaccine which can prevent hepatitis B infection. The question is that, the acquired immunity due to a complete series of vaccination, lasts for how long and whether booster doses are required.The purpose of this study was to determine the immunity status of vaccinated above mentioned cases, six years after vaccination.Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive- analytical study done in the above mentioned high risk groups individuals who received a complete series of HBV vaccination six years ahead. Antibody against HBV was essayed by ELISA method quantitatively.Results: Total of 81 health services staff and 98 thalassemic patients were undertaken for the study. Six (7.4%) persons of the health staff and 22 (22%) of the thalassemic patients had infection. There was statistically a significant difference by X2 method. P<0.01, DF=1, Xz=7.58.Conclusion: On the basis of the results of this study and determination of previous studies, the methods of prevention of hepatitis B infection in the previously vaccinated individuals, varies in different high risk groups. In the health services staff due to long lasting of absolute immunity in more than 90%, there is no need of routine assay of antibody after complete vaccination of HBV or administration of booster dose each five year interval. In the thalassemic patient inspite of reduction in the number of persons with absolute immunity, but due to its presence in more than three- fourth of the patients and partial immunity in the others, screening of transfused blood products for HBV and reduction of the HB infection cases due to transfusion, assay of antibody or booster dose in less than 10 years is not recommended in this group. Vaccination of above mentioned high risk group is compulsory infection.