In recent years, scientific output in the field of medical science has grown dramatically, and the determination of the appropriate index for their measurement is necessary. The purpose of the present study is to review the status of existing scientific and index indicators for the evaluation of scientific outputs in the field of medical sciences. In this review study, using Persian keywords (sciences, indexes, journals, universities, researcher) in the Persian Data bases of Magiran, noormags, Irandoc, National Library, Regional Science, Scientific Information Database (SID), Civilica, and Latin Keywords (Scientometric, indicator, Journals, University, Researcher) External databases were searched by Google Advanced Search, Pubmed, Google Scholar, Scopus, ISI and Research Gate. In this regard, it is attempted to extract the most relevant documents in the period 2005-2019 as follows. As a result of the keyword search in the article title, 28 articles with valid and reliable information were reviewed. The findings from the studies showed that there is a unity in all studies, which the existing indices alone cannot fully evaluate the scientific outputs, and all researchers in their research sought to provide a new index to complement or replace the indices. Therefore, scientific work is a complex activity that needs to be evaluated by more than one metric and the need to use synthetic indices cannot be ignored. Nowadays, scientometrics has been widely used to better understand the strengths and weaknesses and to predict and predict the scientific status of researchers at medical universities.