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Identity war identifies the common interests of individuals and relates them in different groups. In this war, the sub-cultures feel to be eliminated by the dominant culture, so it seeks the help of the security services of the rival countries so that on power from the outside by embarking on the existing platform secures its own interests towards strengthening cultural fault. Identity warfare is carried out in the course of synchronization of cultural, ethnological, national, ethnic and etc. faults. The main purpose of this article is to explain the components and consequences of identity war against Iran. This research is a descriptive-analytic study with a quantitative and qualitative approach and is of an applied nature. The method of data collection is field study and library information and the sample population is 66 people. The components of the identity war include: Existence of basic ideological faults, interventionists and actors, and conflicting Islamic discourses. The most dangerous consequence of this war is the failure to realize the modern Islamic civilization, transformation of the geographical boundaries into the ideological boundaries and the possible beginning of the Third World War, so the identity war is an all-inclusive war and is carried out in the cultural, political, economic, military, religious, security and geographic dimensions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, using the organizational knowledge and its effective sharing among the employees of the organizations has turned into a strategic source to achieve competitive advantage and its maintenance. In order to achieve such an advantage, the organizations need mechanisms that enable them to improve the knowledge sharing function and help them achieve a better status. But in military organizations, security considerations are prioritized, and this subject may have different impacts on the way and results of knowledge sharing in organization and its performance. This research, which seeks to assess the impact of knowledge sharing mechanisms on improving the efficiency of a military organization regarding the mediating variable of security considerations, from the point of orientation is an applied research and regarding its purpose is a descriptive-analytic one, and its spatial scope is one military organizations of the country. In order to carry out the research, first, the effective factors of the research were identified by studying the research literature and using library method, and the conceptual model of the research was considered. Then, the SEM structural equations method was used to study the relationships of the proposed model. The statistical population of the study was 130 individuals and using Cochran's formula, 98 individuals were selected as the statistical sample. The results of the research indicate that the knowledge sharing mechanisms (with five components) positively influence the empowerment of the organization by mediating security considerations (with four components).

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Persistence of capabilities, transfers every program and plan relating to future to an acceptable level of sustainability and persistence, in a way that in the face of environmental developments has the highest durability. The growth and development of the empowerment indicators of commanding and controlling transforms them into the key and persistent capabilities that provide the possibility of coping with various peripheral disturbances and events. The aim of this study is to explain how to achieve persistence of capabilities in the realm of commanding and controlling, as the most important pillar of management and leadership of the military operations, through strategic and targeted planning of the human resources. For this purpose, after reviewing the effective processes of human resources on the preservation of commanding and controlling capabilities through library studies and a survey of experienced experts and planners of the field of commanding and controlling by Delphi method, using structural equation modeling (SEM) method the way to achieve the desirable level of persistence in the realm of commanding and controlling capabilities, with the aim of controlling the battlefield under different conditions, the ability to deal with critical situations, the ability to defend asymmetrically, and the ability to absorb and deploy effective defense technologies through targeted human resources planning were explained. And finally, a pattern that specifies the effective method of employing the processes of human resources in order to achieve persistence of commanding and controlling capabilities was presented.

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Strategic culture is a coherent system of symbols that generates the long-term and inclusive strategic preferences through formulating the concepts, roles and effectiveness of the military forces in the political affairs between governments; in fact, strategic culture is a social thinking-oriented environment that limits the behavioral choices. Strategic culture seeks to explain this matter that why countries with similar material structures select different strategies? In this context and regarding the increasing influence of culture in the field of security studies, the discussion of strategic culture was raised. The question of this research is: What are the factors and features of strategic culture of I. R. of Iran? This research which is a developmental study has been done using the documentary-library and field study methodology. The statistical population of this research has been selected on the basis of a selective (non-occasional) method from among the experts in the field of "international relations", "some research centers and university professors in Tehran". The sample size of this study is 50 individuals. Questionnaires were used to elicit answer to the research questions. Content validity method was used to determine its validity. The findings of this study confirm the factors and features of the author regarding strategic culture of I. R. of Iran. The statistical findings indicate that the features of "inspiration", "interoperability without unilateral dependence", "distrust to foreigners, " "avoiding bellicosity and emphasizing peace and security, " "self-reliance, " "human power and morale, " "faith in God, providence and martyrdom", "Threat-orientedness", " The unique presence of people in defense condition", "internal integrity in defense condition", "People's recognition of enemy", "people's higher tolerance threshold", and "having self-esteem" statistically had a higher average than social and welfare levels.

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Nowadays, as a result of the performance of the new media with a beyond-time and beyond-place peculiarities, on the one hand new and varied needs emerged in the social realm; on the other hand, with the authority of dominant powers in controlling communication technologies and the power of producing inappropriate content, without considering humanitarian values in line with their political objectives, has created conditions that, if neglected, the irreversible dangers threaten the target societies. Of course, these technologies provide the accurate capacity to respond to the real needs of the community and to neutralize the conspiracies. The purpose of this research is to design an organizational awareness model with an emphasis on AJA, based on the statements of the Supreme Leader, and is an applied research with a qualitative approach which has been used to obtain a precise and scientific model with a data-based approach. The researcher through referring to the archives of the Supreme Leader's statements has identified 471 symbols in 32 concepts and 6 main categories. In qualitative data analysis three-step method of open, axial, and selective coding has been used. A paradigm model is used to explore the relationship between the categories with each other. Based on the results of this study, the critical phenomenon is: The mental discovery of the facts is derived from the four concepts of the promotion of the level of intellectual, consciousness, knowledge and insight. Casual conditions: Response to the audience's need, the necessity for development, the gray space of the information world, the media domination of arrogance, and the divine responsibility of the sovereignty towards the people. Background conditions: The legitimacy and acceptability of the ruling apparatus, the rule of the religious and national values and. . . Meddling conditions: The enemy's soft performance, the quantity and quality of the budget and communication programs, the quantity and quality of communication tools, and etc. Strategic category: Identifying friends and enemies, explaining the opportunities and threats, and etc. Consequence categories: Growth and excellence of the human capitals, companionship of individuals, avoidance of surprise, preservation of the borders and the system of I. R. of Iran and etc.

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The present paper is conducted with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the challenges confronting strategic management in a defense industry and has used content analysis and interviewing tool to identify the challenges facing the strategic management of that defense industry and has also used the questionnaire instrument to confirm the main challenges and its reliability was estimated to be 0. 92. For sampling interview, the method of theoretical adequacy of the data was used. The results of the research showed that existence of a kind of divergent thinking in collecting data, lack of specification about the responsibility of individuals in implementing changes in the organization, lack of employee alignment, lack of proper allocation of resources, failure to identify the obstacles ahead in implementing the strategy, lack of commitment to management, failure to transfer the strategy, manager's attention to maintaining the status quo in the organization, the misconception of some managers about the situation are among the challenges in the strategic management of the defense industry. Then, these challenges are ranked by permutation and genetic algorithm and the most important factor is the existence of a divergent thinking in data collection and the least important factor is the lack of management commitment.

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