The study is to conceptualize the instrument of determining the indices of sport affecting the brand of the country. The statistical population of this study was elite sports management, including faculty members, heads of sports federations, as well as selected directors and expert experts of the Ministry of Sport and Youth (N=٤ ٠ ٠ ). Based on the Morgan table, ١ ٤ ٤ people were randomly selected as samples. The instrument for measuring the questionnaire was ٥ ٠ questionnaires that affected the brand of the country. The formal and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the professors of sport management. Descriptive indexes were used to describe the data. Cronbach's alpha was used to determine the reliability, test (KMO) and Bartlett's sprite to determine the adequacy of sampling and confirmatory factor analysis for determining the structural validity in SPSS and LISREL software. ١ ٨ The research findings indicated a reliability of ٠ /٠ ٩ ٤ ٤ for the questionnaire. Regarding the construct validity, ٥ ٠ questions had a significant relationship with the factors. X٢ /df (١ ٫ ٩ ٠ ), RMSAE = ٠ ٫ ٧ ٧ ٢ , NFI = ٠ ٫ ٩ ١ , NNFI =٠ . ٩ ٠ , CFI= ٠ ٫ ٩ ٤ , GFI= ٠ ٫ ٩ ٤ , AGFI=٠ ٫ ٩ ٢ fit the questionnaire was approved. Also, regarding the relationship of factors with the brand concept of the country, the results showed that all factors could be a good predictor for this concept. As a result, the internal and external validity of the questionnaire of determining the indices of sport affecting the brand of the country was confirmed.