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The purpose purpose of this study was to design a conceptual model of the Iranian sports industry. The methodology of research was of qualitative type and Grounded Theory (GT). The data collection tools were interviews and review of the research literature. Sampling method was theoretical sampling method and theoretical saturation was obtained after review more than 300 texts of articles, books, news agencies, websites, newspapers and magazines and conduct 16 interviews with sports marketing management specialists and senior sports officials. The data analysis methods were questions and continuous comparison during open, axial and selective coding steps. Eventually, a two-part model of the Iran's sports industry was designed after performing the research processes. In this model, the creation of sporting activities as the main categories and the main section and the eight other major categories were identified and determined as categories of support section which included (1) sovereignty institutions, (2) consultants, (3) educational centers, (4) income supporters, (5) culture makers, (6) sports facilities and places, (7) sports goods and facilities, and (8) media. Consultants are emerging phenomena that are in line with the knowledge-based economy, and the importance and volume of their activities are increasing day by day. Culture makers are another considerable category that so far, less attention has been paid to them and their responsibility in promoting the sport culture in the country.

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Exports and imports are an important tool for developing countries to earn foreign exchange earnings. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of economic sanctions on Iran's trade with major trading partners in the sports industry and countries, including China, Turkey, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Japan, France, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and also check the status of the economy Iran is under postsanctions. In order to assess the gravity model and panel data is used. Countries in the group of countries that have trade relations with Iran are grouped downwards and upwards. Data based on information from the 1999 to 2012 period, and the resources of the Central Customs Data Center is the Islamic Republic of Iran and the World Bank. The results show that GDP, dummy variables prior period and current weak sanctions and prior period of strong sanctions on Iran's trade balance has a positive effect on the course. Population variables, exchange rates, variable distance and dummy variables of strong sanctions the current period's has a negative effect on the share of trade with major trading partners in the sports industry. Although investigation of the share of trade`s share variation in goods sports Iran with its trading partners by using E-GARCH method shows that weak sanctions have a greater impact on the variation of the share of those changes is still asymmetric. In other words, Strong sanctions of the current period have a negative effect on the share of business partnerships, and weak sanctions have a greater impact on the prediction of trade volatility in the industry.

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The aim of this research is strategy presentation for participation ehancing of private sector in the sport of West Azerbaijan Province with Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) and by presenting executive soloution. The research method was descriptiveanalytical and was a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected by researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population includes expert academic professors of sport management, industry and mining organization managers, assistance section of physical education in the education department, managers of municipal sport cultural organization and sports clubs of the province, managers, assistant and sports experts in sport and youth department and the Sport Board of West Azerbaijan province. Sampling was done as snowball or network. Finally, 52 questionnaires were analyzed. The SWOT analysis was done using the Strategic Council method. Finally, 7 strengths, 13 weaknesses, 7 opportunities and 13 threats were identified. Result show that the current situation is the participation of the private sector in the sport of West Azerbaijan Province in the WT area. Then in order to participation developing of the private sector in the sport of West Azerbaijan, strategies, prioritizing and strategic documenting was defined based on the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), and was presented the necessary practical suggestions

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Experience has shown that entrepreneurship requires an appropriate ground the term “ entrepreneurial ecosystem” has spread as the third generation of entrepreneurial literature. Since, the Iranian sports industry is of a good position in terms of job creation potential and is an example of complex entrepreneurial ecosystem, thus the main objective of the present study was identifying and ranking the dimensions of the Iran's sports entrepreneurial ecosystem. The research methodology was a combination of applied development, namely descriptive-survey was interconnected (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of data type. In the first step, a multi-aspect approach was used, including literature review, evaluation of the best associated methods, studying the successful patterns of entrepreneurial ecosystems in different fields and the current state of the country's sports industry, and a deep interview with 31 sports experts and elite sports managers as well as active entrepreneurs in the field of sports. Then, using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) method, these factors were reduced to 24 factors with a significant effectiveness coefficient, and were classified into 6 main dimensions. Finally, the study results revealed that, using the AHP method, the dimensions of the sports entrepreneurial ecosystem could be ranked in six main dimensions of political, supportive, local and global markets, cultural, financial capital, and human capital Iran’ s sports industry is a complex and dynamic ecosystem. Therefore, it is suggested to develop the road map of the sports entrepreneurship along with strategies and plans compatible with the sports entrepreneurship in the country’ s sports perspective document.

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This present article was carried out with the overall aim of analyzing sports radio Channel from the view point of employees and managers of sports radio channel during 2016. According to the purposes of the research, the research method is mixed method in terms of strategy, and is deep interview and survey in terms of the execution path and is practical in terms of the purpose. The statistical population of the research consisted of all employees and managers of sports radio channel of Islamic Republic of Iran in 2016. According to the limited community size of the research, the census sampling method was used for sampling. After data collection, two parts of descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the gathered information. In the descriptive statistics section, frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, line graph and bar graph were used and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and one-sample t test was used to evaluate the proposed hypotheses in the inferential statistics section. All statistical operations were performed by means of SPSS software version 22. The results indicate that from the perspective of personnel and sports radio channel administrators of Islamic Republic of Iran, sports radio channel is in a good condition in terms of having the target and the performance of the network administrator, the network producers, the speakers of the network, real-time reporters, and finally the overall performance of the sports radio channel compared to other networks is in a good condition. But the performance of network field reporters is not suitable. The suggestion is education and reinforcement for reporters.

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Media revenues are the most important of the four major types of revenues in the football industry. In addition to the reputation of the teams and the technical attractiveness of the matches, these revenues are also influenced by the economic value of players created by the media, which is referred to as "media value". Considering the importance of media value of players in the club's economic and the lack of tools for identifying this value, the present study provides a theoretical model for media value of football players in The Iran Premier League, and provides a basis for identifying the economic value of Iranian football. The development of this model in the future research can provide a tool for measuring and rating players as part of the football assets. Using the Glaser approach of the grounded theory method and in-depth interviews with a set of people including advertisers, club managers, club sponsors, football fans and experts, the main factors affecting the media value of football players were extracted, and a theoretical model was presented by identifying their relationship with each other. Accordingly, factors affecting the media value of football players include personal factors, professional factors, media factors, and non-acquired factors. This model identifies football players as a media product for the dual-product market of media, attracting a variety of media and brand revenues. This model is expected to be used in developing independent business models and appropriate utilization of media capacities to improve the economic capacity of Iranian football clubs

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The aim of this study is presenting a model on the effects of qualitative elements of one sport website on the appetite of users. The method was correlational and this study was done as a field survey. The study population were all users of this sport website. Due to the restrictions on access, the research instrument was distributed among Premier League spectators that they were users of this sport website. The questionnaires were distributed at 3 stadiums, Yadegar Imam in Tabriz, Naghsh Jahan in Isfahan and Azadi in Tehran. These three cities are from the greatest number of spectators in football primer league. By using literature review of recent researches about web sites field, especially sport web sites, the survey questionnaire was designed that were confirmed face and content validity by 9 of the instructors. The reliability of the study was done by a pilot study. The results showed that the quality elements of this sport website have direct and positive impact on the electronic appetite of users that systematic aspect was the most important quality elements of this sport website. Finally, according to the results of this model, was suggested to the managers to gain detailed information about understanding sport fans behaviors in online business and by identifying and providing online user needs perfectly, try to attract more audiences and maintain their current audience to benefit from the widespread presence Sport Online users.

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The purpose of this research is to design the strategic plans of the Federation of Canoe. The present study is a kind of strategic study that is based on the research objectives in the field of applied research. Data were collected using interviews and questionnaires. Cronbach's alpha test was used to determine the credibility of the questionnaires. The reliability coefficients of the questionnaires including the strength of the questionnaire were 955/0, the weaknesses of the questionnaire were 966, the probability inventory was 0. 936 and the threatening questionnaire was 0 923. The statistical population of the study consisted of: the head, the head of the Nawab and the former and current secretaries of the Canoe Federation, and all the heads and directors of the boarding boats of the provinces were 369 people. In order to analyze the collected data after extraction and categorization, in the quantitative section, descriptive statistical methods such as mean and frequency were used. In the qualitative part of the Internal Factor Assessment Matrix, External Excellence Assessment Matrix (SWOT), quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), document mining and library studies were used. The results of the external and internal matrix indicate that the federation is strategically located in a conservative position (WO), that is to say, the Federation of Canoe due to overcoming the weakness of the power and ability of this federation to use Opportunities and repatriation of possible threats It is better to adopt an offensive strategy, so that it can continue its success.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between intellectual capital with psychological empowerment and professional commitment of sports federation experts. The statistical population of this study included all experts from selected sports federations, of which 203 were reckoned. According to the Morgan table, 136 people were considered as a statistical sample. The tools used in this research were three standard questionnaires of intellectual capital Bontis (1999), psychological empowerment of Spreitzer (1995) and professional commitment of Allen and Meyer (1993), although their validity and reliability were confirmed in previous investigations, they were also studied and approved by the researcher. The analysis of the collected data in this study was done by two software first SPSS including cases of Kolmogrov-Smirnov, correlation and regression and PLS2 software was designed to design the research model. The results of the research showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between the level of intellectual capital with two variables of psychological empowerment and professional commitment. Also, intellectual capital indirectly and through the mediating variable of psychological empowerment has a significant relationship with professional commitment. Improving and raising the level of intellectual capital can lead to the ability of sports federations experts to have the ability to achieve planned sports goals through increasing their professional commitment.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of social support and selfefficacy in the relationship between perceived environment and participation in physical activity of leisure time. The research method was descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this research includes all employees of the thirteen area of Islamic Azad University in 2017-2018 (N=2050). The sample size was estimated 324 by Cochran formula, that was selected by cluster random sampling. Data were collected using Perceived Environment (Robertson-Wilson et al., 2007), Social Support (Sallis et al., 1987), Self-Efficacy (Sherer et al., 1983) and Participation in Physical Activity Leisure Time (researcher made) questionnaires. The proposed model was evaluated by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS and SPSS software version 24. The results showed that direct paths of perceived environment to social support and self-efficacy, social support to self-efficacy and self-efficacy to participation in physical activity were significant. The mediating role of self-efficacy was also confirmed in the relationship between perceived environment and social support with participation in physical activity. Therefore, according to the findings of the research, it is suggested that favorable environmental conditions and social support be provided to increase the participation of employees in physical activity.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between purposeful organizational forgetting and organizational agility with the organizational effectiveness of the staff of the General Department of Sports and Youth in Isfahan province. This research was descriptivesurvey. The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the General Department of Sports and Youth of Isfahan Province in 2018. In this research, census sampling was used and the sample size was 140 people. The data gathering tool was a standard organizational forgetting questionnaire (2013), in accordance with the Hallen and Phillips model (2004), the organizational agility questionnaire Sharifi and Zhang (1999) and Parsons' organizational effectiveness questionnaire (1969), whose validity Confirmed with sport management professors. The reliability of the questionnaires was obtained using Cronbach's alpha for purposeful organizational forgetting (0. 86), organizational agility (0. 89) and organizational effectiveness (0. 89). In order to analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were performed using Spss22 and Amos software. In descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation), in the inferential statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, correlation coefficient, focal coefficient and structural modeling were used. The results of the research showed that the correlation between purposeful organizational forgetting with organizational effectiveness of the employees (0. 32) and correlation between purposeful organizational forgetting with organizational agility (0. 23) was statistically significant (0. 05) and according to the model The effect of organizational agility on organizational effectiveness was 32% and the effect of organizational forgetting on organizational effectiveness was 37%. The correlation between purposeful organizational forgetting with organizational effectiveness of the employees (0. 38) and organizational agility with organizational effectiveness of the employees (0. 31). The effect of forgetfulness on conformance (0. 82), goal over expression (0. 62), unity (0. 71) and pattern protection (0. 80), and the degree of agility influence on compliance (0. 92), target perception 0. 49), on unity (0. 49) and pattern protection (0. 46). It is concluded that the managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth pay particular attention to organizational oversight and organizational agility and provide creative ways to reform the organization's structure in order to achieve organizational effectiveness.

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The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of resistance training on occupational stress and burnout of physical education teachers in Dehgolan city. The statistical population of this study was all teachers of physical education in Dehgolan city. 20 physical education teachers were selected through the available sampling method as subjects of the study and included in the experimental design including pretest-posttest with the control group. The research tool was a Job Stress Questionnaire of the UK Institute of Health and Safety (2004) and Maslach Burnout (1981). Reliability and validity of the questionnaires were reviewed and confirmed in previous studies. Subjects performed 48 hours before the beginning of the exercises in the current test and from two groups of exercise and control of job stress and burnout. The experimental group performed resistance training for eight weeks and three sessions a week. 48 hours after the last training session, the correct tests were done as in the first test, and from the experimental and control groups, the job stress tests and burnout were performed. To analyze the data, independent t-test was used to compare the rate of job stress and burnout and its components in the experimental and control groups. The results showed that there was a significant difference between job stress and burnout in both experimental and control groups. Regarding the findings, it is recommended that all physical education teachers as well as other teachers and employees of similar occupations be routinely trained in this exercise.

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