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Stress has different adverse effects on the biological processes of living organisms. Therefore, replacing herbal medicines with fewer side effects in the treatment of diseases and improving health is the most important. In this study the effect of aqueous extracts of thyme on blood biochemical parameters and liver tissue in female rats under immobilization stress were studied. In present experimental study, 24 adult female Wistar rats in weight range of 173± 12 g were randomly divided into four groups of six rats in each: group1, Control, group2, the group immobilized stress, groups 3and 4, groups to immobilized stress by oral prescription extract of thyme the doses of 100 and 400 mg/kg respectively. At the end of the studies, serum cholesterol, LDL and HDL and MDA, TAC in liver tissue homogenates were estimated. The results indicated significant reduction in the level of cholesterol, LDL, MDA in treated groups with aqueous extract of thyme and a significant increase in HDL, TAC. The extract of Thymus vulgaris L be due their antioxidant can partly reduction the serum level of cholesterol, LDL and liver tissue protection against the damaging effects of immobilization stress.

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Lorestan newt (Neurergus kaiseri, Schmidt 1952) is one of the native amphibians inhabiting streams, springs and waterfalls in the mountain regions of south and southwestern Iran. The current study was conducted, for the first time, to investigate the feasibility of using geometric morphometrics on larvae to distinguish the populations of this species. Image processing for morphometric analyses was performed on 112 larvae collected from eight sites. Two-dimensional land marking was used and 19 landmarks were selected for digitization. Morphometric data were then overlaid and analyzed using multivariate statistical methods (PCA and CVA). Results showed morphological differences between larvae of the studied populations and two morphological clusters can be distinguished within the populations. Therefore, due to differences between these populations and the difficulty of distinguishing these larvae based on the color patterns, it is recommended to be more cautious about releasing larvae to the wild.

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MORADI F. | Vaissi S. | AKMALI V.

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Cannibalism is a behavioural characteristic that is defined in a wide range of animals and is widely seen in aquatic ecosystems and in more than 90% of the life cycle of animals, especially amphibians. Climate change is one of the most important threats to diversification. The studies show that the temperature changes the interaction of species and affects the cannibalism rate. In this study, to investigate the effect of emerging climate change on cannibalism, the independent and interactive effects of three factors including (high and low temperature), density (high and low density), and fluctuations in water levels (high, low and decreasing water levels) on head, tail and whole body cannibalism were investigated in the larval of Green toad (Bufotes variabilis) for the period of 10 months. In this study, generally, the highest rate of cannibalism was observed in low density (59. 44%), high temperature (53. 33%) and low water level (45%). In the interactive study, the highest percentage of cannibalism observed in the treatment of high temperature/low water level/low density with 90%. In contrast, the lowest percentages of cannibalism were recorded in low temperature/low water levels/low density with 20%. The results of ANOVA analysis indicated that temperature and density have a significant effect on the level of cannibalism. In contrast, this effect was not significant for fluctuations in the water level. The interaction of all three factors of temperature, density and water level also had a significant effect on cannibalism.

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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Chrysin inclusion to semen extender on rooster sperm quality during in vitro storage. Semen samples were collected from five 44-week-old male broiler breeders (ROS 308). After primary evaluation (motility >60%), semen samples were pooled and divided into five equal part and each part was diluted with one of the following extenders: 1) control negative extender (without any additive), 2) control positive extender (with 4% DMSO), 3) extender containing 25 μ g of Chrysin (Chrysin-25), 4) extender containing 50 μ g of Chrysin (Chrysin-50) and 5) extender containing 75 μ g of Chrysin (Chrysin-75). Semen quality parameters including total and forward motility, plasma membrane integrity and functionality were assessed in 0, 6, 12 and 24 hours after preservation at 4 ° C. Based on obtained results, different levels of Chrysin failed to alter total and forward motility, plasma membrane integrity and functionality of spermatozoa during preservation period ° at 4 C (p≥ 0. 05). Also, the effect of time in all parameters and the effect of time and treatment interaction in sperm plasma membrane functionality were significant. Therefore, Chrysin inclusion failed to ameliorate the negative time-dependent detrimental effects on rooster sperm quality. However, further research is needed to confirm obtained results.

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In the present investigation, 50 mature Arabian carpet shark (Chiloscyllium arabicum) were caught at the Bahrakan Port, located at the north of the Persian Gulf, in both autumn (non-breeding) and spring (breeding) seasons. Blood samples were collected from the caudal vein and the plasma was separated. Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxin (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were measured in plasma samples using ELISA method. Also, tissue samples were taken from thyroid and fixed in bouin, s solution. Tissue samples pass through the routine histological method and 5-6 μ m thick sections were prepared. Tissue sections were stained using hematoxylin and eosin method. Based on the results, the thyroid gland was observed as a capsulated compact unilobed gland in C. arabicum. Thyroid gland composed of round follicles coated with follicular cells varied in shape based on the thyroid activity during two breeding and non-breeding seasons. Thyroid follicles were filled with the gelatinous colloid with vacuoles. In the reproduction season, most of the thyroid follicles were small in size with a layer of high cuboidal epithelial cells and high number of vacuolated colloid; however, the large follicles coated with squamous epithelium and less vacuolated colloid were common in the non-breeding season. On the other hand, the amounts of T3, T4 and TSH were significantly higher in the breeding than that in the non-breeding seasons. The results showed that the height of thyroid follicles epithelium and plasma concentration of thyroid hormones (thyroid activity) in C. arabicum increased significantly during the breeding season. It is suggested that the seasonal changes in thyroid gland were closely related to sexual changes in this fish.

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The side effects of pesticide usage to control the Tribolium castaneum include the pest resistance and the risk of pesticide residues in stored products. Therefore, one aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of wheat seed conditions or presence of B. bassiana on host selection by the flour beetle on three wheat cultivars including the Chamran, Chamran2 and Pishtaz (at 27± 1º C, RH 85± 5% and darkness). The results indicated that the beetle was able to recognize and avoid the fungus. Also, the mean proportion of obtained adults from undamaged seeds (0. 67± 0. 05) was significantly higher than that of damaged seeds without fungal infection (0. 33± 0. 05). There was no significant difference between the mean proportion of obtained adults from undamaged and damaged seeds with fungal infection. The evaluation of seed conditions on the B. bassiana transmission during the beetle colonization showed the occurrence of the fungal transmission. During the colonization, there was significant difference between the mean number of sporulating-cadavers obtained from damaged and undamaged seeds for all three cultivars. For instance, the mean number of sporulating-cadavers on the Chamran cultivar for damaged and undamaged seeds was 37. 25± 0. 85 and 40. 75± 1. 25, respectively. The results declared that the flour beetle could distinguish the presence of the fungus; however, the seed condition (being damaged or undamaged) did not have any influence on the interaction between the beetle and the fungus. The fungus was transmitted properly among the colony and it declared the efficiency of the sporulatingcadavers that can be a remarkable reservoir in grain stores.

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Some snails are intermediate host of digenea flukes. So they are important in veterinary and medical aspects. The study was conducted about snail fauna in Urmia in 2015 and 2016. The study also investigates the frequency and distribution of snail species in the region Snails were sampled through the soil, between vegetation, under sands and trees trunk from different regions of Urmia. Snails were collected in 70% ethanol with the profile of history obtained. Snails were identified by identification keys and based on shell morphology. In this study, 915 snails were examined. A total of nine species of snails were identified as follows: Helicella derbentina (43. 71%), Helicella krynickii(32. 27%), Euomphalia pisiformis(11. 47%), Helix lucorum (6. 55%), Lauria cylandrica (3. 82%), Assyriella ceratomma(3. 27%), Zebrina hohenackeri (2. 18%), Succinea putris(1. 09%), Jaminia isseliana (0. 54%). Some species of recorded snails were able to transmit parasitic trematodes to livestock and humans. Therefore, further studies are needed on the ecology of snails and epidemiology of trematode.

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Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermü ller, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is one of the most injurious pests during the years of outbreak in Fras province. Its biology has been studied in Daryon region at temperature of 28± 2 º C with RH 65% and photoperiod of 16: 8 (L: D) h under laboratory conditions. As a result, it was determined that after one week, the average of egg per female was 52. 66 with the highest and the lowest percentage of oviposition on clusters (62. 2) and (18. 1) on twigs respectively. The mean periods of embryonic, larval and pupal stages were 7. 4, 18. 6 and 5. 4 days, respectively. In normal conditions, the mean number of eggs per female in the first to fourth generations is 72. 4, 75. 6, 84. 6 and 58. 8. The average of larvae growth period during these generations is 25. 8, 23, 20 and 19. 6 days and the larval feeding period is 24. 4, 21. 4, 18. 6 and 17. 4 days on average. In the first, second and third generation the mean pupal stage period is 7. 2, 5 and 4. 8 days and the fourth generation provided the overwintering stage. These results could be useful in improving the management and control of this pest.

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