Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermü ller, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is one of the most injurious pests during the years of outbreak in Fras province. Its biology has been studied in Daryon region at temperature of 28± 2 º C with RH 65% and photoperiod of 16: 8 (L: D) h under laboratory conditions. As a result, it was determined that after one week, the average of egg per female was 52. 66 with the highest and the lowest percentage of oviposition on clusters (62. 2) and (18. 1) on twigs respectively. The mean periods of embryonic, larval and pupal stages were 7. 4, 18. 6 and 5. 4 days, respectively. In normal conditions, the mean number of eggs per female in the first to fourth generations is 72. 4, 75. 6, 84. 6 and 58. 8. The average of larvae growth period during these generations is 25. 8, 23, 20 and 19. 6 days and the larval feeding period is 24. 4, 21. 4, 18. 6 and 17. 4 days on average. In the first, second and third generation the mean pupal stage period is 7. 2, 5 and 4. 8 days and the fourth generation provided the overwintering stage. These results could be useful in improving the management and control of this pest.