Introduction: Siberian high is a large synoptic system in planet scale that considers the most important center of atmosphere action for cold period in Eurasia. This high that depend on the coldest and the most condensed air mass in north hemisphere, concentrate itself as a seasonal and semi – permanent synaptic system between Baykal and Balkhash lakes, and it’s western tongue affect the climate of extensive regions of Iran. Therefore, the goal of this synoptic study is to explain key interactions between the atmosphere and surface environment and in other words exploration of the relationship between the circulation patterns of Siberian high pressure and minimum temperatures in Iran. Up to now, many studies about Siberian high have been done by several individuals that we will refer to some studies which have been done in Iran and world. In the world, Lydolph (1977), Ding and Krishnamurti (1987), Sahsamanoglou et al (1991), Zhang et al (1996), Mokhov and Petukhov (1999), Choen et al (2001), Haghton et al (2001), Gong et al (2001, 2002), Takaya and Nakamura (2004), Panagiotopoulos et al (2005) and Lingis and Thompson (2005) are individuals that have carried out investigations about siberian high.