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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction Urban management is one of the important aspects of urban planning that is directly related to human societies, especially urban society and creating social security. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of urban management interaction on Alborz province police social security. Methodology In terms of its objectives this study is of an applied research type and in terms of its type it is considered as a descriptive-survey study. The statistical population includes all commanders and executives in I. R. I. Police in Alborz province ranking 15 and over (n=193). Using Cochran formula, 129 individuals were selected. The questionnaire of urban management and social security interaction was used for data collection. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the experts and the reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha (82% and 87%). Multivariate regression analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings The interaction of urban management with beta coefficient of 0. 404 has significant effect on social security in Alborz province. Also, according to the multiple linear regression findings, the component of public accountability and equity distribution with beta coefficient of 0. 397 and urban law reform component with beta coefficient of 0. 198 had the highest and the least impact on social security in Alborz province, respectively. Results Urban management is one of the factors influencing citizens' social security, which has increased in importance with the increasing expansion of urbanization and the development of cities and the challenges that cities face, especially in recent decades.

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Rafieekia Hadi

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Introduction Police stations play a key role in reducing crime rate and sustainable social security as a key place of providing police services to the public. The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of the police service system and to provide solutions to improve the extracted complications. Due to the importance of the police stations evolution and change plan in the Islamic Republic of Iran police force(NAJA), police stations diagnosis which is one of the main steps of change process is essential. Methodology This research is based on applied purpose and in terms of survey-analytical method. At first, the police departments were identified using interviews with police commanders and police chiefs, and then a researcher-made questionnaire was developed based on the MACNA Excellence Model. he statistical population is a sample of 250 employees and clients of Tehran city police stations. Questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS and Minitab software. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Descriptive statistics were used to describe general variables and inferential statistics including t-test were used to analyze the data. Results First 8 variables and 36 items were presented to assess the level of performance and problems in the police stations. These variables include leadership, human resources, systems and technology, processes and behavior patterns, as well as outcome variables that include employee outcomes, client outcomes, and performance outcomes. The main problems of the police service delivery system were found in employee indices, employee results, and processes, and, based on the following criteria, ten critical issues included: compliance with competencies and duties, job satisfaction, reinforcement system, lack of a specific process management system, work commitment, Lack of process representation and clear pattern of tasks, lack of job satisfaction evaluation system, lack of customer care management system, continuous process improvement, training and effectiveness were extracted. Conclusion To solve the problems of the system and strengthening and formulating long-term plans to improve job satisfaction and employee commitment, the existence of a unique Customer Performance Management System and the implementation of Business Process Management System have been presented and elaborated in detail.

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Introduction Today, virtual city is considered as an unmatched solution to urban problems by urban planners and managers. The present paper is based on the approach that tourism in the study area has great potential and can be of particular interest by focusing on virtual city indicators and this will be enhanced by increased FATA surveillance and increased security in the study area. Method is applied-survey and the use of correlation and regression, data gathering in-depth interviews with 13 experts and questionnaires completed by 384 domestic and foreign tourists and statistical population selection based on Cochran formula and sampling method Snowballing was done, questionnaires were analyzed in spss, and the results of the interviews were categorized into three categories of necessities, barriers, virtual city requirements, and finally the virtual city mechanism was presented. Findings of this paper show the correlation between smart city management and virtual city in the region (0. 261), smart management and development and increase of virtual tourism security in the region (0. 238) and virtual city correlation and development and increase of virtual tourism security in the area (0. 313). ) is. In general, the analysis indicates that tourism virtualization and increased tourism security in the 12th district of Tehran have not been favorably due to the influence of various factors, especially in the dimensions of inter-organizational cooperation and in the dimension of virtual citizenship. Conclusion of the analysis generally indicate that tourism virtualization and increased tourism security in the 12th district of Tehran have not been favorable due to the influence of various factors, especially in the dimensions of inter-organizational cooperation and in the aspects related to virtual citizenship. Sustainable Development in the Field of Virtual Tourism and Increasing Security in Area 1-Special and Uninterrupted Look (bottom-up planning) in the area of Tourism Virtualization in Area 2 Protect the area's biodiversity and its environmental and cultural heritage.

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Introduction As one of the types of social media, social networks, on the one hand, provide significant interactive opportunities for Internet users and are effective in increasing citizen participation in some processes and on the other hand, they are widely harmed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the strategies and strategies of Yazd police command to control and mitigate the damages of social networks. Method The present study was applied in terms of purpose, in depth, in terms of purpose, and in terms of implementation and control of research conditions, a qualitative study using semi-structured interview and balanced questionnaire was used. Regarding the subject, the present study has two different statistical populations: the first part of the commanders and law enforcement experts in Yazd and Naja Police Headquarters (Fatah Police) and the second part of experts in computer science, information technology, computer science and Telecommunications were the command, which was collected by snowball sampling until theoretical saturation. Results According to the research findings, among the three current strategies of Yazd Police Command to reduce social harm, government strategy with average of 4. 23 had the highest and non-governmental (private) with average of 3. 64 had the least effect on prevention. Damage to social networks. Conclusion In the context of Yazd police commander's strategies for controlling and reducing social harm (virtual) social networks, the police with the participation of all individuals and institutions with skills and responsibilities in preventing virtual social network damage from proper planning and implementation Take action.

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In today's world, police organizations, without the participation of intelligence, are not usual to successfully complete their missions and contribute to people's information with police, increasing the success of crime prevention programs and strengthening societal security. If the public's trust is increased to the police, it will also improve the adequate and targeted participation of the police and security forces. Material and method first, the necessary studies in the research and background of research, and its history of the study, then, according to the results of the survey and deep interview with 12 experts, effective factors in reducing the participation of people's information with the police (challenges) in 3 dimensions and 1 2 The specified component and a researcher-made questionnaire have 59 experts in the subject as the sample society. The selection of the subjects were targeted for the purpose of the study and the experts in the field of research have been selected to answer the questionnaires. Research findings show that topics such as the lack of laws necessary to protect witnesses and people in the field of information cooperation with the police, problems in the process of social socialization, lack of effective use of people's opinions in determining views, values and priorities of the police, shortcomings in Community empowerment with the necessary training to contribute to the increase of societal security, defects in the sharing and distribution of the responsibility of participation in security among people, changing the quality of people's relationship with the police and security organizations in the creation of a soft war, historical history of information participation culture People, the vehicular of the people's mental and objective image of the police functions and inequality of expectations and expectations, lack of common understanding of the concept of order and security industries the subjects of the perspective of citizens and police and. . ., The most important challenges of the police are to attract people's information.

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View 1034

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This research has been conducted in the field of urban sociology entitled " The analysis of women’ s sense of Security in the North and South parts of Tehran". This paper, using the theoretical framework, attempts to test sociological theories in the context of Tehran's citizenship as well as revealing differences in the upper and lower regions of the city in enjoying a sense of security and shows that the processes of everyday life of women in the south of the city have been disturbed due to their lack of security. The present study is a quantitative research group conducted in Tehran in 1397. The statistical population of the study consisted of all 18 to 45 year old women in Tehran in northern and southern parts of Tehran. According to the year 1396, their number was 2036680 people. The sample size was equal to 800 women in urban areas of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 22 of Tehran, using sampling technique A multi-stage cluster was selected. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, which was verified using formal, content and structure validity, and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. After collecting data by scrolling method, the concept of security was first measured in four areas of psychological, financial, emotional and communication security and then, the research hypotheses were analyzed using independent t-test, Pearson correlation and variance analysis. Then, using multiple regression analysis, the effect of each independent variable on the women's sense of safety was transmitted through the urban area. The results of the study showed that the sense of security of women in general and in the four dimensions mentioned in the north of the city is much higher than that of women in the south of the city; There was also a significant relationship between economic conditions, security apparatus performance, social networking network, lack of supervisor, age, marital status and economic status, however, there is not a meaningful relation between the employment status of women and their level of education. This process was performed using Spss. Also, for testing the selected analytical model, the Amos software version 25 was used and the results indicate the fit of the model. The results of this research show that women's security in Tehran is not in a good condition and these results are consistent with the sociological theories used.

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Introduction Security is the forefront of a healthy society and a foundation for the development of human societies. The well-being of a community depends on maintaining and maintaining the security and sense of belonging. In the meantime, the need to address the issue of urban security is important since the interdependence between security and development is inevitable. Security is the cornerstone of economic, social and environmental development. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the security of the city in the cities of Kurdistan province and determine the factors affecting the insecurity of urban areas of this province. Method The applied method was descriptive in nature and methodological in terms of nature and methodology and the statistical population was 384 based on Cochran formula. Has been studied economically and socially. Findings The findings show that with increasing heterogeneity between cities, the matrix value of similarity of security indices increases. Also, the dimensions of security perception, which is the most important part of the research when it comes to the results of the research, honor security has the highest mean as well as the lowest mean of life security. Conclusion The results show that Baneh and Bijar cities are in favorable urban security status based on research indicators and Marivan-Dehgolan-Sarouabad cities are in poor urban security status.

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Introduction Today, security is a multifaceted phenomenon that requires the involvement of all segments of society. Methodology The present study has been carried out using the inductive approach, qualitative method and content analysis strategy of Supreme Leader's statements in the clergy since 1989 and has been used to present the model with the foundation data theory framework. Results The model presented in the form of six categories, including the causal category as the necessity of domain responsiveness to needs (including meeting domestic needs and international presence), the central category as domain institution excellence (including domain science system excellence and domain management excellence), The underlying category is Strengthening the Vigilantes (Including Promoting the Attitudes and Intellectuals of the Students and Clerics and Promoting the Behavior of the Students and Clerics), the Intervention category as External Dangers Affecting Social Security (Including Divisive Factors and Enemy Presence and Activism), Social role-making of the clergy (including the functions of the clergy body and management Advertising) and finally the category of consequences is presented as the realization of social security (including social resilience and national resilience). Results The spirit and underpinning of social security is to reinforce people's religious beliefs, and the practitioners of the religion are the clergy and the clergy.

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Introduction Political behaviors are profit-making nature and the appearance of such behaviors in the organization will create a disruptive and destructive work environment and have increasingly negative effects on the organization. One of the most important consequences of managers 'political behaviors is employees' negative reactions that lead to increased organizational costs (chen et al, 2017). Methodology This research is based on purpose was applied research and based on the nature of the method was descriptive-survey research. To select the research sample, using the Morgan table, 306 statistical populations were selected based on simple random sampling. The data collection tool is standard questionnaires. The content validity of the research questionnaires was confirmed by experts and the reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. LISREL software was used for data analysis. Findings The results showed that managers' political behaviors had a significant effect on employees' deviant behaviors. And structural equation modeling by LISREL software showed that managers' favoritism (0. 84), managers' forming a coalition (0. 80), managers 'willingness to control (0. 73), and managers' inattention (0. 78) on behaviors Staff deviation has a direct, positive, and significant impact. Conclusion Managers' political behaviors have unpleasant and negative consequences for the organizations which lead to the reduction of their employees' productivity, dismissal, impatience and so on. Therefore, to avoid political behaviors in the organization, managers must formulate ethical principles and requirements in a clear and precise manner.

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