Provision of Societal security in human societies by governments is specifically one of the requirements of most of them. The second Pahlavi government, after the exile of Reza Shah and the beginning of a new era of government, sought to pay special attention to the issue of Societal security. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze Societal security in the second Pahlavi era, which is done in a qualitative method of historical and analytical type and by studying library sources it tries to describe and analyze this question that: according to the social, economic and cultural policies, how was the Societal security like in the society of that time? The findings of the study indicate that in this period more than in the era of Reza Shah, following the westernization and obedience to foreign governments especially satisfying the demands of the US and British governments such as the approval of the capitulation bill to grant political and consular immunity to Americans in Iran and land reform, the result was nothing except migration to cities, unemployment, poverty and increased marginalization. Other erroneous functions such as: gross Westernization, unreasonable and un-Islamic freedom among women, anti-religion and destruction of religious and cultural identity, prevalence and use of drugs, lack of independent national security doctrine in accordance with Islamic and social characteristics of the time and inability to meet security needs, including Societal security, the crisis of legitimacy, the feeling of insecurity and political pessimism in the people, were signs of weakness in providing Societal security in the second Pahlavi government.