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Najmuddin Razi's works have created a unique place among the great collection of mysticism and Sufism in two aspects, language and literary and artistic beauties of glorious mystical prose, and on the other hand, the maturity and evolution of mystical prose and its stylistic features. One of the basic characteristics of these works is the vocabulary and key and central terms that shape the thought and its intellectual system. In this research, the question has been answered that the structure of Najmuddin Razi's intellectual system can be introduced by focusing on which words or epistemological terms? The results of the study of three works by Najmuddin Razi (Mursad al-'Abbad, Asadi's Mysteries and the Minarets of the Al-Sa'irin) showed that Key terms in epistemology are mystical works. Najmuddin Razi has presented a systematic, coherent and evolved collection of other mystics before him.

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Metaphor, as one of the most important forms among all nations, has been an important part of the studies of literary scholars and linguists. The scope of recognizing and examining this literary form in its classical form should be in the views of Quranologists and commentators, theologians and poetry. Arab scholars, in its new and contemporary form, sought the views of linguists. Metaphor, on the other hand, is inextricably linked to other expressive and literary techniques. But the connection between these imaginary forms and grammatical instructions and roles is another important point that has been hidden by the master of art. . In this research, while examining and criticizing the lack of grammatical issues in metaphor, the relationship between different types of metaphors with grammar and grammatical roles should be explored and criticized, and grammatical roles of metaphors in Simin Behbahani's poems should be extracted and analyzed.

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The reflection of society in literary works is one of the fundamental issues that is evaluated both in sociology and in literature. By studying the literature of each period, one can become aware of the cultural, political and social situation of that period. Because the literature of every age has the color of its society. Shahrnoosh Parsipour is one of the writers whose social events have reflected her time in her works. Therefore, her novels can be examined in the form of sociological critique. This descriptiveanalytical study examines works such as "Tuba and the Meaning of the Night", "Dogs and the Long Winter", "Women without Men" and "Free Experiences" based on important social institutions such as family, culture, religion and politics. After reviewing, the author concluded that all the institutions in real society, especially politics, play a decisive role in Parsipour's works. By depicting society in his work, the author reveals the innumerable sufferings of women and describes their efforts to be free with positive and negative behaviors.

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Homesickness and loneliness have been taken into account by many researchers and proponents of mysticism literature from a few past decades. Since the soul-after the fall into the body-has represented as a stranger in the cage of body and due to the fact that Rumi has addressed such issue in details in Mathnawi, the researchers of this study decided to study the same. In the present paper, the soul homesickness has been investigated from Rumi’ s perspective. It has been attempted to find out the principles the homesickness is based upon in Rumi’ s opinion, how Rumi reacted to such homesickness and what outcomes it would bring about in the end. Rumi’ s homesick thinking is based upon 4 primary presuppositions: mankind consists of both soul and body, the basis of mankind is the soul not the body, the mankind soul has the divine origin, and the mankind is constantly astray and restless due to the innate difference he has comparing to other creatures. Considering the mysticism insight, we can divide the Rumi’ s homesickness by means of a cycle starting from The Soul Genesis to its Return to the Soul before the World, The Fall (Descending), The Ascending, The Ascension, and The Grief of the Loneliness and Separation. Since the Rumi has shown an eternal enthusiasm to free the soul from the body restriction, searching/finding more about this cycle seems necessary.

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In the present study, an attempt has been made to extract the Quranic intertextual features in the valuable book of "Maghamat e Hamidi". Items found include 7 intertextual relations included 3 lexical types: " Lexical intertextuality of Constructive Type", " Lexical intertextuality of Borrowing Type" and " Lexical intertextuality of Translation Type" and influenced by Quran", "Full modulus intertextuality" and "Full modulus intertextuality influenced by Quran". In the types of these intertextual relationships the influence of the terms and sentences of the said book from Muslim Bible concepts and expressions-so has long been a source of inspiration for Muslim literatures and writers-has been examined. Maghamat e hamidi, a great product of commitment writing, there are significant cases of Arabic expressions, among which are many cases of direct and indirect use of Quranic terms and phrases. In this study,-is done precisely with the help of the author's superficial mastery over the appearance of the Qur'an (the keeper of the Qur'an) and by distinguishing between non-Qur'anic Arabic expressions and mixed Qur'anic Arabic expressions-the influence of the author from the Quran has been determined separately by counting the intertextual cases of the Quran in these types. Finally by compairing the frequency of different types of intertextual relations, it was found that " Lexical intertextuality of Borrowing Type" the highest frequency and "Full modulus intertextuality influenced by Quran" had the least frequency in Maghamat e hamidi.

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Anis al-Atteba, penned by Abu al-Khair Mohammad Taqi Ibn Mohammed Farsi, is a book on medicine in the tenth century which consists of three parts including two scriptures and a speech. The first scripture includes seventeen statements in “ theoretical science” , and the second scriptureincludes thirty-four chapters in “ practical science” . The third part is Qrabadynmufradah and murakabah (a pharmacopoeia about the knowledge of the nature and properties of single and compound drugs). This book also provides a full course of clinical medicine for researcher, based on ancient knowledge and author’ s experience. In addition, this book consists of therapies and drugs as well as author’ s experiences which can be useful in traditional medicine and medicine itself. This paper may provide scientific aids for the traditional medicine and also helps to know more about scientific prose texts of Safavid period. In addition to writing about the life and circumstances of Abu al-Khair Farsi and recognizing Anis al-Atteba, this paper also introduces available manuscripts about this book.

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One of the inseparable aspects of mystical literature is the description of pious Pir and solitude who call people to cut off attachment to the world of form and join the world of meaning, and in the shadow of their unexpected compassion, the copper essence of new seekers becoming pure gold. Although the role of Pir and Sheikh have always been emphasized in the course of mystical thought, but mystics' views towards Pir and Sheikh have not necessarily been the same and this concept, like other mystical concepts, has undergone an evolutionary path and has progressed day by day towards maturity and a better understanding of it. Therefore, recognizing and explaining the view of various mystics, especially the view and thought of Sanai and Attar as prominent poets of mystical literature, is of special importance in this regard. In the mystical works of Sanai and Attar, including their poetry’ s Divan, the brilliant image of the Pir and Sheikh as guides of the path is manifested, who always guide the seeker in all stages of seeking. One of the dimensions that can be studied in the Divan of Pir Ghazneh and Sheikh Sahebdel of Neishabour, which along with revealing the physical and spiritual characteristics of the beloved Pir in the arena of join, is the discussion of interpretations and examples that two poets have used to introduce the Pir. These two sometimes use expressions such as Sheikh, Rend, Saqi, Rahbar, Morad and Muqtada, Sufi, Zahed, Shah Kharabat, Teshnegan Kammal, Raskhan Din, Saeman Nahar, Qaeman Layl, and etc., and Sometimes the wise Pir is tied to the name of the prophets and saints such as the Prophet, Khedr, Jesus and Noah, Soliman and Abraham and Imam Ali whom their spiritual essence heals the sick and comforts the seekers in the arena of join. This research seeks to study the concept, examples and functions of Pir in a descriptive-analytical way and through a detailed analysis of the Divan of these two.

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    11 (57)
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In the infinite sense of Persian poetry and literature, despite all the efforts of numerous scholars, many works have not yet received much attention and the opportunity for scholars to identify and reflect on the many works ahead. One of the most prominent poets of the Safavid era who is unfortunately ignored by scholars is Mir Valeh Qomi, who, due to his talent in various fields, deserves his scrutiny. Mir Valeh Qom, who lived in the second half of the tenth century and the first quarter of the 11th century, is one of the poets, songwriters, and musicians of the Safavid era and one of the Sadat of Qom, whose works should be analyzed in the Indian literary realm. Contract analysis. Among his works are Divan Poems, which include quotations, sonnets, preferences and compositions, Masnavi, parodies, quatrains, fragments and material of history, and have a total of six thousand bits, most of which are quotations and sonnets. Forms. In this article, after briefly describing the period concerned, he first deals with the personality of Mir Valeh Qomi and, in the second step, examines his divan on the basis of new quadruplicate versions in order to establish the poet's position and order in this poem. Identify the great Safavid era, which has not received any significant research so far.

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Stylistics involves a specific way of examining literary texts. Reflecting on outstanding literary works, what is most noteworthy in their stylistic study are the linguistic, rhetorical, and intellectual features of literary masterpieces. In this article, which is written in a library method, the collection of stories "Nimdari" written by Gholamreza Rezaei has been studied and analyzed from the perspective of stylistics at three levels of thought, language and literature. The results of the study show that marriage and mourning ceremonies, public and illusory beliefs, and some superstitious statements about jinn and popular beliefs are words that make words and familiarize at the intellectual level and take advantage of common ironies and proverbs in the language. Oral, the use of colloquial structure in the whole of prose and the use of colloquial words and local letters are other features of "Nimdari" prose at the literary and linguistic level.

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Metaphor had been separated from the language in the Classic point of view and had been a figure of speech for paralysis of words, which it had been entered the language in a premeditated way until conceptual metaphor theory expressed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980). The theory suggests metaphor not only is a linguistic tool but also is a tool that enables people to use what they know about their direct physical and social experiences to understand more abstract things. In this paper, power as well as its related semantic clusters in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi such as war, grudge, fear, anger, rampage, throne (conceptual symbol of the monarchy), and death are presented in order to understand different conceptual metaphors. The theoretical basis of this paper has been founded on Lakoff and Johnson’ s conceptual metaphor theory. Investigation of descriptive studies of various conceptual metaphors and extraction of its related researches has been revealed that Ferdowsi employed the tangible domains of objective concepts such as objects, and rarely food, place, and living creatures for the domain of origin to conceptualize power and related conceptual clusters. Statistical analysis of conceptual metaphors shows that ontological metaphors as the highest one, orientational metaphors as the second one, and structural metaphors as the lowest one have achieved 79. 67%, 17. 07%, and 3. 25%, respectively.

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The love poem "Jamal wa Jalal" is an unknown work from the eighth and ninth centuries AH, the author of which is not fully known. Has become famous. This poem has been written in the light sea (Fa'latan, Ma'a'lan Fa'lan) and its writing was completed in 808 AH. In this article, which is written in a library method, in addition to introducing this system and its poet, the stylistics of this system have been studied. The results of research show that love and related topics are the most prominent themes of this work, but philosophical, mystical and moral themes are also seen in this system. Linguistically and literaryly, it is a simple and fluent work that is only slightly inclined to the task in the opening verses of the sections and in describing the sunrise and sunset (which is an imitation of the Nezami ).

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The tone of one of the elements of the story and the type of expression of words and sentences that help to create the atmosphere of the story and affect the mind of the audience, even cause the recognition and determination of the literary type of a work. This story element is also related to the language of the work. The authors of this study have decided to study and explain the tone of lyrical stories of Shahnameh and answer these questions, what are the types of tone of lyrical stories of Shahnameh and what are the most important linguistic factors influencing the tone of these stories? This research has been done in a descriptive-analytical way and using library studies. After examining and analyzing the tone element in the lyrical story of Shahnameh, it has been concluded that the tone of lyrical stories of Shahnameh is epic-lyrical and linguistic elements such as phonological processes, syllables. And reliance, vocabulary, combinations, and imagery also have a big impact on the tone of these stories.

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Images and visual themes of Hafez's poetry have many things in common with Sanai's poems; these themes, in addition to imagination, include the combined structure of his image clusters of poetry. Sanai and the clarification of the degree of initiative and imitation in Hafez's court and the reasons for the permanence of his poems. The approach that helps the reader in analyzing such poems is intertextuality. The following results were obtained by comparing Hafez's poetic images with Sanai and analyzing their poems: The first distinction between Hafez's poetry and Sanai is the choice of a word with the ability to create ambiguity. By bringing images and visual themes that are synonymous with synonymy and miracle in the quality of their composition with other words and the harmony of letters, in addition to the musical beauty of the beat, it has provided a better theme, theme and structure; He also expressed what he took from others in the most beautiful and eloquent way.

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