During his 33 years of ruling, Teimour had done many military expeditions and he often won. He dominated Tougetmash Khan the commander of the golden army, rulers of Mogolestan, first Bayazid Soltan of Usmani, lands of Egypt and… . Applying mental conflicts and various military techniques such as surprising, gaining military information about the position of enemies by reporters, launching a great corps with perfect equipments, rapid movement of the army, hiding the soldiers, burrowing, digging ditches, giving a lot of rewards to the armies, appreciating the braves in war scenes and holding frequent celebrations to improve soldier spirits, he succeeded to achieve these victories. The research problem is to evaluate how Teimour reached frequent victories in wars during several expeditions. It has been tried to answer the question by a descriptive _analytical method using library sources. It is concluded that exploitation of various military, information, procurment and mental strategies had been effective in Teimour victories.