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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Higher education has been a key pillar of every country's development with its purpose being to develop the scientific, technological, cultural, economic, political, and social dimensions of society. It is obvious that reaching this purpose requires engaged faculty members. Whenever they have high engagement, they can create or increase the engagement in their students as well. In this study, faculty members’ engagement for teaching, researching, and social activities has been considered giving rise to this question: what are the factors affecting work engagement decline of faculty members of public universities in Iran? Due to the nature of the study, qualitative research was conducted. Participants were 22 faculty members of public universities of Tehran who were selected by the purposive sampling method and were interviewed in an in-depth and semi-structured manner until theoretical saturation was reached. Then, using thematic analysis the text of each interview was coded regularly and the themes and concepts were identified and categorized into 3 main themes, 8 sub-themes and 18 conceptual categories and discussed. According to the findings, structural barriers, content barriers, cultural barriers, negative tendencies, negative dynamics, barriers related to students, community, colleagues, and dean reduce the work engagement of faculty members of public university in Iran. Exploring the declining factors of faculty members’ work engagement, this research enjoys specific novelty and offers suggestions for resolving or controlling them.

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By considering the subject of the promotion of rationality for public policymaking in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the present research has been conducted through the participation of elites in the formulation of public policymaking. Accordingly, the question of what is the pattern of factors influencing elite participation in the process of formulating public policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been the main issue of this study. The present research is a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). At first and in the position of data gathering, researchers extracted 18 factors affecting the participation of elites in the process of formulation of the public policymaking of the Islamic Republic of Iran through library studies and, subsequently, content analysis of the previous studies. Then, and in the second step of the analysis, the researchers referred to 15 living experts in the Islamic Republic of Iran system by employing the DEMATEL method. Research findings indicate that the establishment of educational, researching, and technological networks among universities, researching institutes and administrative organization is the most influential factor and modifying national socio-political behavior has become the most dependent factor. The current research can be regarded as a basis of action on behalf of policymakers in order to attract the participation of elites in the public policymaking system.

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Abnormal Organizational Behaviors (AOB) consider as negative voluntary behaviors, which reduce the productivity of the organization. The purpose of this research, which uses the mixed method, is to explain this kind of behavior and identify its dimensions, components and indicators and their relationship. This research is a descriptive survey, which its statistical sample size is 300. SPSS was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaire and descriptive statistics. Structural equation modeling method and two software (Amos-Lisrel) were used to test research hypotheses. The results obtained from the qualitative section (by using Atlas software) indicated that two dimensions can be identified for AOB: 1. Internal Factors, 2. External Factors. Five indicators were identified for Internal Factors and two components by the name of Environmental Factors and Organizational Factors were identified for External Factors, which each of these components decreased to two and seven indicators, respectively. In addition, there was a relationship between Environmental Factors-Internal Factors and Environmental Factors-Organizational Factors. The results of the quantitative section indicated that there is no relation between Environmental Factors and Internal Factors. In addition, the results did not confirm that Self-Perception and Organizational Culture can be counted as a component. In order to managing AOB, managers should use methods like training and counseling; and they should institutionalize law obedience in both their behavior and their organization.

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Currently, none of organizations can satisfy its stakeholders and customers by simply emphasizing its unique capabilities and assets. In fact, organizations work together and cooperate to provide distinctive products and services to customers. In this paper, the value network framework in banking industry is examined based on 33 banking experts’ opinions using one sample t-test to investigate the validity of model elements and using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) on the opinions of the same sample extracted from matrix questionaire, for analyzing the relationships among the elements. According to the research findings, the value network model of banking industry is drawn in four levels, in which, in the first level, "Value Creation in Banking Value Network"; in the second level, "Bank Interactions with Stakeholders"; in the third level, "Bank as the Core of Value Network", "Banks' Internal Conditions", "Banking Rules and Policies" and "Competition in Banking Industry"; and finally, "Bank Assets", "Changes in Banking Industry", "Macro-conditions in the Country", "Iran Banking Industry" and "Customer Needs and Characteristics" are placed. The results show that environmental and contextual elements, especially banks’ internal conditions, play the important role in value co-creation in banking industry.

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In the past few years, duo to positive organizational behaviors, deviant behaviors such as social loafing have been the focus of attention of researchers in organizational studies. social loafing refers to the person's desire to deliberately reduce his mental and physical effort during activity. Considering the importance of the role of these behaviors in the performance of the organization and the provision of services to the client, this research examines the two organizational factors that affect social loafing in the public hospitals of Ahwaz. The population of the study consisted of 822 medical staff, that 265 were selected by stratified sampling method. Tools used to collectthe data organizational justic questionnaire of Nijouff and Morman(1993), leader-member exchange questionnaire of Liden & Maslyn(1998), team-member questionnaire of Seers(1989) and social loafing questionnaire of George(1992) that content validity structures and reliability of their approval reached. The results of the research indicated that the exchange relations had a significant effect on the perception of distributive and interactional justice and social loafing. But merely distributive justice can substantially mediate the impact of the leader-member relationship on social loafing. This indicates that members are involved in exchange relationships if they feel they are less financially and economically profitable than most other members, they involve in social loafing.

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Nowadays, Web 2. 0 technology and social media, which have paved the way for expansion of two-way interactions and communications, have been thrust into the spotlight in various fields. The government sector also needs to keep up with the latest changes and equip itself with the mentioned technology to be able to provide better services to its clients. Against this backdrop, The purpose of the present study is to investigate the factors and requirements for e-Government 2. 0 establishment. In this study, mixed research method was used. In the qualitative section, by reviewing the literature and interviewing15experts in the field of information technology (IT) and e-government, using thematic analysis, the requirements for establishing e-government 2. 0 were identified. In the quantitative section, a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 33 closed-ended questions was used and its form and content validity was confirmed by the experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha formula. The questionnaire was distributed among 250 academic and organizational experts as well as graduates in IT fields and then one-sample T-test was used to identify the factors. The results showed that considering technical, social, legal, organizational, and security factors for successful establishment and utilization of e-Government 2. 0 technology is of great importance.

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National branding has been steadily growing in various areas over the recent years, and the fact that Iran is an entrepreneur, creates the incentive for, so that it can be applied The country diffrentiation and the attraction of the elite and the top – talented national and and foreign pepole. Accordingly, the present study aims to design a national brand model in the field of elites and the top – talented people in the field of science and technology. The statistical population of the research includes elites, managers and assistants of the National Foundation of the Elites, and professors and researchers. 14 people were purposefuling selected as the research sample. Data collection tools were library studies and semi-structured interviews with experts. The data analysis was carried out using a qualitative approach, i. e. the Grounded Theory Method and the coding process was performed in three stages: open, axial and selective coding. Based on this, each component of the coding paradigm of the narrative and the model of branding in the field of elite and superior talent were drawn and at the end of the theory based on 6 general theories were created. Key words: national branding, elite and talent superior, theory of data base.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the implementation of the PFMEA on the improvement of the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in a sugar factory. First, the average Overall Equipment Effectiveness in the production process in eight consecutive working weeks was extracted as a pre-test. Then, the types of potential failures in the production process were identified and the three parameters of the severity of the failures, the probability of occurrence of the failures and the probability of failures detection for each failure mode were extracted in linguistic variable and determined by group discussion and by collective agreement and multiplied by corresponding numerical values These three parameters in each other, the number of priority numbers for each failure, was calculated. In the next step, 24 priority failures were identified by the severity-occurrence matrix and risk ranking table. Then, appropriate strategies for reducing the effects or eliminating prioritized failures were identified and implemented, corrective actions and necessary interventions were planned over a period of eight weeks. During the implementation of the interventions and at the end of each week, the Overall Equipment Effectiveness was calculated as a post-test. At the end of the study, the relationship between the risk priority number (RPN) and OEE was studied in the form of the Pearson correlation.

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Social responsibility is a key factor in the survival of any organization or company that has received special attention in recent years. The research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-correlational survey. The statistical population of the study consisted of 35 employees of Modiran Khodro company which randomly and according to Morgan table the sample consisted of 32 employees. To collect data from Social Responsibility Questionnaire (Adapted from Sarmad et al, 2011 and Carroll, 1999) and Organizational Reputation Questionnaire (Luoma-Aho Standard 2008) and Social Trust Questionnaire (Adapted from kafashi, 2010 and SafariNia & Sharif), Data was analyzed using Spss24 and Smart Pls3 softwares. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (respectively 0. 860, 0. 910, 0. 843) and its reliability and validity were confirmed by convergent and divergent validity. The results of this study showed that social responsibility has a positive and significant effect on organizational reputation. Among the dimensions of organizational reputation, efficiency (0. 50) and respect (0. 44) were the most influenced by social responsibility. Regarding the effect of social trust on organizational reputation, the research findings showed that among the dimensions of organizational reputation, respect (with coefficient of impact intensity of 0. 58) and service (with coefficient of impact intensity of 0. 59), the most influential of social trust.

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Todays, offering solutions for preventing of administrative corruption or reducing it, is an essential issue in public administration studies. Several factors effect on administrative corruption in public sector. This research aimed to examine the effect of public service motivation on administrative corruption with the mediating role of employees' commitment. This research is an applied and descriptive and correlation one. The statistical population was public organization's employees of Shahr-e-Babak that based upon Morgan's table, 260 persons of them selected by stratified random sampling method as a sample. For collecting data, three standard questionnaires were used that their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (0/87, 0/90, 0/88) and CR (0/88, 0/91, 0/87) and for validity was used AVE index (0/58, 0/64, 0/53) and confirmative factor analysis. Findings through structural equation modeling with LISREL 8/5 software demonstrated that public service motivation with the mediating role of employees'commitment has a negative effect on administrative corruption. Also, public service motivation directly effects on administrative corruption. The results confirm that public service motivation can provide an appropriate context for developing anti-corruption strategies in public sector.

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Optimal customer relationship management includes all marketing activities designed to establish, develop, maintain, and maintain a successful relationship with target customers. To achieve this goal, companies are trying to integrate marketing activities so they can communicate best with customers. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of integrated marketing communications (IMC) on customer relationship management (CRM). The statistical population consists of managers and experts of private bank’ s (Ayandeh, Pasatgard, Parsiyan, and Saman) in Zahedan city which number was 120 people. that according Krejcie and Morgan table, 95 individuals were selected by simple random sampling as statistical sample. The data collection method was cross-sectional. Data collection doing with standard questionnaires. Reliability and validity of research confirmed. The data analysis method was structural equation modeling (SEM) with smart PLS3 software and result of research show that integrated marketing communications effect on customer relationship management, and the dimensions of integrated marketing communications (public relations, advertising, personal sales, direct marketing, sales promotion, internet marketing) have positive and significant impact on customer relationship management.

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In today's era, the most important investments of an organization are the knowledge, creativity and organizational performance of its employees. Power plants, also similar to other organizations, need knowledge-oriented, creative and innovative staff to survive and progress. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and organizational creativity with staff productivity at the Iranshahr steam power plant. The statistical population of this study involves all employees of Iranshahr steam power plant. The sample size was estimated to be 183 people, according to Morgan table with maintaining safety margin, and it was selected by using random sampling method. Finally, data taken from a number of 183 questionnaires have been used. In order to collecting data, the questionnaires of Conrad and Neumann Knowledge Management, Helalian Motlagh & Hasan Zadeh’ s Creativity questionnaire, and Hershey and Gold Smith’ s Productivity questionnaire, this had acceptable validity and reliability. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis. The results obtained from data analysis showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management variables and organizational creativity with employee productivity. Among the dimensions of knowledge management, the knowledge save dimension, and among the dimensions of organizational creativity, the Competence of human resources dimensions have the most relationship with employee productivity. We propose that managers create a culture of knowledge-based learning and apply organizational learning techniques.

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