Aquaculture development and construction materials have reduced water health. In this study, we have measured the water quality parameters of Mohammad Abad River, has a mean role in flood control, Fazelabad water supply and ecological balance, compared it with surface water standards. The value of Water Temperature, Turbidity, Dissolved Solids, Salinity (EC), Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, BOD and Total Coliform have been measured in 12 stations selected based on sandstone and aquaculture industries. In this river, there are three sandstone and 4 aquaculture industries that only Salinity and Turbidity were upper of standard value due to agricultural waste while other parameters were placed in the standard range. The result of IRWQI index in each station is 79. 2, 77, 77. 3, 77. 7, 62, 70. 7, 73. 6, 74. 2, 79. 2, 77. 4, 79. 9, 83, respectively that are in good level and is presenting a good purification of this ecosystem, therefore, though the studied industries have effected on water health quality, but, its physical condition such as substrate have moderated the industries’ impacts.