National security, in modern definitions, in addition to the classical components ofsecurity such as the absence of external threats, is closely interacting with the stabilityand survival of the political system and governance and includes components thatfocus on citizens, such as civil rights, public trust, political legitimacy and Economicefficiency. On the other hand, in looking at this concept, the ratio of each of the pillarsof sovereignty should be measured and adjusted with it, and the judiciary is one of thepillars of sovereignty. Given the main function of the judiciary in establishing justice, it can be considered the most important element of governance in achieving politicallegitimacy, protection of citizens' rights and the efficiency of executive institutions, allof which lead to the establishment and strengthening of national security. The presentarticle, by emphasizing this position of the judiciary, examines its performance inproviding national security. Accordingly, the judiciary, on the one hand, will helpstrengthen national security by providing judicial security, which requires the rule oflaw, judicial independence and respect for civil rights, and all of which are modernrequirements of national security. On the other hand, the role of this power ingoverning national security has been studied during a phenomenon called policyjudicialization. The connection of the concept of judicial oversight with the executiveand political processes in the world has led to the formation of the phenomenon ofjudicial legalization. In the present article, the relationship between the judicializationof politics and the expansion of the oversight powers of the judiciary to achieve greaterand stronger national security has been examined.