Background and Objectives: Attention to historical Repair of injury with honey and antibacterial activity of its, to assay the antibacterial activity of Iranian honeys, a study was Conducted on 78 specimens collected from different parts of the country (15 provinces, 38 regions) with the cooperation of the National Animal Husbandry Research Institute.Materials and Methods: Most of the honey samples had a polyfloral origins. Different species of Astragallus, Thyme and Thistle were the most abundant floral origins of these honeys respectively. Citrus, Tamarix, Ferula gumosa, Alfalfa, lotus, Eucalyptus and Helianthus honeys were considered monofloral.The antibacterial activity of the honeys was assayed against Staphylococcus aurous by the agar well diffusion as standard. The mean total and non-peroxid antibacterial activity of the honeys were measured to be 2.28 and 0.97 phenol percent with standard deviations of 1.18 and 0.38 phenol percent respectively.Results: One of the Khorasan honeys, Babol, Birjar, Takab 6, Ghorveh 10, Takab 4 and Takab 2 honeys with activities of 5.73, 4.73, 4.72, 4.73, 4.61, 4.38 and 4.32 phenol percent had the highest total antibacterial activity respectively. Regarding the nonperoxid antibacterial activities of Takab 6, Takab 4, Takab 2, Divandareh and orumieh honeys were 2.75, 2.17, 2.04, 2.04 and 1.79 phenol percent had the highest activities respectively. Among monofloral honeys, Citrus, Tamarix, Eucalyptus and Helianthus did not have measurable antibacterial activity.Ferula gumosa, Alfaalfa and lotus specimens had Intermediates antibacterial activity.Conclusion: After the honey samples were grouped and numbered according to color. Analysis with Pearson correlation showed that in darker honeys the non-peroxide activity is higher and the peroxide activity is lower. This analysis also showed that the honey darkens increase with age.