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Purpose: Mindfulness as a preventive and therapeutic method that has attracted a lot of attention among psychologists, psychotherapists and researchers in recent years; in its main concepts such as awareness, acceptance and being in the present, it is very similar to Islamic concepts such as knowledge, accepting the will of God and awareness that necessitates the existence of tools to measure it to help psychological sciences and Islamic studies researchers. The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric adequacy of the Persian version of the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale (PHLMS). Materials and Methods: This study was conducted with a descriptive method of standardization in the students of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch and 300 persons were enrolled in the study by cluster sampling. The instruments used were the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale (PHLMS) and the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). PHLMS factor structure was examined using confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis methods., Convergence validity with FFMQ, and reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were also analyzed in SPSS. 23 and AMOS. 22 software. Results: In the confirmatory factor analysis, Two-factor model of the original version of PHLMS (awareness and acceptance) was not confirmed. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis, three factors of awareness, acceptance, and recognition of negative emotions were extracted and the confirmation factor analysis confirmed this model. The convergent validity of this questionnaire was very favorable with FFMQ (r=0. 78, P<0. 0001). In addition, the Cronbach's alpha coefficients for total PHLMS was 0. 92 and the three subscales awareness, acceptance, and recognition of negative emotions were 0. 80, 0. 86, and 0. 87, respectively. Conclusion: PHLMS is a valid tool with good psychometric competence for measuring awareness, acceptance, and recognition of negative emotions for use in the research and clinical fields of psychological and Islamic studies of Iranian adults.

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Purpose: Aging is a critical period of human life and paying attention to the issues and needs of this stage is a social necessity. Research has shown that increasing age leads to a successful decline in aging. It also has a negative effect on quality of life. In addition, chronic diseases, especially diabetes, are the most effective diseases on successful aging. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of diabetes risk factors in patients with diabetes through mediated quality of life using structural equation modeling (SEM). Materials and Methods: The method of study is descriptive structural equation modeling. The statistical population included the elderly aged 60 years and older with type 2 diabetes referred to health centers in Shiraz. The sampling method is random stratified sampling. The sample size was estimated at 593 people. After collecting the questionnaires, descriptive statistics, linear regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) using MPLUS software version 8 were used. Findings: In this study, significant relationships between successful aging and age variables were confirmed, but this relationship was not significant with mediated quality of life. Successful physical activity and aging were confirmed both directly and through mediated quality of life. But no significant relationship was observed between fasting blood sugar, smoking and BMI and successful aging mediated by quality of life. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that with increasing successful old age and quality of life decreases and the fit of the model was confirmed at a moderate level.

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Purpose: The present study was to investigate the state of education in Shiraz based on the components of spirituality. The research method was descriptive-survey. The study population was all educators in Shiraz, from which 352 people were selected by random sampling. Materials and Methods: The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire that was made using interview and based on grounded theory method and content validation (CVR) and Cronbach's alpha were used for its quantitative validation. Findings: The results showed that if In general, the Shiraz Education Organization is significantly spiritualistic in terms of the overall score of spirituality. However, in the component of semantics and purposefulness in the Education Organization, the mean scores were not significantly different from the theoretical average. Conclusion: In other words, from the point of view of cultural figures, the situation of education in Shiraz cannot be considered satisfactory in this component. But in other components and the overall score of spirituality is satisfactory.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a model of cultural citizen in Tehran. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, the data-driven theory method including three stages of open, axial and selective coding of Strauss and Corbin was used. Twenty indepth and semi-structured interviews were conducted by theoretical sampling with relevant experts and in order to evaluate the validity of the developed model, 10 professors were presented separately and their opinions were obtained for correction and modification. The main research phenomenon was called "cultural citizen". Finding: Causal conditions of cultural citizen, cultural capital, cultural goals, social identity, cultural participation, cultural rights, cultural intelligence, family interactions, cultural differences, media consumption and cultural security were identified. And research strategies were obtained as follows; Identity-oriented and ethical orientation included in the meta-oriented dimension, participation and empathy and health in the livable dimension and creativity that were categorized in the human-centered dimension. Conclusion: The implications of the study were identified as increasing belief, social responsibility, and social acceptance, public trust among citizens, public order and promoting social entrepreneurship.

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Purpose: This study aimed to identify the factors affecting marital burnout. Materials and Methods: The method of this research was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all married men and women living in Tehran. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was used to select the sample. The sample size was 500 people. The questionnaires used included a 70-item questionnaire developed by the researcher to assess the effective factors and a 21-item questionnaire on marital burnout. To analyze the data from descriptive statistical methods including tables of frequency, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used with SPSS and AMOA software. Findings: The findings showed that communication traits, personality traits and living conditions predict marital burnout. Components of communication traits (emotional relationship, sex and support and care), components of personality traits (responsibility, self-confidence). And emotional expression), components of living conditions (job and financial conditions and marriage style) are predictors of marital burnout. Conclusion: The results of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling showed that all extracted factors have a suitable factor load and the conceptual model has a logical and acceptable fit.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the components of artistic intelligence and its impact on mental health (a mixed research). The research method was applied in terms of purpose and exploratory mixed method (a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods) Materials and Methods: In the qualitative section, the statistical population included selected experts in the field of education organization of Mazandaran province with a history of management and policy-making, who were purposefully appointed to 17 people. In the quantitative part of the statistical population, including all high school students in Mazandaran province in the academic year 1398-99, the number was 124796. According to Krejcie and Morgan table, 375 people were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. The method of collecting library information and the measurement tool in the qualitative part of the interview were semi-structured and in the quantitative part included a researchermade questionnaire, the construct validity of which, using factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha, respectively, for intelligence, respectively. Arts and mental health were calculated to be 0. 94 and 0. 92, respectively. Method of data analysis in the qualitative part through triple coding of grounded theory method (open coding, axial coding, and selective coding) resulting from in-depth and open interviews with experts and in a small part of the KS test for normality of variables To answer the research questions, one-group t-test, Pearson correlation and regression analysis and structural equations were used using SPSS22 and Amos softwar Findings: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between artistic intelligence and its components (artistic talent, artistic attitude, artistic taste, artistic activity, artistic skills and art economics) with mental health in first grade high school male students in Mazandaran province Conclusion: Also, the results of the research confirmed the fit of the conceptual model and a comprehensive model for artistic intelligence and its effect on mental health of first grade high school students in Mazandaran province was presented.

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Purpose: "Spiritual health" as the fourth dimension of health is emphasized by the World Health Organization and plays an important role in human life. Considering the comprehensiveness of Allameh Jafari in the movable and rational sciences, the good and ideal life is the same as the "reasonable life" in his view. Is located. Materials and Methods: This research has been done by library study method by referring to the numerous and written works of Allameh Jafari and articles related to the concept of health and spirituality. Findings: In the present study, life and the characteristics of its types, reasonable life and its requirements, the objectivity of good life with reasonable life and also the ways to achieve spiritual health through the path of reasonable life; It has been achieved as the transcendent goal of the Qur'anic teachings. Conclusion: Considering the objectivity of the example of rational life with good life (Quranic ideal) and also spiritual health as a result of ideal life; The way to achieve peace and spiritual security is to pass through pure natural life and step into a reasonable life; Because stopping in natural life is an obstacle to philosophy and the real purpose of life. Therefore, from the perspective of Allameh Jafari, the cure for modern human pain; Knowledge, faith and practice are the high moral teachings of religion and man needs the Qur'an and the humanizing Qur'an.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of emotion-oriented couple therapy on forgiveness, emotional selfregulation and marital boredom of couples seeking divorce referring to family social emergencies. Materials and Methods: Due to the nature of the subject and the objectives of the research, this research was conducted in a quasiexperimental manner with a pre-test-post-test design into an experimental group (emotion-based couple therapy) and a control group. The population of the present study consisted of all couples referring to Tehran family social emergencies. The sampling method was purposeful and taking into account the inclusion criteria. Thirty couples were divided into two groups. The first group underwent emotion-based couple therapy and the second group was a witness. The research instruments included the Interpersonal Forgiveness Scale (IFI-25), the Grenfsky et al. Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (2001) and the Pineas Marital Boredom Scale (1996). Findings: The results showed that emotion-oriented couple therapy has a positive effect on marital boredom of couples seeking divorce referring to family social emergencies. Conclusion: The results showed that emotion-oriented couple therapy has a positive effect on forgiveness, emotional selfregulation and boredom of couples seeking divorce referring to family social emergencies.

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Purpose: To develop human resources and proper management and to pay attention to the influential factors and indicators in organizations and educational centers, especially higher education, can lead to progress in all directions and the rapidly increasing competitiveness of the international community. The title of the symbol of higher education in the country is an influential institution in the culture of the society and the issue of culture in the university organization is doubly important. Materials and Methods: The present study tries to answer the question of whether cultural indicators can be identified by adopting a qualitative approach based on the method of content analysis, which seeks the output of basic, organizational and comprehensive themes related to the research problem. Which causes the development of culture in the university? This research is based on the purpose of exploratory research and how to collect information of library and field type. The statistical population of the study for conducting semi-structured interviews included professors, policy makers, executives, cultural managers. Sampling was selected by snowball method and data analysis was performed using MAXQDA software. A total of 69 basic themes and 6 organizing themes were extracted under three comprehensive themes of appearances, values and beliefs. Findings: At the level of professional ethics, 3 categories: personal, intrapersonal, intra-organizational; At the level of cultural capital, there are 3 categories of tendencies and desires, effort and endeavor, implementation at the level of identity seeking, 3 categories: job conflict, professional orientation, mastery of work and progress, and achievement of individual and organizational competence. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, all sub-themes identified in the whole research were more generally categorized, which led to the identification of the main themes "professional ethics", "cultural capital", "identity seeking", "organizational justice", "organizational maturity" Is "resilience".

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Purpose: The present study aims to provide a qualitative model of Islamic realism with an anthropological approach. Materials and Methods: Research method in terms of purpose, basic-applied; According to the type of data, it is a qualitative content analysis that the statistical population of the study included university professors in the field of education who were interviewed with a total of 20 people using purposive non-random sampling method and data adequacy and saturation principle. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Data were analyzed in three stages of open and axial and selective coding. Findings: The results of this study showed that Islamic realism with an anthropological approach includes six dimensions (soul and spirit, nature, intellect, will and authority, two-dimensionality of soul and man, being social) and eighteen main components (truth-seeking, sense Beauty, sense of goodness, primary and secondary nature, perceptual nature, nature of tendency, distinction in thought, character, action, cognition, desire and tendency to cognition, power of cognition, material dimension, spiritual dimension, innate dimension, social participation, charity, empathy And altruism) and finally the model of Islamic realism with an anthropological approach was presented. Conclusion: Islamic realism affects all aspects of education. In this school, the worldview or theoretical wisdom of Islamic realism is the basis of educational issues in this view and the basis of this worldview is monotheism. This relationship is a logical relationship that can have a great impact on the coherence and coordination of its educational system, to present it as a special system of education.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate marital conflicts and emotional divorce by mediating the role of intimacy in married women by descriptive screening and correlation using structural equation modeling. Materials and Methods: The study population included all married women in Garmsar. Using the available sampling method, 400 married women were selected for the sample group and answered Gatman's emotional divorce scale, Sanaei marital conflict questionnaire and Bagaruzi intimacy questionnaire. To analyze the data from descriptive statistical methods including tables of frequency, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics such as Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression, and structural equation modeling were used with SPSS and AMOA software. Findings: The results showed that there is a significant direct relationship between the components of marital conflicts and emotional divorce and a significant inverse relationship between the components of intimacy and emotional divorce. The research model was appropriate and confirmed and 0. 32 of the emotional divorce variance was explained by marital conflicts and intimacy. Conclusion: This study has practical implications for family therapists in transitioning from emotional divorce to levels of marital conflict and intimacy, and provides a better understanding of the etiology of emotional divorce in couples. Based on the findings of this study, it is suggested that educational packages be designed and implemented to reduce practical conflicts in order to reduce practical conflicts in order to strengthen the intimacy of couples.

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Jabbari Karim

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the transmission and effectiveness of educational messages through non-verbal communication in religious texts. Materials and Methods: In this study, the teachings of the verses of the Holy Quran and the Prophetic tradition and Atrat Tahereh, which are related to the educational dimensions of body movements, have been examined in a division regarding the various dimensions of body movements. And their index examples are explained. Findings: Due to the postures and movements of the human body, it is a complete educational medium and in addition to the complex system of verbal communication, all the movements of the human body and the conditions that it creates with its behaviors can be much more and richer The words contain educational messages. The transmission of non-verbal educational messages has a clear impact on various aspects of social interaction and changes in moral attitudes and behaviors. Educational thoughts and goals emerge in the form of body movements, and nonverbal communication is a living and influential truth, a messenger and a very powerful factor in changing the attitudes and behaviors of others. Conclusion: Based on the findings, the elements of metalanguage or non-verbal communication have been emphasized by religious leaders as well as psychologists and those involved in education, because it carries a very wide range of educational messages and perseverance and effectiveness Increases messages.

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