A Nine-year-old girl with encephalopathy and history of 7 days fever cough and pharynigitis was admitted.Two days before admission she was brought to hospital and diagnosis was upper respiratory infection, and oral amoxicillin was prescribed. On the day of admission she developed a severe headache and emesis. There was not a history of skin-rash, diarrhea, and jaundice and there was no history of toxin-exposure, head-trauma and exposure to domestic animals and insect biting.On admission the temperature was 39 C, pulse rate of 120 beat/min, RR of 25/min and blood pressure 100/50. Pupils were reactive. There was no murmur, no jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly or skin rash.First lab examination were WBC, 12000/mm3 with 54% neut, 5% band forms, 25% lymph, 1% eosinophils and 15% atypical-lumphocytes. Platelets count 525000/ mm3, RBC 5500000/ mm3, Hb 11gr/dl. A lumbar puncture was done and CSF analysis revealed 40 WBC/ mm3, 88% lymphocytes. Protein 26 mg/dl and sugar 72 mg/dl.Arterial blood gases liver enzymes and serum electrolytes were normal. On chest x-ray opacity in the left lower lobe without adenopathy was seen. CT scan of head was normal.24 hours later, second lumbar puncture was done and CSF analysis performed. CSF and serology assays for mycoplasma pneumonia, Epstein-Barr virus, Herpex simplex virus, mumps, measles and Toxoplasma gondii performed. Blood smear for malaria and borrelia requested and cefotaxime and acyclovir were started. On third hospital day the patient was febrile, she however continued to the encephalopathic. On E.E.G. showed abnormal slowing waves.After receiving the results of lab, the diagnosis was established.