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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (مسلسل 42)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (42)
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Evaluation of periodontal regeneration is usually made by clinical measurements. However, it is difficult to judge whether true regeneration has taken place without histological evaluations. The present study evaluated the clinical reliability and accuracy of bone probing measurements in the assessment of bone level in periodontal defects by comparing the results with surgically confirmed bone levels.Sixteen molars in patients with chronic periodontitis who were scheduled to have periodontal surgery were included in this study. A custom-made acrylic resin stent was used for proper orientation of the probe for the bone probing depth measurement as well as probing depth measurements and surgical bone level evaluations. The mesiobuccal, midbuccal, distobuccal and midlingual sites of each tooth were used.For all sites the difference between (BPD) Bone probing depth (12.22±1.65) and (SBL) surgical bone level (12.34±1.96) was not statistically significant. For all sites the coefficient correlation between SBL and BPD was 0.91.The results of this study suggest that, since the probing bone level most closely represents actual bone level, it may be a good clinical method for assessing the bone level following regenerative therapy in any site.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (42)
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The purpose of this study was the survey of wit's appraisal and reidel anlysis and to compare them with each other and determining their validity in assessment of Jaw relationship. We assessed the Mean & normal value of variables in our samples. Standard cephalometric radiographs of 69 angle Cl I patients (28 boys & 41 girls) were traced and wits & reidel analysis performed. Mean, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation & t-test calculated.The range of antero posterior apical base relationship was estimated by a linear distance of -5.5 to 6 mm using the wits apprasial, Mean value of -1.6 and 75 percentile of -1 for wit's in whole population.No statistically significant differences between two sexes and between wit's apprasial and rotation of jaw bases were seen coefficient correlations showed no significant relation between ANB angle and the wits apprasial is recommended as a clinically appropriate method for assessment of ant post Jaw relationship in individuals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (42)
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The aim of this research is the histopathological evaluation of the effects of periodontitis on the pulp. Research type was double blind and experimental trial. In this study, 40 teeth with advanced periodontal disease (Attachment loss 8 -10 mm) but without any caries and filling were selected. Number of patients were 20 (12 female and 8 male) with average 35 years. Microscopic sections were done by pathologist. Results showed that only pulp of 6 teeth (15%) were normanl and other teeth were abnormal as descripted 7 cases (17.5%) complete necrosis, 2 cases (5%) chronic inflammation, 3 cases (7.5%) chronic inflammation with partial necrosis, 11 cases (27.5%) chronic inflammation with distrophic changes, 6 cases (15%) atrophy 1 case (2.5%) atrophy with necrosis. Thus in advanced periodontitis suggest endodontic therapy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 791

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    3 (42)
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The aim of this study is to survey the pre instrumentation signs and symptoms or after instrumentation pain in teeth with occlusal surface reduction. This experimental study (match clinical trial) was done on 120 patients who needed endodontic therapy on their molars. Excluded criteri as follows the patients who used antibiotics or analgesics, those who had bruxism or clenching. Patients with less than three pairs of antagonistic posterior teeth on each arch. Those who had teeth with greater than Cl I mobility or pocket depths > 5 mm, the teeth with prosthetic crowns, and the patients with over instrumentation or perforation during treatment.The patients were divided into two groups. The first group were the teeth with vital pulps, having pre treatment pain, sensitive to percussion and without preradicular radiolucency. The second group was the teeth with necrotic pulps. without pre treatment pain, not sensitive to percussion and with preradicular radiolucency. Each group was divided into case and control subgroups. Following canal preparation occlusal surface reduction was done; the case of subgroups of the both groups, and the patients were given questionnaires to register their pain rate during collected in the next session and the data were analyzed by X2 test (P<=0.05)In the first group, there was an statistical correlation between pre treatment and after instrumentation pain following occlusal reduction, while in the second group there was no meaningful relation between them.It was suggested that, in order to reduce after instrumentation pain the occlusal reduction be done in patients with vital pulps, having pretreatment pain and sensitivity to precussion without preradicular radiolucency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 763

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    3 (42)
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Previous data have suggested that rofecoxib A Cox-2-specific inhibitor has analgesic effect similar to those of the nonstroidal anti inflammatory drugs when tested in post dental surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine the analgesic efficacy of a single dose of rofecoxib 50 mg once daily compared with the four doses of Ibuprofen and placebo after one visit root canal therapy in endonontic emergency patient. In this randomized double blind, placebo --controlled, parallel group study,60 patients (57% men, Mean age; 28.4) with sever pain in the study defined as 7 and more using a visual analog scale in molar teeth invited to participate. Which was after one visit of the root canal therapy randomly receive a single dose of rofecoxib or four doses of Ibuprofen or placebo.Analgesic efficacy was assessed for up to 24 hrs (6h, 12h, 24h) post dose using self administration questionnaire. A total of 60 patient were enrolled. 20 receive rofecoxib50 mg. 20 receive Ibuprofen 400mg every 6 h. 20 receive placebo. The analgesic efficacy of rofecoxib and ibuprofen was higher than placebo and this difference was significant. Comparing rofecoxib and ibuprofen there was not significant differences but rofecoxib had longer duration of action. We concluded that Rofecoxib was efficatious in control of post operative dental pain and that Cox-2 derived prostanoid play a role in treatment of pain associated with root canal therapy. On the base of our study we do recomment to prescribe single dose rofecoxib per day after Irreversible pulpitis treatment rather than 4 dose of Ibuprofen.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1438

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    3 (42)
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Insulin dependent diabetes is the most common of the metabolic abnormalities, the long term complications involve the eyes, kidneys, nerves, blood vessels by the lesion of basement membranes. Patients fulfilling these criteria are not a hemogenous group, and several distinct diabetic syndromes have been delineated, such as alveolar bone resoption and delay bone formation. Increasing clinical use of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) has brought the desire to understand the osteoinductivity of this material. In this study we selected four groups male rat (w=240-200 gr, N-5per group) as follow; first group; as control, second, third, fourth group; diabetic (three later groups by use of alloxan 5.2 mg/kg diabete induced) only group 4 treated with Insulin (NPH unit daily) after 10 day upper right Incisor tooth extracted by with adapted Instrument. In group 3 and 4 tried to fill soket with DBM. At the end of first, second, 3 the a the week animals sacrified. Specimens were prepared and stained with H, E. Pictures were taken from histological sections.Results showed in group 4 bone repair occurred better than groups it seems that DBM is a osteoinductive material to stimulate cells to become osteoblasts and produce bone matrix.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 887

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    3 (42)
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Dental amalgam is one of the oldest and most popular of restorative materials that are still used extensively in restorative dentistry.One of the main reasons of amalgam restoration failures is microleakage or marginal leakage.In this In Vitro study, the sealing ability of two types of Amalgams was evaluted. (Cinamix: Shahid doctur Faghihee and Aristaloy: Engelhard Cl I. Standard Cl II Cavities were prepared in 60 non Caries, non restored teeth of extracted human premolars. The teeth were divided in two groups after varnish application cavities were filled with two type of amalgams. 24 hours after placement of amalgam the specimens were thermocycled (5°C to 55°C for 100 cycles). The teeth were sealed by sticky wax and nail polish and immersed in basic fuchsin for 24 hours in 37°C. The speciments were sectioned and the microleakage was evaluated under a steriomicroscope.Results showed that there was not a statistically significant difference in leakage between Cinamix group and Aristaloy group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 857

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (42)
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Effective infection control in the dental office and laboratory has been mandated to reduce the potential for disease transmission. Since infectious diseases may be transmitted by blood and saliva in contaminated impressions. Therefore disinfection of impression material to prevent infection without affecting the surface roughness and surface hardness of casts is important. This study investigated the effects of various immersion times and concentrations of sodium hypochlorite on irreversible hydrocolloid impression (Bayer-Iralgin) and resultant gypsum casts.Irreversible hydrocolloid impressions of a test die were immersed for (1, 5, 10) minutes in water (control), 5.25% 0.525% and 0.0525% sodium hypochlorite and then cast in a type III stone and a type IV stone. We prepared 36 labeled casts for every kind of impression material. Each stone specimen was evaluated for surface roughness and surface hardness. The results indicated that impressions may be immersed in sodium hypochlorite for any of the experimental times and concentrations without negative effects on type Ill, and IV stone cast. It should be mentioned that Bayer alginate is better than Iranian alginate and having best surface roughness in relating both alginate achieved 0.0525% concentrated and best time for creating less surface roughness in Bayer alginate was one minute.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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