Technology like other human or natural phenomena needs to be reflected
upon Philosophically.Teaching technologyis dependent, among other things,
on this kind of reflection. Different types of philosophy of technology should
be criticized on the ground that some of them are popularized and shape our
minds in practice. In this essay, two kinds of philosophy of technology are
critecizedand a third kind is supported. Accordingto the first one, technology
is considered as natural-neutral in terms of which technology is valutionally
neutral and has one-sided effects on culture. According to the second one,
technology is considered as cultural-cnivaluational in which the instrumental
rationality is predominant. Finally, according to the third one, technology is
regarded to be natural-cultural-multivaluational. In this view, other than the
instrumental rationlity, moral and cosmological interests are also taken into
account. Given the third version, its requirements in teaching technology is
discussed. Accordingly, teaching technology should not be reduced to teaching.
skills. Instead, il requires nOl only an access to the related sciences to
technology, but also to provide social, moral, and cosomological interests in
the puplis. In addition, an ahilily for evaluating the consequences of the usage
ot technologYshould he provicde in them.