Milk has been considered as one of the unique sources for children and even adults nutrition. In accordance with the present survey and studies the amount and level of Hg, Pb, Cd, and Cr has been specified in the cow milk. In order to measure the poisonous metals of milk, four digestion methods have been experienced. Organic matter is digested with nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide and perchloric acid; the most suitable acids in wet digestion of milk. Mercury was determined by the Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption method, following acid digestion. Mercury was undetectable in milk samples (< 0.05 ppb). A method for determination of Pb, Cd, and Cr in milk consists of extraction in MIBK of the complexes formed with APDC and further analysis of the extracts by Flame AAS. The results showed that the mean concentration of Pb, Cd, and Cr were 49.1±6.62, 9.8±0.36 and 38.8±0.58 (ppb) respectively. This indicates that 72.5% Pb and 6.8% Cr concentration were higher than the maximum levels recommended. The consequences have shown us that Lead and Chromium causes dangerous effects on human organs, and we should do our best to decrease the amount of the above mentioned metals.