"Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" is a Persian translation of the memoirs of Firoozeh Jazaieri Duma written based on her unique social experience as an Iranian immigrant living in the United States. The current paper aims to examine the components and mechanisms of the humor of mentioned story based on the "General Theory of Verbal Humor". In this method, the variables used to examine a funny narrative are divided into six categories: language, target, situation, narrative strategy, logical mechanism, and Script Opposition. In the present study, which is based on the target variable; It has been shown how Firoozeh, by targeting people outside the group and within the group, introduces appropriate and inappropriate social behaviors that she has encountered and achieves a new and selective identity; An identity that neither alienates her from her past values nor isolates her in the new culture. Her verbal humor can create a group bond between readers of different races, especially female audiences. In addition, in her funny narrative, "target" is higher than "Script Opposition " (variable of laughter).