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Social Welfare

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Objective: With the consider of a devastating effects of family violence and consequences, this study aimed at determining Psychopathology and Personal- Relationship Problems in women who were victim in a family violent relationship.Method: This study was a family violence survey with a cross sectional method. Subjects were selected through a multi-cluster sampling method. At first, 4 regions (2, 5, 12, and 18) of Teheran were randomly selected as the main clusters of research, Then Public, entertainment centers and family court of these 4 regions were recognized as the second-rank clusters. Final participants were selected randomly from the above centers (N=230 couples). At first they were interviewed to determine if all the subjects were married, having ability to read and write, living in Teheran at the time of the study and finally having tendency to participate in the study. If the subjects reported any kind of substance abuse at the time of the study or they had apparent psychotic features, they were excluded from the research. After interview and sign the consent forms they completed Conflict Tactics Scales-2, Personal -Relationship Profile and Symptoms Check list-90-Revised. Based on their response (more victims were determined by reporting violence in scale) to Conflict Tactics Scales-2they devided (M+2S), in to two groups (victim and non- victim) then their psychopathological profiles and their personal and relationship problems were compared. Women were considered as non-victim (no violence or low violence) because of their reports in Conflict Tactics Scales-2.Findings: As it was said based on calculated cut-off point research data of CTS-2 was used to divide the samples in to two groups (victims and non-victims).Then two groups were compared in regard to their responses to research questionnaires. Based on the data on Symptoms Check list-90-Revised and Personal - Relationship Profile it showed that family violence was associated with psychopathology and excessive personal and relationship problems in victim women. It means that victim women in compare with non-victim women had more severe psychological symptoms and more personal and relationship problems. They were 'different in SCI-90-R subscales. These scales were consisted of Somatization Symptoms, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Depression symptoms, Paranoid Ideation, and Positive Symptoms Total .The results also showed the great differences between victim and non-victim women in personal and relationship profiles. They were different mostly based on these subscales of Personal and Relationship Profiles: Anger Management, Borderline Personality Symptoms, Antisocial Personality Symptoms, Conflict, Depressive Symptoms, Gender Hostility, Negative Attribution, Relationship Commitment, Communication Problems, Social Integration and finally Substance Abuse History.Results: Although with the methodology of this study it is impossible to say these differences are primary or secondary to violence, but it would be possible to consider some of these differences as factors which cause some vulnerability to violence and some as consequences of violence. It means that some factors which are related to past history and the women bring them to a couple relationship (such as personal sensitivity) may cause a vulnerability to violence and some factors should be considered as consequences of violence.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: The main purpose of the research was to examine the role of men in decision-making concerning family size, fertility control, motivation to have children and contraceptive use. Specifically, this research examines the role of men in family planning and fertility control in the city of Yazd, the capital city of Yazd province in Iran, which has highest level of male participation on family planning and contraceptive use in the country.Methods: Data used in this study comes from an individual survey interview conducted in Yazd, a city in the central part of Iran. Target population for the study was all currently married men aged 15-49. A total sample size of 296 men was interviewed and used in the present analysis. Participants were questioned about their fertility and family planning attitude and behaviors as well as a range of other socio-demographic variables such as family income, level of their individual modernism, degree of religiousness, use of mass media and so on. Measure of individual modernization, as well as measure of the degree of religiousness also developed and its reliability and validity discussed. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with role of men in family planning.Findings: Data shows that in our research site men have a high level of participation in family planning and contraceptive use, with 69 percent of men reported that use a male based method to control fertility. Condom with 37.6 percent, withdrawal with 27.9 percent and vasectomy with 3.8 percent are among the most popular method used. The analysis reveals a positive correlation between measure of individual modernization and the use of male methods. The analysis also indicates that male involvement in family planning increase with a rise in male education and decrease with rising age. As analysis shows measure of individual modernization and age explain 11 and 8 percent of dependent variable variance respectively. Altogether, 28.5 percent of variance for male involvement in family planning can be explained using linear transformation variance by such independent variables as individual modernism, religiousness, income, education, age, and influence of mass media. Analysis reveals that individual modernism, religiousness, income and education have significant impact on men's participation on family planning and fertility control. While age and influence of mass media has significant negative influence on male's family planning and fertility control. Furthermore, the results indicated that individual modernism and age enjoyed the most impact on family planning decision and fertility control.Results: The results indicated that role of men in family planning is incredibly high and even more significant than women's. The results of the study is consistent with diffusion and economic theories of fertility change, shows that individual modernism, religiousness, income and education have significant impact on family planning behavior of men.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Suicide is a social and psychological problem which can be prevented by pay attention to family. Arak is an industrial city and the immigration phenomenon also has an increasing growth in the recent years. In proportion to that the growing crowd and irregular immigration and interference of various subcultures have increased the risk of social problems such as tendency to suicide. This research has been carried out for the purpose of recognition of familial factors on attempted suicide in the clients at Arak Educational Remedy center in the second half of 1382. Method: This research is a case-control study. The statistical population of this research in the case group (the group who attempted suicide) is all the people who attempted suicide (i.e) those who referred to Vali-e-Asr Hospital of Arak from Mehr 1382 until the end of Isfand 1382 in order to receive emergency services. This number includes 139 people (51 men) and (79 women). The controlled group has randomly been chosen from the members of families of 32 Health and Remedy Bases in Arak and included 220 people (77 men) and (143 women). The method of data collection is the observation and the interview; the tools for gathering information are the check-list containing the closed questions. The analysis of information is done by statistical chi-square and logistic Regression.Findings: The findings in the descriptive section in accordance to the demographic variables showed that in the sample case study, most of people were 15-25years old. The average age of the case group was 24.68 year. Women suicide attempted more than men. Most of the members have attempted suicide for the first time and the most frequent method used for attempting suicide was the use of drugs. The most frequency hours of attempted suicide were in the afternoon and at night. The month of Day had the most frequency of suicide rate. Statistical test showed meaningful relationship between "divorces of parents, violence in the family, the amount of verbal relationship in the family, the dispute between parents, physical, verbal or sexual abuse in childhood. Person's, the previous record of attempted suicide in the family or acquaintances, the family's previous record of psychological complaint. Also the parent's previous record of committing suicide, didn't have a meaningful relationship with attempted suicide in this study.Results: Whereas suicide is a public health problem in the society and its prevention and training play an important role and family is considered as a socio-cultural center and plays an important role in prevention from problems damaging individual in future, therefore, with family integration, the suicide level could be reduced.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: The running away of girls from home is a complex phenomena and one of the most serious social pathology that resulted from multiple factors in familial, psychological and social domain. in fact running away is an important signal that something is seriously wrong in adolescent life. In this research the effective family factors on the running away of girls are identified .Then on this basis with a preventive outlook, scientific and applied tactics are presented through different psychological and sociological theories which everyone tells the theatrical frame, it was chosen in the case of integrating.Method: The research method of this study is a case control kind. The statistical society is comprised of two groups: The runaway girls (case group) and non-runaway girls (control group). For identifying the effective independent variables, a control group with considering the same socio-economic and family status of runaway girls has been selected. The runaway girl's sample were selected in using of the available sample of the girls that were inhabited in intervention crisis centers in welfare organization, the girls' of control group were selected in using of multistage cluster sampling from 19, 16, 20 district of Tehran. After making a list and confirming the validity of questions by professors of social work and sociology, its reliability was confirmed through cronbach alpha coefficient. This information is gathered by systematic interviews. For data analysis and testing the hypothesis chi square (X2) and Cramer's V was used for describing the study population and from descriptive statistics. Spss software type 11 was used for data's reductions.Findings: According to statistical analysis of the data, the main result was obtained: About half of runaway girls had run away history and 12 percentages of them had the experience sexual abuse in family. Runaway girls used drugs and alcohol much more than non runaway girls. Also 28% of runaway girls expressed that their family had the history of drug abuse, around 40% divorce and 22 percentages prison experience. Runaway girls were bothered physically and emotionally more than their match group by their family interruption or family members. Disturbing the family conflict and argument between the runaway girls' family and they were more than the match group.Results: Based on the comparative study and results chi - square (X2) showed there is statistically significant difference between runaway girls and non-runaway girls on rates of parent physical, emotional and sexual Violence toward their girls and parental issues such as, divorce, addiction, prison experience, conflict and arguments .in fact they are the effective main factors for the running away of girls from home.To prevent this social pathology, we need to raise the awareness of parents regarding the appropriate ways to contract with their teenagers. We also need to identify and protect the vulnerable families.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Undoubtable, the current condition of the Women-headed Households in Iran and the world is dependent to the numerous economic, social, cultural, instructional and welfare factors. With regard to the importance of Women-headed Households' role in the society, this study has addressed the problems of these Women in Mazandaran province, aiming to provide some methods for lessening their problems in the society.Method: The procedure of the research is survey method and its statistical population is the Women-headed Households in Mazandaran province. The sample size is determined 2792 people, using Cochran formula. Using statistical tests of Q-Type Factor Analysis and also Freidman's non-parametric test, this study has provided new grouping and priority of the affecting factors and components on the condition of the Women-headed Households.Findings: The results of the Factor Analysis test show that these factors, according to priority, Were of the most affecting Components and factors on the condition of these Women in Mazandaran province: Social, cultural and instructional condition: 19.16%, economic status (employment): 14.72%, self-confidence- Self-reliance (entrepreneurship) factor: 13.06% and welfare condition: 12.46%. On the other hand, Also, in order to rank the main factors & indices affecting the problems of the women headed households; Freidman's non-parametric test has been used. The results show that with 0.99 insurance and the error less than 0.01, there is a meaningful statistical difference among every one of the main factors and indices affecting the problems of the women-headed households. The mean grade of social, cultural and instructional factor (5.1), the factor of economic status (4.9), the factor of self-confidence, self reliance or entrepreneurship (3.8) and the factor of welfare condition (3.1), according to the priority, show notable effect & share of the abovementioned factors and indices to the current condition of the women-headed household in the province.Results: As we note in the results & findings of the research, the social, cultural and instructional problems of the women-headed households, according to the importance, were in the 1st place among all the problems of the women-headed households. So we can conclude that we will never see a healthy and intact society unless we construct a proper cultural & social ground in the society on the other hand, the element and item of education of different dimensions (theoretical & skilled) has been ignored among the women-headed households and / or the measures by the related foundations & organizations have been low and periodical. So, the basis of all economic discussions & problems of the women-headed households related to their lack of self-confidence and the primary teachings (whether formal or informal). In this way the results showed that low self-confidence and lack of self-believing among the women-headed households has led to the fact that their economic dependence to their husbands make very improper economic conditions after self-heading and thus they do not have relations with any kind of department and organization, do not have the primary power & capital for entrepreneurship & even they do not have the necessary power & spirit for entrepreneurship.The welfare factor as the 4th factor also shows that the women-headed households regarding to the primary requirements of the life have been in the worst possible conditions. In a way that they do not have proper financial & food conditions and because of the lack of financial afford, their children do not have access to the most of the necessary formal & informal teaching. Even some of the women-headed households because of being unaware of the law cases, are forced to work in the worst condition and/or have been engaged to some low income works in home without any kind of support by the related organizations and foundations.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Child abuse described as each physical or mental damage, sexual abuse or neglectful behaviors toward a child that has been occurred by who is responsible for child's rearing and welfare, in a way that child's health and wellbeing will be in danger. There are four domains in child abuse definition: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. Maltreatments witch hurt make head injury, burn a child or any kind of harm which remains for at least 48 hours are some types of physical abuse. Emotional abusive behaviors consist of depriving child from shelter, food, sleep and so forth, oral threaten, criticism, blaming, rejecting, isolating or encouraging child to behave aggressive, sexual or involve in criminal activities. Sexual abuse domain includes: any sexual interactions between child and an adult person (who is at least 5 years older than child) witch had to the child to satisfy adult person (e.g. intercourse, exhibitionism, voyeurism and incest). Neglect's sub-domains take in to: physical neglect (such as pay no attention to child's health, sufficient feeding and enough wearing), educational neglect (e.g. refuse of school-registration, let the child to escape from school continuously) and emotional neglect (let the child to use alcohol or substance, ignore partner/spouse's abusive behaviors toward child).Studies found co-existence of various types of child abuse simultaneously if one of them was occurred.Recognizing high risk families to prevent child abuse was the critical aim of large amount of investigations recently. As other multi factorial phenomena, cultural factors are playing important role in child abuse too, which is highlighting the needs of cultural researches. The present study was conducted to examine child abuse in Iran.Method: This study aimed at investigating prevalence of child abuse among guidance school students during 1385-1386 in Tehran. Quota sampling in this epidemiological study were based on sex, education level and area location of life variables, and 1350 students (male=785, female=745) were chosen with cluster sampling to participate in study. A pilot study (n=120) ran to estimate made up child abuse questionnaire which made by researchers to cover all domains of child abuse (physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect).Participants were completed child abuse questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi square.Findings: Findings showed: a) mild physical abuse prevalence was 38.3 percent, b) severe physical abuse prevalence was 35.9 percent, c) neglect prevalence was 20.5 percent, d) emotional abuse prevalence was 62.5 percent, e) the most common abusive behaviors in mild physical abuse domain includes: throw a staff toward the child and pushing, f) the most popular abusive behavior in severe physical abuse domain was kicking the child, g) in neglect domain most common behavior was physical neglect, h) in emotional domain the frequent abusive behavior consist of yelling out at child, marital discords and ignoring the child. Findings also showed there were significant correlations between student's sex, area location of life, parent's sex, parent's education, parent's job and parent's divorce and child abuse prevalence.Results: Regarding to present study's findings and child abuse literature, authorial services must consider high level of child abuse prevalence, and pay more attention to recognize and intervene child abuse situations and finally the most important role of child health services is considering programs to prevent of child abuse consequences (such as, academic deficient, externalized behavior problems, emotional disturbances, ...).

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Objectives: Shall we consider the repeat of spoilt addiction cycle and unsuccessful measures taken to solve the drug abuse problem, a convinced result of geo-politic situation and other reasons out of drug management hands? Or shall we consider it as inefficiency and weakness of the current management? However without analyzing Iranian society's structure, it's historical development, Iranian cultural specifications, analyzing Iranian- Islamic identity, Islamic cults and Islam's attitude towards addiction and drug abuse, power structure and its role in drug trafficking, Iranian sub-cultures, Iran's geo- politic situation in the region and Iranian personality's characteristics it is impossible to get a deep knowledge about a permanent social phenomenon, which is reported in Iranian public and personal lives for centuries and judge about the reasons of it's permanency. This paper does not review all the factors related to abovementioned questions but it only assesses the role of drug management after Islamic revolution.Method: This research is a descriptive study and based on that tries to give a broad, substantial and detailed understanding, i.e. a grounded theory, of the problem .The participants of this research were high rank public managers active in addiction field between 1979 and 2001. The data are gathered from review and semi- structured in- depth- interviews and then was analyzed. Findings: periods of drug management can be defined due to policy changes. These policies have changed for 4 reasons: 1) Change of manager or managers, 2) Change in law, 3) Change in general management especially changes in executive body (led by the President) and 4) occurrence or end of an important event like revolution or war. Therefore Drug Management periods between 1979 and 2001 can be divided to four periods: 1. First period: revolutionary anger against addiction (1979-1980).2. Second period: moderation of revolutionary anger and denial about addiction (1980-1988).3. Third period: restructuring drug control (1988-1993). 4. Fourth period: criticizing past, looking at future's horizons (1993-2001).Results: the most important characteristics of drug management after revolution were:1. Except some years during Iran- Iraq war, almost always addiction has been noticed in national level.2. Although managers related to addiction issue has been long servicing in their position but they were mostly not educated in any of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation fields and did not have required scientific qualifications.3. Drug control managers had records of military, security or judicial activities and may be this is why supply reduction has always been the main discourse for fighting against drugs programs.4. On the eve of third drug management period, expediency council's ratification upgraded drug control organization structurally, after transferring PM's authorization to the president, as a body directly under the authority of the president. Consequently intersectional policies were neglected by the means of competition between involved bodies and drug control organization's management's ignorance of intersectional policies.5. Despite broad and fast spread of addiction in the years after revolution, drug management was moving slowly and occasional so their policies were always passive and delayed.6. Except 4th period of drug management we cannot regularly observe addiction reduction and control programs' focus on special groups. This approach changed gradually.7. In spite of all the above mentioned weak points, drug management moved forward and obtained a more scientific and realistic understanding of the addiction and drug abuse condition.

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Objectives: This research attempts to deal with effective factors on the youth abnormal behaviors by making use of social disorganization, strain, control and differential association theories. Fast population growth, change in the political and economic construction of rural society, industrial development based on montage and dependent industries, lack of deep harmony between the cultural and technical development, in other words, unfit development in Iranian the present time cause some irregularities and disorders which their result is the growth of social abnormal ities and deviations in the cities. Norms are the rules of behavior. The order and conformity in the society is bound to the harmony on these rules. Any actions which do not conform to the accepted norms in a society and violate them are called abnormalities. The crucial goal of the research was to study the social abnormality among the youth. The analytical approaches of the research are social disorganization. To elaborate the analytical approaches, anomie, general strain, delinquent subcultures, control, differential association, and power control theories were applied in this research.Method: The research method was 'survey'. In reality, the type and aims of this research effectuate to prefer it to other methods which affect on abnormality. For measuring the abnormality, self-reported for data collection was used. The sample population was 220 young people living in the suburbs of Sari and Babol (northern cities in Iran) which was estimated through cluster sampling of multiple stages. Socio-economic variable is based on Duncan & Salkind, socio-economic index which is a combination of average indexes of income, education level and job. Family problems variable is the combination of quarrel and family problems which consist of verbal disputes, thrashing and leaving home by parents. Findings: The results of the research showed that the rate of abnormalities among the youth of suburbs of those cities was average. The factor analysis illustrates four sorts like; moral abnormality, legal abnormality, ritual abnormality, and customary moral abnormality. Based on the results obtained from multiple regression, association with others, family problems, control failure, labels, alienation, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic status were the significant variables to abnormalities. The path analysis showed that the socioeconomic status, alienation, and abnormality affect the family problems, and also affect the association with abnormal companions and those in turn influence on the abnormality of the individual. Besides, the rate of abnormality varies from girls to boys. In fact, the abnormalities among boys are more than the abnormalities among girls. Also the differences between the degree of abnormality among those under 18 years of old are more significant. The mean abnormality of those older than 18 years were more than under 18 years old. It can be claimed that as one gets older and associates more with his/her community, the rate of his/her abnormality goes up. Path analysis diagram shows that independent variables not only are directly effective on abnormality but also they have indirect effect on dependent variable. Results: Results show that the youth abnormal behavior is of medium range. They also indicate that factors as socio-economic status, relatives, religious belief, family problems and social control failure are crucial for their abnormality. Due to research's question it can be said that abnormality degree of the youths who are inhabited in outskirts of sample cities is medium. According to the research theoretical framework and based on acquired results from multi-variables and path analysis can be inferred that abnormality as a direct variable makes from various factors which is in casual relation with each other and all its changes are shown by causation variables.In this model, socio-economic analysis showed that the socioeconomic status, alienation, and abnormality affect the family problems, and also affect the association with abnormal companions, and those in turn influence on the abnormality of the individual. Besides, the rate of abnormality varies from girls to boys. In fact, the abnormalities among boys are more than the abnormalities among girls. Also the differences between the degree of abnormality among those under 18 years of old are more significant. The mean abnormality of those older than 18 years were more than under 18 years old. It can be claimed that as one gets older and associates more with his/her community, the rate of his/her abnormality goes up.Path analysis diagram shows that independent variables not only are directly effective on abnormality but also they have indirect effect on dependent variable. Results: Results show that the youth abnormal behavior is of medium range. They also indicate that factors as socio-economic status, relatives, religious belief, family problems and social control failure are crucial for their abnormality. Due to research's question it can be said that abnormality degree of the youths who are inhabited in outskirts of sample cities is medium. According to the research theoretical framework and based on acquired results from multi-variables and path analysis can be inferred that abnormality as a direct variable makes from various factors which is in casual relation with each other and all its changes are shown by causation variables. In this model, socio-economic base, alienation, label affect on family problems and associating with abnormal friends and them finally affect on person's abnormality. Based on research theoretical model, constructive factors such as low socioeconomic base, alienation and abnormal label in outskirts areas are as effective forces to decline society which oblige inhabitants to accept behavioral models. In this area, social control constitutions such as family and schools would be failed. They can't act normally. Most of outskirts inhabitants don't be able to acquire successful indexes through customary instruments. As a result, they feel angry, privation, umbrage and repulsion which press against them.Due to social pressure and seclusion, special cultures of low-level increase and cause unfit neighboring relations. This independent subcultures cause a set of values and beliefs which are in contrast with customary normality. Inhabitants of this area behave abnormal to harmonize with the subculture values of low-level.Constructive factors such as low socio-economic base, movement and motion, ethnical and racial harmony and separated families cause low organizational cooperation, feeble control and weakness of friendship relations which strengthen abnormal behaviors in this area.

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Objectives: Equal and balanced development of geographical spaces demand meticulous and all- round analysis of economical, social, cultural... issues and better understanding of improvement of societies needs. Health and medical services are considered as essential pillars of development which have not been justly distributed foundations in the townships of Isfahan province. So, the present study aims at finding the spatial inequalities and difference in development of indices investigates the spatial analysis of development indices of health and medical services across the townships of the Isfahan province. Method: The present research method is "descriptive- analytical". At first measures were taken for creating 56 initial indices and then 47 selective indices were determined. After the stage of index- making, unequal health in townships was evaluated using the index for development of health and medical. Finally using multi- variation method action was made for forecasting effective indices in development of health and treatment. Software's of SPSS and Arc View GIS are used for research data analysis.Findings: The findings reveal that the health and medical indices haven't been equally distributed and there is a significant difference between the townships in terms of medical services development. The most imbalances is related to the indices of 'expert force", in a manner that the ratio for some of these indices is equal to zero in more than 15 townships and only 2 indices out of expert force enjoy partially favorable distribution. After the said indices, the indices for "inexpert force" also indicate some inadequacies. The indices of "Rural Health" also have more favorable distribution compared to "infrastructure" indices due to special attention of the government to rural locations and development of these indices has been performed better than total indices in the research. Khansar, Borkhar -0- Meimeh townships have the highest and lowest levels, respectively. Results: The average index for development of health and treatment in Isfahan province is 0.3 1% that its maximum amounting to 52% is related to Khansar Township and its minimum in the amount of 0.21 belongs to Borkhar -0- Meimeh. The index for Development of health and medical is more than the general average of this index in 42.8% of townships in the province including Khansar, Ardestan, Kashan, Naein, Golpayegan, Natanz, Fereidunshahr, Isfahan and Aran -0- Bidgol. Whereas this index in 57.2% of townships including the townships of Fereidan, Najafabad, Semirom, Mobarekeh, Chadegan, Tiran -0- Karvan, Lenjan, Dehaghan, Shahreza, Felavarjan, Khomeinishahr and Borkhar - 0- Meimeh is less than the general average. Considering the classification of index for HDI, Khansar Township is in the highest level and Borkhar -0- Meimeh are in the lowest level. The results show that from among 21 townships investigated Khansar, Ardestan, Kashan, Naein, Golpayegan, Natanz and fereidoonshahr are in the first level (high develop), townships of Isfahan, Aran and Bidgol, fereidan Njafabad, Semirom and Mobarekeh are in the second level (middle develop) and other townships of the Isfahan province are in the lowest level (low develop). Multiple regression model predicts the "expert force" indices role in the health and medical development of the townships more than other research indices, "inexpert force", "infrastructure" and "rural health" have little role in the prediction of the health and medical development of the province. So it is suggested that the said indices are considered respectively by priority in underdeveloped, inter- developed and trans- developed townships.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Social security organizations play a central role in financing health care expenditure around the world. In Iran, statistics show the average yearly per capita growth of social security health care expenditure (SHE) in current and constant price is 15.6 and 2.3 percent for the period of 1961 -2003 respectively. From theoretical points these expenditure must remain or decreasing in constant price over time and only factor that cause the increase is real income. So, this article tries to give an answer to this question: what factors determine the changes of yearly per capita health care expenditure of Iran Social Security Organization over the time?Methods: The health insurance approach theory of determinants of the SHE suggest, in order to answer the above question, SHE (dependent variable) must examined against three major groups of explanatory variables (independent variables): economic, demographic, and health stock variables. The method in this paper is regression analysis with a simple Cobb-Douglass cost function. after collecting data and examining all estimating methods, the cost function estimated with ordinary lest square (OLS) method and this method fit data very well.Findings: The main findings of the model are following: 1-real health insurance premium has a positive, elastic and significant effect on SHE. 2-health price index has a positive, inelastic effect on SHE.3-citieswith over than 100000 inhabitants has a positive, elastic and significant effect on SHE.4- government public health expenditure has a negative, inelastic effect on SHE.5-number of retirements has a negative and inelastic effect on SHE.6-the real per capita income has a positive and inelastic effect on SHE.7-number of physician pre adjusted population has a positive effect on SHE.8-number of unretired population has a positive effect on SHE. 9-asymmetry information and supplier induced demand have positive and significant effect on SHE. 10-real expenditure on health administration has a positive effect on SHE. When the residuals estimated from the regressions are subjected to the ADF unit root test the conclusion is that they are stationary. The results also suggest the relationship between the dependent and independent variables is not spurious, but it is a co integration relation. Based on the co integration technique, it is found that the dependent and independent variables demonstrate long run relationship.Results: This paper has shown a relatively simple model focusing on a key group of variable, namely economic, health stock and demographic can explain the raise in SHE.There is evidence of existence of supplier induced demand (SID) that makes Iran's social security organization health expenditure increase over the time. It is necessary to control the behaviors of physicians who induced demand. There are evidence of existence of moral hazard and adverse selection makes SHE increase over time in constant price.Numbers of big cities and health price index have positive effect on SHE. Government health care expenditure has negative effect on SHE. Per capita income has positive effect on SHE.In general, what emerges from these exercises is that changes in the economic, demographic and health stock variables produce persistent changes in the SHE, and these findings don't support the contention that the per capita real income is the only major determinate of the per capita real health care spending. In order to decrease the speed of SHE growth the main way is to control these variables and decrease their effect on SHE over time.

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Social Welfare

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Objective: Crime is a multidimensional phenomenon which its investigation needs the use of an interdisciplinary approach; It has a unique spatio-temporal (spatial and temporal) context which distinguishes it from other behaviors and causes the criminal behavior not to have an even spatial distribution in an area. Some places due to their physical/ environmental features, kind of activities common in them, or social and economic characteristics of their inhabitants provide more opportunities for crimes to occur and attract active and strongly motivated criminals who on a basis of a rational choice look for the safest and most suitable places and conditions to commit a criminal act. This research as an interdisciplinary study has used a combination of sociology, criminology, and geography disciplines to investigate crime phenomenon in Game Nets in city of Tehran. Game Net as a place that provides users with computer games, due to its anatomy and spatial properties, environmental design as well as its usage situation and environmental ground can, regardless of the individual and social characteristics of the users and managers, prepare a suitable ground for the emergence of criminal behaviors. Ecological properties of the areas in which these Game Nets are located can also cause different rates of crime. Method: The present study investigated the crimes related to Game Nets at two levels of micro and medial levels: crimes inside Game Nets and the Game Net - crimes spreading over different urban districts of Tehran. Using the GIS software, the research intended to identify the spatial pattern of these crimes in order to examine how the environmental factors affect the occurrence of the Game Net crimes. To achieve this purpose, using a questionnaire as a tool in this survey method we Surveyed 400 users inlOO randomly chosen Game Nets about crimes related to those Game Nets.Findings: The results of the present study revealed that the highest rate of reported crimes were related to cursing/swearing, fighting, and gambling in respective; 53.1, 43.1, 38.7 Percent of the participants reported the rates of swearing, fighting, and gambling as high and very high in respective. The ecology of the crime in this study was investigated too. The maps drawn according to rates of different crimes showed that spatial distribution of Game net-related crimes in Tehran did not follow an even pattern and reported various rates at different districts. But the regions located at suburban and city entrance areas or located at more commercial areas revealed higher rates of crimes.Results: The results revealed that typologically the Game Nets which were located out of official and unofficial inspection zone, those located in busy business centers as well as those have residential usage respectively had the highest crime rates due to chances they could provide for criminal activities. According to proposed theories (hypothesis) Opportunity, Daily activities, and social supervision are considered the most important variables which interfere between Place and Crime. Investigation of environment in study of given crimes helps researches to detect the patterns of the criminal behaviors and to identify crime prone centers. Attention to environment as an unmediated factor in comparison to personal or structural factors makes it possible for researcher to propose more practical crime prevention strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: This inquiry is intended to study the national identity situation and its effective factors in between high school students. A nation is a form of self defined cultural and social community. Members of a "nation" share a common identity, and usually a common origin, in the sense of history, ancestry, parentage or descent. A nation extends across generations, and includes the dead as full members. Past events are framed in this context.The national identity refers both to the distinguishing features of the group, and to the individual's sense of belonging to it. A very wide range of criteria is used, with very different applications. Small differences in pronunciation may be enough to categorize someone as a member of another nation. On the other hand, two people may be separated by difference in personalities, belief systems, geographical locations, time and even spoken language; yet regard themselves, and be seen by others, as members of the same nation. National identity is one of base that shape individual personality. National identity is answer to questions such "who" and "what" about self and his/her country. So national identity is personal define of self. National Identity creates personal commitment to country and social community. This is important among youth generation because in youth age establish individual personality. Therefore National Identity is one elements of youth's personality.Method: This research studies the national identity situation and its effective factors in between high school students. Research sample is 400 students in Shiraz city. Research method is survey. National identity measured in eight dimensions includes social identity, geographical identity, historical identity, cultural identity, ethnical identity, linguistic and Literature identity, political identity and religious identity. National identity variable combined of these dimension. Independent variables include: belong feel to society, individualism, positive attitude to western countries, values gap with parent, schools curriculums, membership in social categories, social inequality feel, national identity Narrative and social- economic- political satisfaction.Findings: The study indicates that national identity rate in between 88 percent of students is high and medium and 22 percent of students have low national identity. National identity between girls and boys is not significant. However girls student have higher rate from boys in social, geographical and religious dimensions of national identity and boys have higher rate in ethnical identity. Results: Results show that the belong feel to society, positive attitude to western countries, political system legitimacy and individualism variables have significant effects on national identity. The Belong feel to society and political system legitimacy have positive effect on national identity and positive attitude to western countries and individualism have negative effect.A structural equation analysis (SEA) of data with Lisrel 8.53 indicates that major Constructive parts of national identity are geographical, cultural and historical dimensions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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