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Social Welfare

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Some people believe that some persons who breach Social Norms or commit a crime must be under some harder limitations in the society and they are not entitled to have all the Human Rights. But, we must deny this belief. Because, the right of the society to perform. Some restrictive provisions against the offenders do not mean that the society has the right to deprive them of Human Rights, but also. The society has a duty of respecting these rights.One of the social groups, are the persons, who are labeled of addiction. This label, irrespective of Legal effects, because of society's negative opinion on addicts, in itself, is restrictive and when we consider it criminal, the limitations become twofold.The case in this essay is, if the legislator is right to deprive the addicts from Human Rights Have Iranian Legislators respected addicts Human Rights? How much? If not, why? Or the legislator, in practice, these rights and the provisions are not in contradiction with Human Rights.

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Social Welfare

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Human Rights have known as the heart of UN activities. The defense of Human Rights, in fact, is defense of human respect.In the other hand, the considerable population with disability lives in different countries in the world, which annually increases over 10 million people.In the developing countries, this big population includes poor, independents, under oppression and rudeness, forgotten people and deprive from public and vocational education and no job.The efforts to understand the Human Rights initiate with approval "The World Declaration of Human Rights" in 1948, then this declaration could be an appropriate center to design and formulate several declarations, resolutions, regulations, rules and convention to support Human Rights in the world.In the first declaration the people with disability was clearly included because of articles7 and 25 and then in "World Declaration on Rights of Mental Retardation People" in 1971 and "World Declaration on Rights of Disabled People" in 1975 and "The World Convention on Rights of Children" in 1981 and "The Standard Rules for Equalization of Opportunities for Disabled People" in 1993, emphasis, considerably.Now, the most important challenge is, the discussion of general assembly on "International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities". So by approval this, the final step will be take to regards the Human Rights of disabled people in the third millennium.

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Social Welfare

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Persons with disabilities as a member of human society always confront to challenge about work and profession. These problems are not necessarily resulted from physical conditions of these persons, but most of the time arises from wrong point of view of society that keep out them of work and activity. In spite of international transitions about this matter in the area of law and sociology, those leading to positive regards for work of persons with disabilities, the exact frame of the right of these persons are uncertain. In this paper, we discuss about the right to work of persons with disabilities in national and international regulations, and set forth the ideal conditions to secure these rights for them.

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Social Welfare

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Like an iceberg, only a small part of the socio-economic costs of an earthquake disaster is visible. The hidden parts of this iceberg entail more risks and unpredictable and injurious effect. These can't include the collapse of the engine of visual economics activities various human and social damages and unemployment, that culminate in various social deviations and other subsequent damages.Number of casualties wounded and handicaps show only the apparent part of iceberg, showing serious part of disaster and can result in more cost but are not all of them. Out break of earthquake in Iran is decisive and using the economic mechanism and instrument as well as planning, strategies and approaches are necessary for confronting such a disaster. Hard and deep damages of the Barn earthquake, that was one of the most misfortunes in Iran and the world that mostly includes poverty unemployment and social problems are increasing, whereas policies and expedients, are all dispersed, non-deliberated and insufficient.Reconstruction in Barn is exclusively considered as a physical work rather than a socio-economic issue. The opinion and willing of the survivors neither taken into consideration nor merged with expert opinion. Priorities in term of cost classification are not determined.Despite Lake of financial shortages still there exists no efficient or sufficient crisis management planning strategies and resource allocation.

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Social Welfare

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Considering this fact that natural disasters especially those ones that are followed by heavy damages and human loses demand an immediate interference and necessity of taking short term and long term steps to prevent socio-psychological damaging effects which are the consequences of such disasters.This research investigates the living conditions of Barn earthquake survivals and their satisfaction of the supports and aids sent to the area after the earthquake. This research which is done according to field method, tries to assess the living conditions of 363 family members (203 females and 160 males). Who are chosen with cluster sampling out of the total survivals of the earthquake and lived in tents. The results were achieved by doing a survey that included a questionnaire divided into four parts A: anthropological characters B: conditions of living area. C: socio-mental conditions D: People comments about the aids and consisted of 6 questions relating to reconstructions of quake hit area local and other people management and the government sectors roles. The collected-data was analysed with statistical methods.According to the results most of the participants in this research are 21-30 years old whom married with high school education and housewives the vast majority of them were displeased with the lack of facilities such as drinking water food cooking equipments toilets detergents materials tent and sleeping equipments and their residing area. Most of them complained about the education and entertainment limitations or shortage so that most of them had no access to newspapers or books or training courses of any kind such as physical equipments and facilities. An increasing rate in behavioral-mental disorders after the quake and abusing narcotic drugs were among the findings too. All the findings mentioned in this research claim an immediate attention to the survivals and providing them with the basic living facilities such as educational and health ones and the most important of all job opportunities.

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Social Welfare

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Late on 2003, an earthquake in Barn in Iran, led to the death of more than 30,000 of 200,000 inhabitants. The rate of opium abuse, which had been high among the male population in this city, caused problems after the earthquake.The objectives of the following study were to determine the extent of withdrawal symptoms in drug dependents and how they dealt with their symptoms during the first two weeks after the earthquake.The study was carried out in Barn, one of its nearby villages and 8 hospitals in Tehran and Kerman, admitting earthquake victims. A group of 163 people were interviewed, including drug abusers, their family members, people living in Barn, and service providers.During the first two weeks after the earthquake about half of drug dependent interviewees suffered from withdrawal symptoms. About half reported their problems to health care providers and asked for morphine or other analgesics; but the withdrawal symptoms were controlled in one fourth using the medications. More than half used opium, the rest used both of these ways to minimize withdrawal symptoms.In our society with a considerable prevalence of druy abuse, this issue becomes a matter of utmost health care and social importance at times of disasters, and the necessary arrangements to deal with it should be present beforehand.

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Social Welfare

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The growing recognition of the gap between social Justice as an abstraction and injustice as a tact of life emerged in four approaches to social Justice. The work ethic orientation toward social life suggested proportionality view via described two approaches, economic Individualism and equity, while Egalitarianism view include other approaches, equality and Need.Proportionality appears to represent a sentiment toward rewarding individual contribution to society and withholding benefits to individuals who do not contribute. Egalitarianism appears to represent equal access to basic services. Equal treatment of all members of society, and the redistribution of wealth.In this article discussion of different approaches and their relation to social orientation, Achievement motivation, procedural Justice and values among 150 high school teachers in Isfahan indicates meaningful patterns of relations. Discriminate validity of four scale of social Justice can be observed by noting the moderately correlations between values and proportionality views (economic individualism and equity) or egalitarianism views (equality and Needs). Convergent validity was confirmed by meaningful correlation between proportion ti on ality scale and achievement motivation, also between egalitarianism scale and procedural Justice and social orientation.

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This paper is a review of research conducted by the present author in five villages in Iran. Each village is located in a province where UNFP A has been active for sometime. The main aim was to study the role of male domination upon reproductive health and health seeking behaviors of women in those selected sites. Before presenting the research findings both key concepts of the research are introduced and main approaches to feminism are reviewed. In this regard Marxist Feminism, Radical Feminism, Socialist Feminism, Liberal Feminism and finally Black Feminism however very briefly, are discussed. The findings clearly show that Bio-medical approach which was the dominant approach in studying reproductive health for a very long period, have major shortcomings and are not able to arrive at a realistic understanding of the women condition especially in non-western societies. Moreover the research has revealed both the merits and the need for conducting socio-cultural research for a reliable knowledge concerning the women condition in general and reproductive health in particular. It is now clear that hardware approach toward development an approach which limits development to buildings, health facilities, equipments and alike ignores the most important factors needed for a genuine societal transformation namely cultural change which seems vital to transform societies. The main findings of the research also are presented.

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Some social levels such as women are more vulnerable than the other groups because of their social and environmental characters, and most of the criminals choose their victims from this group since they are easily caught. The higher and heavier punishment, the less commitment in such crimes and as a result the less women harassment. Therefore, setting up a proper punishment system and double the fines seem inevitable and necessary.But it seems that not a suitable legislation has come into existence in Iran to protect the women rights and even with less effectiveness, It has provided a held that women are at the center of the crisis and suffer a great number of offences.

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Nowadays, mistreatment with women in family, which is a very common phenomenon all over the world, has disastrous effects and consequences for society. Although domestic violence against women has very long history, but only recently governments in different parts of the world have considered it as an important problem and provided some measures to deal with the annoying state of women against whom violence is committed.In Iran, in spite of the lack of official statistics about violence against women, there is some research which shows huge quantity of violence against women. The more the society is poor, traditional, and weak from cultural point of view, the more we have violence against women and it is more serious, as well as it has heavy toll.Violence against women has inevitable harms to the integrity of family and society, as well a bad effects on family's children. So to deal with this problem we should take strategically and practical steps toward reaction against domestic violence and protection of its victims. This article studies reactions by which we can manage this phenomenon.

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Running away from home is one of the maladjusted behavior to children and adolescents that's increasing in Iran. This trend makes all the experts and families worried. The Purpose of this research is an investigation the causes of this social attack.The subjects were 30 girls between 15-25 years old in three centers; social emergency center, women re-education and prison in Shiraz. The Questionnaire and interview were used as instruments. Data has been analysed by X2 test and percentage.The results show that family factors are the most important on running away. Also in family factors, divorce of parent, addiction and miss behavior by older brother are the most effective. Population of family has the least effect on independent variable in this research.

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Social Welfare

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From early times in the past, mankind has left some written statements on the walls to demonstrate his desires, wills, view points, advertisement, or lack of success. Although wall writings could cause irreparable harm to public property, national and historical places, human being has made others read and pay attention to his words. Nowadays social pathologists consider wall writing a social problem which destroys public property and sometimes causes public stress, fear, and irritation.The present study aims at studying the written materials on the class walls of Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman. Since the main objective of this study has been the analysis and interpretation of wall writing. The researchers tried to study the subjects from the point of view of love, life, sexual relationship, social values, and educational issues at the university specifically the relationship between professors and students. Moreover, the researchers tried to investigate the numbers, digits dates, drawings, and language of wall writings.The research method is observation, that is, wall writings (2047) were directly observed, recorded on note cards, classified based on their Subject, and finally analysed using data analysis method. The findings of the study showed that the most number of wall writings were observed in Engineering Faculty; however, the fewest wall writings were found in medical school. Furthermore, among the various social and literal concepts, love has ranked the first in all three faculties. Sexual relationship, educational issues (exams, cheating, criticizing professors), hope, life, and appreciation of social and ethnic groups have ranked next alternatively.

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