The present research was carried out to determine the correlation among some yield related characters as well as their interactions of 25 advanced lines and cultivars of 6-rowed barleys. 19 Characters kernel yield, vegetative growth period, grain filling period, flag leaf area, flag leaf area duration, peduncle area, peduncle area duration, flag leaf sheath area, flag leaf sheath area duration, stem diameter, height of plant, head length, own length, number of kenel per head, head weight, 1000-kernel weight, straw yield and harvest index were measured on 10 random plants. Correlation between these characters were calculated. A stepwise regression analysis was also done for grain yield (dependent variable) and other characters. Finally, the correlation between the remaining characters in the model was divided into direct and indirect effects by path analysis. The results derived from correlation and path analysis indicated that kernel number per head with a direct effect 1.3607 was the greatest factor affecting kernel yield. The direct effect of number of head per unit area and kernel weight was positive. Correlation coefficient of 1000-kernel weight and number of kernel per head with kernel yield were positive and significant while correlation coefficient between grain yield and number of head per unit area were non significant but with a significant effect.