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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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سردبیر محترم مجله ایرانی آموزش در علوم پزشکی در برنامه بودجه هر دانشگاه بر اساس شاخص های آن دانشگاه، اعتباراتی به امور پژوهشی اختصاص داده می شود. این منابع تخصیص داده شده منابعی نیست که محققین دانشگاه با ارائه طرح های تحقیقاتی از صنعت یا از ارگان دولتی دیگری اخذ نموده باشند و در حقیقت این اعتبارات یارانه پژوهشی به دانشگاه است که توسط دولت تأمین می شود. دولتی بودن این اعتبارات می تواند بی نظمی خاصی را در هزینه نمودن آن ایجاد کند. اولین مشکل آن این است که محققین در مدیریت مالی منابع دقت کمی نمایند و تصور شود که هرگاه و در هر شرایطی طرحی ارائه دهند تأمین اعتبار خواهد شد. اما چنانچه محققی از اعتبارات تخصیصی به خود از پیش اطلاع داشته باشد، خواهد توانست با برنامه ریزی و ارائه طرح تحقیقاتی از این اعتبارات استفاده نماید و مشکلات در جهت هدف مند نمودن اعتبارات پژوهشی کم تر خواهد بود. اما این اعتبارات چگونه باید در دانشگاه به افراد تخصیص داده شود؟ آیا باید سرانه ای مشخص بین محققین تقسیم شود تا بر اساس ذوق خودشان تحقیق نمایند؟ آیا باید این هزینه ها صرفاً به تحقیقات دانشجویی و پایان نامه ها اختصاص داده شود؟ آیا بهتر است در قالب تصویب طرح های تحقیقاتی هزینه به ازای هر طرح به محققین داده شود؟ و. . . .

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از عمده عوامل مهم رشد و توسعه هر کشوری نیروی انسانی نخبه است و برنامه ریزی برای شناسایی و رشد استعدادهای درخشان جزء برنامه آموزشی هر کشوری است. این افراد نیاز به برنامه های آموزشی و خدمات متمایز دارند تا بتوانند برای خود و جامعه کارامد باشند (1). همچنین با توجه به این که دوران آموزش عالی مرحله مهمی از شکوفایی استعدادهای درخشان در جامعه و در عین حال دوره ی خطیری برای جذب استعدادها به خارج از کشور است، لازم است که دانشگاه ها برای انجام اقدامات زیربنایی در جهت جلب استعدادها برنامه ریزی کنند (2). در کشور ایران در سال های اخیر فعالیت هایی در این زمینه آغاز گردیده است و دانشگاه ها با معرفی دانشجویان دارای رتبه های بالا به عنوان استعداد درخشان درصدد تشویق و جلب و نگهداری این افراد به شکل پویا و فعال هستند (3).

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Introduction: Since internet addiction is a chronic phenomenon with serious damages and inappropriate use of the internet among students is on the rise, this study was conducted to predict internet addiction based on predisposing factors such as type D personality and humor styles and explore its relationship with academic performance.Methods: This descriptive correlational study was performed in 2015. Research population included all medical students (n=600) of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman of whom 225 were selected as the research sample using Krejcie Morgan table and simple random sampling. Data were collected using Young’s internet addiction, Denollet’s type D personality and Martin’s humor styles questionnaires. Grade point average was used to measure academic performance. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (stepwise regression and t-test). Results: Findings showed that students with type D and non-D-type personality were significantly different in terms of self-enhancing (p=0.0001) and self-defeating (p=0.01) humor styles and internet addiction (p=0.001). Negative emotion and the self-defeating humor style predict 23% of internet addiction variance (p=0.0001, p=.038). Internet addiction is correlated with declined academic performance (p=0.047). Conclusion: Given the more prominent role of type D personality in predicting internet addiction, it is suggested that individuals’ personality type should be considered in evaluation of internet addiction and the impact of internet addiction on academic performance should be taken into account.

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Introduction: Researchers have realized that academic burnout has seriously negative impact on learning and promotion of learning efficiency which hinders universities from achieving their educational missions and goals. This study examined the factors affecting academic burnout among students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and Payam Noor University through a comparative casual model.Methods: This descriptive correlational study was carried out on a sample of 174 students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and 260 students of Shiraz Payame Noor University; subjects were selected based on Cochran Formula through simple random sampling. Data collection tool was a battery of questionnaires consisting of Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey, Elliot and McGregor achievement goal scale, Midgley self-efficacy scale and Schaufeli and Bakker academic engagement scale. The data were analyzed in Lisrel software using path analysis.Results: Findings showed significant differences between the two universities in terms of the impact of academic goal orientation (t=2.76, p=0.01), academic self-efficacy (t=2.18, p=0.05) and academic engagement (t=2.60, p=0.01) on academic burnout. It was also found that academic goal orientation had significant indirect effects on academic burnout through academic self-efficacy and academic engagement. In the two samples, Findings indicated that the proposed conceptual model had a good fit.Conclusion: Given the increasing trend of academic burnout in academic settings and the decisive role of academic goal orientation, academic self-efficacy and academic engagement, universities should provide an appropriate environment to enhance self-efficacy and change mastery goal orientation in students’ learning and therefore, pave the way for promoting learning and reducing academic burnout.

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Introduction: Medical sciences students’ interest in their field of study will increase their sense of responsibility and academic performance and improve healthcare services. The purpose of this study was to investigate the students’ interest in their field of study and affecting factors in Kashan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional study, 540 students of different fields of medical sciences were selected using a quota sampling method. Data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation test.Results: The mean score of the students’ interest in their field of study was 75.69 (out of 100). The majority of the students expressed that they had selected their fields with awareness (76.5%). A rather weak significant inverse correlation was found between age and the interest score (r=-0.1, p=0.025). Among all the factors affecting interest, “being useful to the society” and “the social status of the field” had the highest effect on the students’ interest while “high school teachers” had the lowest effect.Conclusion: The interest scores were relatively lower in older students. Considering the effects of social status and feeling useful on creating and maintaining the interest in the profession, attempts should be made to reinforce the feeling of being useful in students. Moreover, the number of student admissions should be determined according to the capacity of the labor market.

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Introduction: Lifelong learning seems to be a necessity for facing knowledge explosion, new technologies and constant occupational changes. Nowadays, higher education centers are considered key sites for developing lifelong learning. This study aim to address faculty members’ perspective on some urgent revisions in higher education policies with an emphasis on lifelong learning approach.Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in 2014 using content analysis. Sixteen faculty members were selected from University of Isfahan, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and University of Kerman who were experienced in the fields of higher education, education and learning; subjects were selected using purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured, open-ended interviews. Credibility and acceptability of the data were confirmed by inter-rater reliability and outside observer. The data were analyzed using content analysis.Results: Based on results of this study, four thematic categories were identified as basic higher education policies that need to be revised: “establishing equal and continuous learning opportunities”, “flexibility in higher education admissions”, “varied curriculum” and “learner-centeredness”.Conclusion: The results of this research could be applied to revising the higher education policies while focusing on training graduates who possess lifelong learning characteristics.

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Introduction: With the increasing popularity of performance-based assessments, it is necessary to employ proper indicators to ensure their quality. The present study examines the metrics of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).Methods: In this descriptive, cross-sectional research in 10 pre-internship OSCE stations of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2012, the cut-off score was determined by borderline regression method and the failure rate was calculated. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was used to estimate error rate threshold. Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha and then, the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) was determined. Alpha if item deleted, R2 coefficient, intergrade discrimination, difficulty and discrimination indices were calculated for each station. A total of 266 students participated in this exam.Results: A total of 266 students participated in this exam. The OSCE total cut-off score was 52.55 (out of 100). Four students (1.5%) failed the exam and the RMSE equaled 0.45. SEM was 4.84 and Cronbach’s alpha was calculated at 0.70 where the alpha if item deleted scores varied from 0.64 to 0.70. The R2 coefficient ranged from 0.16 to 0.85 and the intergrade discrimination ranged between 0.66 and 1.93. The ranges of difficulty and discrimination indices were 0.71-0.89 and 0.12-0.44 respectively.Conclusion: The internal consistency, SEM and threshold error rate were all acceptable. The alpha if item deleted was in the acceptable range in all stations. In two stations, the R2 value was lower than the desired range. The intergrade discrimination value was appropriate in all stations except one. The stations were not too difficult or highly discriminative which is considered favorable in criterion-referenced exams.

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Introduction: Providing proper training for midwives and creating the right attitude during education would help them select the appropriate delivery method for clients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of multimedia-based teaching and role-playing on midwifery students’ knowledge and attitude towards vaginal delivery.Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 124 undergraduate midwifery students of Islamic Azad University, Kerman branch, were selected through census method and divided into two groups of multimedia-based teaching and role-playing in delivery methods. Both groups took a pre-test and two posttests immediately after and 6 weeks after the training. Data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistical tests, independent t-test, paired t-test and repeated measures design test. Results: There was a significant difference in the mean scores of knowledge (p=0.012) and attitude (p=0.048) between the two groups immediately after the training. Although no significant difference was found in the mean scores of knowledge and attitude between the two groups 6 weeks after the training, the repeated measures design test with time-related effects eliminated, showed that the variation of the mean scores of knowledge (P=0.029 and F=5.383) and attitude (P<0.05 and F=3.365) were higher in the multimedia based training group.Conclusion: The results showed the favorable impact of both methods on midwifery students’ increased knowledge and attitude towards vaginal delivery. This study may contribute to education in terms of developing both educational content and new methods of education at all levels. It is suggested that these two methods should be used complementarily with each other or other methods.

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Introduction: Academic motivation can be perceived as a factor in deciding to continue academic education. One of the new models in this area is Jones’s model of academic motivation (MUSIC). This study aimed to test the seven-factor structure of this motivation model in medical sciences students.Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 378 students (197 females and 181 males) of Urmia University of Medical Sciences who were selected through cluster sampling method. Data were collected using Jones and Wilkins’s 26-item students’ motivation questionnaire. Amos-16 software was used for the correlation matrix analysis and confirmatory factor analysis.Results: A positive significant correlation existed among the components of the model. Goodness of fit indices showed that the seven-factor model provides a good fit of students’ academic motivation. Conclusion: The seven-factor structure of academic motivation (MUSIC) model can be highly useful in developing and promoting students’ academic motivation and participation.

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Introduction: Implementation of clinical supervision of student training could bring about high standards in patient care. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of clinical supervision in midwifery education from the perspective of midwifery clinical teachers and students in Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 90 midwifery students in different field internship training units and 25 midwifery clinical teachers who were selected through census method.  Data collection tool was the 15-item, 5-point Likert scale CCTEI standardized questionnaire. The data were analyzed using independent t-test, chi-square and ANOVA.Results: A total of 80 student questionnaires and 20 clinical teacher questionnaires were analyzed. The status of clinical supervision in midwifery education was evaluated as average with the mean score 52.5 out of 75. There was a significant difference between the views of clinical teachers and students about the status of clinical supervision such that the clinical teachers evaluated it at a high level with the mean score 60.3 (SD=5.07) while the students evaluated it at an average level with the mean score 46.2 (SD=9.94). The statuses of clinical supervision were significantly different in different clinical arrangements.Conclusion: This difference between the views of clinical teachers and students about the status of clinical education could be due to students’ needs such that the students needed more training in diagnostic skills which is not fully provided by clinical teachers. Since clinical supervision is a teacher-student interaction, further research is recommended to account for these different views.

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Introduction: Midwifery is one of the vital fields in the health care system where clinical education is highly important for students and feedback is an essential element of clinical education. This paper provides a review of feedback in midwifery education.Methods: In this narrative review study, databases of SID, IranMedex, Irandoc, Magiran, PubMed, ERIC, Google scholar and Science direct were searched through using keywords like feedback, reflection, midwifery. The Persian and English articles on feedback in midwifery, published from 1980 to 2015, were included in the study.Results: A total of 742 articles were found. Regarding the research goal, seven articles were finally reviewed after removing duplicates. The most important results of the review were in the domains of consensus on the necessity of feedback, challenges and advantages of feedback in midwifery education and existence of inadequate performance in giving feedback in midwifery education. Students and faculty members agreed on giving feedback. The advantages of feedback in midwifery education include stimulation of reflection, elimination of deficiencies, personal growth, increased problem solving skills and group discussion.Conclusion: Since the present review study suggests that the viewpoints of faculty members and students about the status of feedback in clinical education are not the same, a broader assessment of feedback in clinical education from the perspective of all stakeholders is recommended in order to take appropriate measures to fill possible gaps.

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Introduction: Neonatal care unit nurses should acquire and maintain the necessary specialized knowledge for providing skillful and high quality care during their professional career. This study aimed to examine the impact of virtual-based education on nurses’ psychological empowerment in the level II neonatal care unit.Methods: This quasi- experimental study was carried out in 2015 on 80 nurses working in level II neonatal care units of hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences; subjects were randomly assigned to two groups of intervention and control groups. The level of nurses’ psychological empowerment was measured using Spreitzer’s psychological empowerment questionnaire on the first day of study and after the course. For the intervention group, the educational content of level II neonatal cares was developed and presented on Namad System of the virtual faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) for two months. Data were analyzed using paired t-test, Fisher’s exact test, chi-square and independent t-test.Results: The research units were homogeneous in all demographic variables except work experience in the neonatal unit. The respective mean scores and standard deviations of empowerment in the intervention and control groups were 61.57±7.8 and 56.74±6.386 (out of 84) before the intervention and 60.71±7.595 and 63.60±5.6 after the intervention. The results of the independent t-test and paired t-test showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the mean scores of psychological empowerment of the two groups before the intervention (p=0.006), of the control group before and after the intervention (p≤0.001), and of the intervention group before and after the intervention (p≤0.001).Conclusion: The results indicated the effectiveness of virtual-based education on nurses’ psychological empowerment in level II neonatal care units. With regard to the benefits of virtual-based education, its application is recommended in continuing education programs for nurses.

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Introduction: Health services system requires spiritual accountability and should pay attention to this dimension of the clients’ health. Due training is needed to address the issue. The purpose of this study was to identify the educational goals and expected competencies in spiritual health education for medical sciences students based on the educational needs.Methods: This study was carried out using the expert panel method in three stages: in the first stage, several operating groups reviewed the literature, methods and standards of spiritual health curriculum. In the second stage, the competencies and educational goals were identified based on the experts’ opinions. In the third stage, for finalizing the draft of the program goals, these goals were discussed in a focus group of six experts in spiritual health, education and curriculum using the Delphi technique and ultimately a consensus was achieved on the goals.Results: Following the analysis of responses and the experts’ consensus, a list of educational competencies and behavioral goals related to teaching spiritual health was prepared. Accordingly, the goals of the curriculum were developed in the form of three educational packages: concepts of spiritual health from the perspective of Islam, the importance of spiritual health and its impact on other health dimensions and spiritual issues in health services provision.Conclusion: In this study, the expected competencies and specialized behavioral goals were developed according to the educational needs and Blooms’ educational goals model. These can be applied to spiritual health curriculum development for the medical group and integration of spiritual health into medical education.

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Introduction: Educational programs are designed to meet learners’ educational needs. Therefore, needs assessment is the first step in educational planning which could increase learners’ participation in designing educational programs and improve the quality of programs. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to describe the educational needs of Isfahan emergency centers staff and emergency nurses of teaching hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IUMS) in 2012.Methods: The statistical population of this cross-sectional survey consisted of all the emergency nurses of teaching hospitals affiliated to IUMS and Isfahan emergency centers staff. Totally, 310 people were selected through census method. The data was collected through a valid and reliable researcher-made questionnaire. Descriptive statistical tests were used to analyze the data.Results: The means and SDs of the subjects’ age, work experience and work experience in emergency units were 33.3±7.1, 9.76±7.4 and 5.24±4.63 respectively. Moreover, the means and SDs of the five dimensions of educational needs including management, relationships, appraisal skills, equipment and practical skills were 5.28±2.1 (total=10), 6.1±2.2 (total=10), 8.1±3 (total=15), 2.6±1.3 (total=5) and 63.2±19.8 (total=75) respectively.Conclusion: It is necessary to take into account the educational needs of the emergency units staff which include five main categories namely management, relationships, appraisal skills, equipment and practical skills. Future research employing both qualitative and quantitative methods is recommended to examine each of these dimensions in greater depth.

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Introduction: Research studies usually employ SERVQUAL model and gap analysis to assess the quality of academic educational services, but these methods cannot rank universities based on the quality of educational services. In this regard, the purpose of this research was to design a model for ranking the quality of educational services in medical universities.Methods: This study used a mixed method research design. The statistical population consisted of all connoisseur experts (n=15) of the evaluation departments of the medical universities in southeast Iran in 2014, all of whom were selected by non-probability convenience sampling. The experts determined the value of each criterion against other criteria in a paired scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed by means of AHP method in the Expert Choice 11 software.Results: Drawing on SERVQUAL model and AHP method, this study proposed the first model for ranking the quality of educational services in Iran’s medical universities. In this model, the most weighted criterion was “conformity of the curricula with labor market needs”; “the number of held exams”, “faculty members’ mastery of scientific and practical fields of textbooks”, “adequate educational tools” and “safety equipment" were the next criteria with the highest weight respectively.Conclusion: The model for ranking the quality of educational services in medical universities can reduce the time and costs of the programs assessing the quality of educational services and help the authorities provide high quality educational services.

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Introduction: Postpartum depression is a common disorder among women. Therefore, proper and efficient training of healthcare providers for this disorder is of great importance. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of “lecture” and “simulated patient” teaching methods on teaching postpartum depression to healthcare providers.Methods: This quasi -experimental study employed a pretest-posttest design with intervention and control groups and it was carried out in Shahin Shahr healthcare system in 2016. 80 subjects who met inclusion criteria were selected by census method from among 86 healthcare providers and divided randomly into two groups of 40. Postpartum depression was taught to the intervention group and the control group using the “simulated patient” and “lecture” methods respectively. Both groups were given a valid and reliable test before and after the intervention to measure their knowledge and performance. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-tests and paired t-test.Results: In both groups, the posttest mean score was significantly higher than the pretest mean score (p<0.00001). Based on the survey questionnaire, 87% of the intervention group believed that the simulated patient was an appropriate teaching method and 85% preferred it to the lecture method.Conclusion: The results showed that the simulated patient method in teaching postpartum depression had a greater effect on increase healthcare providers’ knowledge and performance than the lecture method and participants preferred this method to the lecture method.

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Introduction: Review of published research in the field of medical education helps determine the direction of future research. The aim of this study was to perform a quantitative content analysis of Persian language articles published in the field of medical education during 2014.Methods: In this study, all articles published in nine scientific journals in the field of medical education during 2014 were reviewed. The variables were extracted from the full-text of articles including title, the number of authors, type of article, research methodology, sample size, research population and topics. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.Results: A total of 366 articles were analyzed. In the titles of articles, 97% of the articles referred to research variable, 41% to research methodology and research population, and 13% to research intervention. Also, 39% of the articles referred to the site and 11% to the time of the research. 42% of articles were descriptive. The most common topics were teaching methods, student health status and thinking style.Conclusion: This study focused on the analysis of published articles during a one-year period. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of publications in later years would provide the necessary information for research and educational policy-making in medical education.

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Introduction: Since academic motivation is one of the most important factors in learners’ academic achievement, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of motivational beliefs (future orientation, task value and self-efficacy) on demotivation, academic achievement and academic burnout in students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) and Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This descriptive correlational study was performed on undergraduate students of FUM and Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in 2015-16 academic year. A number of 370 students were selected by convenience sampling method (220 from FUM and 150 from Mashhad University of Medical Sciences). Data gathering tools were General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE), Valrand’s Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), Maslach academic burnout (MBI-SS) and future orientation and task value PISA 2006 questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess validity. Results showed that the questionnaire has an acceptable fit. GPA was used to measure academic achievement. Data were analyzed using path analysis. Results: Results showed that future orientation (p<0.05 and t=-3.27) and task value (p<0.05 and t=-4.00) were able to predict academic demotivation in the negative direction. General self-efficacy predicted students’ academic burnout in the negative direction (p<0.05 and t=-0.23) and demotivation predicted academic achievement in the negative direction (p<0.05 and t=-2.90).Conclusion: Reinforcing motivation and motivational beliefs (future orientation, task value and selfefficacy) can enhance academic achievement and reduce the level of academic burnout.

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Introduction: For reasons such as the dominance of quantity-oriented approach, traditional educational systems mostly focused on education and its development; however, these systems are now shifting toward research and finding new ways to understand the learning process, its procedures and styles. The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ attitudes toward self-directed learning at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This descriptive-survey study was performed on all students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. A sample of 361 students was selected using proportionate stratified sampling. Measuring tool was a researcher-made questionnaire with an overall Cronbach’s alpha coefficient at 0.79. Data were analyzed using descriptive tests and chi-square test.Results: The most frequent elements were “decision-making by the learner” (4.78±0.79) in the category of perception of self-directed learning, “feeling more confident in one’s ability” (4.91±0.39) in the category of how to affect learning, “lack of knowledge” (4.78±0.78) in the category of barriers and “good lecture” (4.97±0.51) in the category of motivational factors.Conclusion: Results indicated that students were not fully aware of what was expected from them on selfdirected learning. Individual characteristics played an important role in determining self-directed learning efficiency and lack of knowledge was one of the major obstacles.

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Introduction: One of the problems of nursing education is the conformity of clinical training with nursing job responsibilities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the conformity of clinical courses of nursing students with nursing job responsibilities from the perspective of temporary employed nurses in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in 2015. All temporary employed nurses working in 5 teaching hospitals of Tabriz were selected through census method. The sample size was equal to the whole population (145 people). All of the subjects except those who were absent for more than a month in the center were included in the study. Data were collected by a valid and reliable researcher-made questionnaire to assess the conformity of 9 clinical courses. Scores were coded as 1 (very low), 2 (low), 3 (high) and 4 (very high). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.Results: The conformity rates of the nursing clinical courses with clinical responsibilities were 89.69% for nursing principles and skills, 74.48% for community health nursing, 88.03% for health status evaluation, 68.54% for maternity and newborn health, 80.79% for pediatric nursing, 72.13% for medical-surgical nursing, 77.11% for critical care nursing, 77.68% for emergencies and disasters nursing, 77.68 and 75.41% for mental health nursing. These rates were evaluated at very high and high levels.Conclusion: For higher conformity of the courses with the clinical responsibilities of the curriculum, it is recommended that nursing education planners should comprehensively review and revise the syllabus and clinical learning model.

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Introduction: Medical faculty members are often looking for new instruments in their teaching. Such instruments can be found in internet-based technologies. This study aimed to investigate tools, materials, and educational methods based on internet in medical education.Methods: In this review, Sid, Iranmedex, Irondoc, Magiran, Pubmed and Ericdatabsese were searched using key words such as internet, social network, teaching and education Results: In the preliminary search, 800 articles were retrieved. After removing duplicates, 490 articles were remained. Based on title, abstract, inclusion and exclusion criteria, 33 articles entered the systematic review. Results were categorized into 3 groups. In the instrument category, learning management system, social networks and mobile devices can be named. Concerning materials category, podcast and vodcast and in educational methods category, mobile learning, morning report blog and physical examination blog were identified.Conclusion: Different educational methods based on internet such as mobile learning and podcasting have a high potential in medical education. We suggest introducing such tools to faculty members in worshops which are held by EDCs in order to apply them in their teaching.

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Introduction: IEQM Model is a tool for evaluating universities that provides regular, systematic and comprehensive review of university activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of education in the field of focus on workforce based on IEQM model in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on 150 faculty members and employees of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in 2014. Subjects were selected through stratified random sampling. Data were collected using Ministry of Health’s IEQM model 5-point Likert scale questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and independent t-test at the significance level of 0.05.Results: A total of 125 questionnaires were analyzed. The highest and lowest means scores were related to faculties of health and nursing respectively. The best and worst scores were related to the fields of working conditions (82.82±2.0) and employees’ empowerment (65.73±2.0). In general, the score of focus on workforce was 55% of the total points (85). The mean score of this field was not significantly related to education (p=0.5), gender (p=0.6) and the faculties under study (p=0.6).Conclusion: The status of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in the field of focus on workforce was at an average level. Results indicated that the working condition was almost appropriate from the perspective of faculty members but employees’ empowerment in the faculties was a priority.

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Introduction: Knowledge of the competencies of university graduates to meet goals orientation of future educational programs and the needs of society is one the country’s main challenges. The purpose of this study was to compare selected professional competencies of nursing graduates of the Azad and public universities of Maragheh in 2015.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 42 nursing graduates of Azad and public universities (21 per each university). Data collection tools were demographic questionnaires, self-assessment of knowledge, attitudes and skills, MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) and checklists of clinical skills assessment (OSCE = Objective Structured Clinical Examination). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and independent t-test.Results: No significant differences were found in demographic characteristics between the two groups (p>0.05). The mean score (SD) of MCQs was 15.4 (3.7) out of 30. Azad university graduates’ score of attitude was significantly higher (p=0.005) than that of public universities graduates. Public university graduates obtained a higher score in the course of internal surgery (p=0.042) compared to Azad university graduates. Public university graduates significantly outperformed Azad graduates in the skills of pulmonary secretions suctioning (p=0.025), opening and closing the sterile package (p<0.001) and wearing gown (p=0.001). On the other hand, Azad university graduates significantly outperformed public graduates in the skills of NG intubation (p<0.001), lavage (p=0.003), gavage (p=0.000), administration of medications (p=0.005) and adding solution to the container in a sterile environment (p<0.001).Conclusion: Given the average score of knowledge and both Azad and public university students’ weakness in some clinical skills, it seems necessary to develop students` professional competencies both during the training period and before starting their nursing practice.

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Introduction: Nursing theses are among the most important sources to generate knowledge for nursing practice. Consideration of the five professional nursing roles is necessary for professional development of the field. This study aimed to assess the level of consideration of professional nursing roles in nursing MSc theses and how it has changed during 2002-14.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study reviewed nursing MSc theses written during 2002-14 in Mashhad School of Nursing and Midwifery. Theses’ titles were reviewed in terms of the five nursing roles including caregiving, educational, communicative, advocating and managerial roles. Data collection tool was a researcher-made checklist for identifying the themes of theses according to the five research topics. Results: A total of 160 theses had been written in this period. Of these, 37.5% were related to caregiving role, 18.75% to educational role, 1.8% to communicative role, 6.25% to advocating role and 5.7% were related to managerial role while 30% addressed issues other than these roles. During these years, nursing MSc theses have been focused more on the caregiving role and the communicative role has received the least attention. The communicative, managerial and educational roles have gradually received further attention in this period; however, the number of miscellaneous topics has gone up too.Conclusion: Given the importance of addressing the five nursing roles to contribute to the professional development of this field, it is necessary that future nursing theses should be more focused on and related to these roles.

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Introduction: Web-based education has come to attention in recent decades. However, there is no consensus on the effect of this method on students’ learning. The purpose of this review study was to assess the effect of web-based education on learning in medical sciences students. Methods: This Review study was carried out by searching the databases of SID, Iran MEDEX, Science Direct and PubMed, ERIC and Google Scholar. Articles from 2011 to 2016 were searched using the keywords web-based education, online learning, online education, medical students and nursing students. Finally, 14 articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected for review. Results: Of the 14 studies, five had been conducted in Europe, eight in Asia and one in America. They employed a variety of research designs. Students’ scores in teacher-made exams were used as the measure of learning in 11 studies. Two studies used students’ self-evaluation scores and one study employed students’ views about their own skill as the measure of learning. Of the 11 quantitative studies, only six reported the positive effect of web-based education on students’ learning, while the other five could not confirm such an effect. Two studies also reported students’ participation in the program at a favorable level. Four studies assessed students’ satisfaction with the web-based program and reported that the majority of students were satisfied with the program. Conclusion: Although a significant part of the studies reported the positive effect of web-based education on students’ learning, about half of the studies found no significant difference between students’ learning in web-based education and traditional education.

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