Introduction: Depression is the greatest problem threatening mankind's health and perhaps it could be regarded as the most prevalent disease of the current century.Depression during pregnancy can diminish pregnant women's refer for seeking prenatal care, leading to preterm labor and lowbirth weight neonates, so this survey was conducted to study this issue.Methods: This is a descriptive-analytic study in which 191 pregnant women, who had referred to health centers for prenatal care, participated in the study. They filled out a questionnaire including two parts: demographic data and Beck standard questionnaire. Data was analyzed by SPSS software, using Chi-Square test.Results: In 28.8% of the participants, symptoms of depression were seen to various degrees: 17.3% mild, 9.4% moderate and 2.1% severe. There was a significant relation between depression and following factors: person's education and employment (P<0.001), satisfaction with the husband (P<0.0001), husband's assistance in housekeeping (P<0.01), type of family and supports by the family and relatives (P<0.01), husband's education (P<0.01), being concerned about delivery expenses (P<0.05), accident or tension close to perinatal period (P<0.0001) and conjugal dispute (P<0.05). Depression had no significant relation with unwanted pregnancy, husband's occupation, age at pregnancy, number of children, age difference with husband, marriage with one's consent, pregnancy history, and physical activity.Conclusion: Regarding the obtained results, it seems that pregnancy period is a suitable time for screening mothers who are at risk of depression. Furthermore, family consultant and holding consultation classes for young couples is mandatory.