Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques are commonly used to control the output voltage and current of
DC to AC converters. Space Vedor Modulation (SVM), of all PWM methods, has attraded attention because of its
simplicity and desired properties in digital control of Three-Phase inverters. The main drawback of this PWM technique is
its complex and time-consuming computations in real-dine implementation. The dme-consuming calculation as well as
software and kardware complaides of the network grow dranwtically as the number of inverter levels increases.
Therefore, it is necnsary to develop an exact,fast, and general computation SVM algorithm for muld-Ievel converters.
This paper introduces such an algorithm. Spedflcally, the SVM computation algorithm based on a vector classiflcation
technique, Introduced for 2-levellnverters in 1996, is developed and generalized to be applicable in determining the
switching sequences and calculating the switching instants In m-Ievel inverters. The proposed technique reduces
hardware and software complaides, decreases the computation dme, and increases the accuraq of the positioning of the
swltchifig instants when compared with the convmtJonalimplementatlon of the SVM in multi-level converters.