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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: The correctness of studies in the field of veterans' quality of life can determine therapeutic planning strategies and services to this group. Regarding the lack of data on the quality of writing in the published papers, the aim of this review was to survey the correctness of the articles written in the field of veterans' quality of life.Methods: In this review study, all the published articles in the field of veterans' quality of life were gathered by searching through online databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, Magiran and SID in 2006 -2016 by using different keywords such as quality of life, veterans, Iran. After on, the correctness of writing in abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and references were assessed by 52 indexes. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 16 and using descriptive statistics and chi-square.Results: For conducting this study, 30 articles were reviewed. The accuracy of writing were as follows: %39.3 correct, %48.4 relatively correct, and %12.3 incorrect. Incorrect article writing were recorded in abstract %59.7, introduction %57.2, methods and materials %54.2, results %56.9, discussion %76.5, and references% 25.3. Conclusion: There are many mistakes in articles written in the field of veterans' quality of life in. The weakest part of the article was the discussion (%66.5) and the best part was the references (%74.7). Necessary measurements for reducing the mistakes in writing articles could result in increasing the validity of articles and will lead to true study results.

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Background and Aim: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) are important tools for evidence based health care decisions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of published randomized controlled trials in the Journal of Military Medicine and also follow the trend of changing process of the quality of the report during time. Methods: This study is a journal based assessment. All clinical trials that had been conducted on humans and had a control group during 1999-2015 and were published in the Journal of Military Medicine were included in the current survey. For all articles, data (descriptive) such as year of publication, the university, the sample size and gender of the subjects, the scope of patients, type of outcome, trial and comparison group and the university ethics approval, was extracted. Also, the quality of each clinical trial was carried out by one assessor using CONSORT 2010 and Jadad scale. In this study, in addition to the items individually, the trend of overall score for checklist (Consort 2010) and scale (Jadad) over time (1999 to 2015) were also assessed. Results: Results revealed that 36 RCTs with the consideration of the study criteria (having control group, the study is conducted on humans) were published from 1999 to 2015 in the Journal of Military Medicine. As observed, in 22 (61.1%) of the studies, the first author or the corresponding author were from the Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences. The parameters which measured the level of physical health, knowledge and skills and readiness, pain, mental and social health outcomes were 23 (63.8 %) , 9(25 %), 2 (5.6 %) and 2 (5.6 %) reports, respectively. Also, the cover and dress, chemotherapy, other drug therapy, education, training and other interventions were 4 (11.1%), 9 (25%), 4 (11.1%), 10 (27.8%), 7 (19.4%) and 2 (5.6%), respectively. According to CONSORT checklist (7 items), the best report was related to completely defined pre-specified primary and secondary outcome measures, including how and when they were assessed (6a). In order to survey the trend of CONSORT and Jadad during time periods, time periods were divided them into 4 categories; 2005 and before that, 2006 to 2008, 2009 to 2011 and 2012 to 2015. The changes of the CONSORT index is not significant. The average score of RCT according to the Jadad scale was 1.78±1.12 (35.55% of their maximum possible total score of scale). According to the time period categorization, the changes of the Jadad index was not significant.Conclusion: Some of the weaknesses in the quality of reporting, including the method of randomization, blinding and registration of trial can be improved by using standard reporting tools (e.g. CONSORT checklist and Jadad Scale) in the process of submitting and thesis judgment, by training courses held by journal editors for researchers and also by using methodologists' consult.

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View 1688

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Background and Aim: Nutrition knowledge has a direct impact on food consumption and dietary habits. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the predictors of nutrition knowledge on dietary behaviours in one of the military hospitals in Mashhad.Methods: In this analytic cross- sectional study, medical staff were examined in terms of nutrition knowledge, dietary behaviours and food consumption in 2016. The used tools included demographic questionnaire, Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adults NKQA( (46 items), Dietary Habits and Nutritional Knowledge questionnaire DHNK( (47 items) and Food Frequency Questionnaire )FFQ) (54 items). Multiple regression model was used to investigate the relationship between subscales of NKQA, FFQ, DHNK with the medical staff’s food consumption.Results: This study was conducted on 300 medical staff. The mean age of the participants was 30.7±8.5 years old and the mean BMI was 23.74±3.7. By using Spearman correlation coefficient, there was only a significant relationship between dietary habits and the body mass index. Male and female medical staff had good scores in nutrition knowledge and dietary habits subscales, but had poor scores in familiarity with food pyramid and nutrition content of food and had fair scores in nutrition benefits of foods. Nutrition knowledge p=0.0001) and nutrition benefits of food (p=0.025) subscales scores were significantly higher in the female group. By using the  multiple regression model, 14 percent of food consumption variations in the female group are justified by the nutrition benefits of food and nutrition knowledge. In the male group, there is no significant relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary habits subscales and consumption of food groups.Conclusion: Regarding significant relationship between the two subscales, nutrition benefits of food and nutrition knowledge, and the consumption of food groups in the female group, the higher scores in these subscales in the female group reveals this fact that women are more likely to apply nutrition knowledge in their diets and pay more attention to their health.

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Background and Aim: The wives of war veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are the indirect victims of the war which have experienced a lot of stress during their lives. Meanwhile, daily spiritual experiences can be considered as a defensive mechanism and a method for solving their problems in tensions and life problems. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between perceived stresses associated with daily spiritual experiences of the wives of war veterans with PTSD.Methods: This descriptive correlational study was performed by simple random sampling on 187 wives of war veterans with PTSD in Kashan during 2015. The Daily Spiritual Experiences (DSES) and Perceived Stress Scales were used for data collection by self-report. Data were analyzed by SPSS 16.Results: The mean age of the patients was 47.6±3.3 years old. Daily spiritual experience was 31.5±6.9 and the perceived stress was 30.6±2.6. Spearman correlation coefficient showed a significant correlation between daily spiritual experiences with perceived stress levels (P=0.005, r= -0.2). Actually, by increasing the amount of daily spiritual experiences, the perceived stress was reduced in veterans' wives.Conclusion: Considering the Impact of daily spiritual experiences on stress reduction in veterans' spouses, the cultural context, religious and spiritual beliefs of the Iranian people can be used as a way of coping with stress and life crises. These methods have been used to adapt and improve the quality of life of veterans' wives.

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Background and Aim: Medical laboratories are one of the major pillars of health care, and play an important role in the health of people and societies. Labs are hazardous workplaces in terms of acquisition and the spread of many diseases due to occupational contact with different specimens from patients as well as other risks. This study aimed to evaluate the protective behaviors of the personnel of governmental labs in Yazd based on the protection motivation theory.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 90 technical staff in four governmental labs of Yazd were enrolled by convenience method. Data were collected by a researcher-made questionnaire containing demographic characteristics, the protection motivation theory (91 questions) and protective behavior (20 questions) data which were self-reported. Their responses to the constructs of the protection motivation theory were scored using a Likert 5-tier scale from strongly agree (score 1) to strongly disagree (score 5), and for evaluating the behavior it was from always (score 0) to never (score 3). Results: The mean age of the technical personnel of the medical diagnostic laboratories was 34.2±8.9 years. Most personnel were women (63.3%). The personnel of the diagnostic laboratories obtained 75.3% of the score of the protective behavior. Protective behaviors showed a significant positive correlation with all constructs of the theory except the perceived severity and the response efficacy. Protection motivation theory constructs explained 32.6 % of the variances in protective behavior, in which the perceived susceptibility was the most important predictor (b=0.326).Conclusion: The results of the present study confirm the role of constructs of protection motivation, fear, vulnerability and perceived reward in increasing the protective behaviors of medical laboratory technical staff. This means, decreasing the perceived reward, increasing fear and acceptance of vulnerability can augment acquisition and implementation of protective behaviors in staff could be considered as a basis in educational programs in health care centers and laboratories.

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View 1019

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Background and Aim: Given the importance of the role of soldiers in each countries security, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between neuroticism and psychotic personality traits with soldiers' suicidal tendencies in the military barracks of Kermanshah city.Methods: The research method was descriptive correlation. The sample consisted of 435 soldiers, currently serving in the military garrison in Kermanshah city in 2016, who were selected by cluster sampling method. They were evaluated by using an adult's personality questionnaire of "Essence" and a suicidal ideation questionnaire of "Beck". Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis by the SPSS-18 software.Results: The results showed that there are significant relationships between neuroticism and psychotic personality traits with soldiers' suicidal tendencies. This means that the correlation coefficients between psychotic and neuroticism with suicidal ideation score were 0.41 and 0.39 respectively, both of which were significant (P<0.001).Conclusion: According to the results, it can be said that neuroticism and psychotic personality traits can predict the suicidal behaviors of soldiers. This means that as neurotic and psychotic personality traits grows, the tendency to suicide increases and vice versa.

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Background and Aim: Damages caused by occupation can cause job burnout and reduce quality of life. Attention to ways to deal with this phenomenon, such as physical activity, is one of the goals of each organization. The purpose of the present study is to compare job burnout and quality of life between physically active and inactive personnel in a scientific military institution.Methods: In this causative-comparative study, military personnel were chosen by accessible sampling method. Based on the results of Sharkey's Physical Activity Questionnaire, they were divided into active and inactive groups. Afterwards, they filled out Maslach Job Burnout and WHO Quality of Life Questionnaires. For the analyses of the data, multivariate analysis of covariance and SPSS 20 were used.Results: In this study, 100 military participants (mean age= 40.93; SD=8.63) were surveyed and they got divided into active (n= 54) and inactive (n=43) groups. Multivariate ANOVA indicated that in the physically inactive group, job burnout and subscales of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization had higher mean scores, and in the physically active group had higher means. Also, with respect to the quality of life variable, physically active individuals showed higher mean scores in both the total scores of physical health and mental health. This is while their component (physical function, emotional wellbeing, social function and general health) and physically inactive individuals showed higher mean scores in role disorder due to physical health, role disorder due to emotional health and pain. There was no significant difference in the energy/fatigue subscale.Conclusion: The findings indicate that physical activity has increased the capacity of military personnel to improve the quality of life and to cope with job burnout. Therefore, it is suggested that physical activity can be used as part of strategic plans of military centers in order to increase staff efficacy.

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Background and Aim: Biological incidents are one of the most important threats to the people’s health which can disturb the national security bases and cause public fear in any country. The preparedness of hospitals to deal with such events can play a major role in reducing casualties, maintaining the authority of countries, and increasing the public trust in governments. Given the importance of this issue, and since few similar studies have been conducted in Iran, the present study aimed to assess the biological incidents preparedness of hospitals in Markazi province during 2016.Methods: The present research was a cross-sectional study. The statistical population included all the hospitals of Markazi province, including 14 hospitals of the Arak University of Medical Sciences, 2 private hospitals, and 3 social security hospitals. The data collection tool was the American Hospital Association Chemical and Bioterrorism Preparedness Checklist that contained 120 questions, which was used after translation into Farsi and localization. The data were collected through interviewing with hospital managers and reviewing documents from May to February 2016. At the end they were statistically analyzed in SPSS-16.Results: The mean score of general information, communication, meeting the needs of patients, organizing, support and logistics, process of medical treatments, education, hospital management and security, psychiatric services, and diagnosis on the American Hospital Association Chemical and Bioterrorism Preparedness Checklist were 36, 27, 38, 27, 32, 27, 24, 8, 11, and 28 (out of 100), respectively. In addition, the mean total score of preparedness for dealing with biological incidents was obtained 26, which is considered poor.Conclusion: With regard to the complexity and novelty of issues on management and preparedness for biological incidents, the level of preparedness of hospitals in the Markazi province in this study was evaluated poor, as expected. It requires paying special attention to this issue by the authorities and adopting quick and serious strategies and solutions to increase the preparedness of hospitals. Hence, it is highly necessary to evaluate the preparedness of medical centers across Iran in biological incidents and to develop some programs for dealing with them.

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Background and Aim: The consumption of caffeine supplements has increased among athletes. This supplement has anti-inflammatory effects and can improve athletic performance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of this supplement on the inflammatory responses and performance of military students in hot environments.Methods: After completing the consent and health forms, 15 healthy male military students participated in the study. Subjects were randomly divided into two groups of caffeine (n=8) and placebo (n=7). They consumed 6 mg/kg of body weight caffeine and maltodextrin as placebo 90 minutes before test. Subjects performed maximal aerobic exercises (20 meter Shuttle Run exhaustive Test) in hot temperatures (38 centigrade) in summer. At the end, the maximal oxygen consumption was calculated by a formula (Number of shuttles with beeps). In order to evaluate TNF- a and IL-1 b, 5cc blood samples were collected from the brachial vein before and after test.Results: The results showed that caffeine supplements significantly decreased TNF- a (caffeine group: 17.94±5.29, placebo group: 31.38±7.18) and increased VO2max (caffeine group: 41.73±2.86, placebo group: 34.88±1.30). At the same time, no significant differences was seen in IL-1b (caffeine group: 21.52±3.36, placebo group: 23.47±3.16) (P≤0.05).Conclusion: It can be concluded that the consumption of caffeine supplements 90 minutes before exercise may decrease TNF-a and improve the performance in hot temperatures.

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Background and Aim: As a huge step in the consideration of standardization of clinical medical education in the country, determining the standards of outpatients’ clinics, teaching round, ground round, morning reports and journal clubs was done and formally announced by the Ministry of Health and Medical  Education. The present research was conducted with the aim of studying the structure of morning report sessions of the emergency department (ED) of a military hospital. The present condition was announced according to 54 standards related to morning reports.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in an emergency department of a military hospital (n=48) in 2015 in order to evaluate morning reports by using three checklists. These checklists included observed by residents (1), structured interviews with educational assistants or head of departments (2) and senior assistant (3) as well as documentation reviews. The final score and the percentage of mandatory and preferred standards were determined and announced.Results: In the emergency department of a military hospital, 48 morning reports were evaluated, with an average score of 89.5% of the mandatory standard and 45.7% of preferred standards. In the ED of Imam Hossein hospital, 3 out of 19 mandatory standards and 20 out of 35 preferred standards were not covered. Overall, the mean total scores of all standards of morning reports in the emergency department of a military hospital was 63.5%.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the general structure of morning reports in the studied emergency department of a military hospital was appropriate. This is while, all the standards of morning reports in emergency departments of a military hospital needs to promote. It is suggested that in order to achieve all the needed standards, the experiences and suggestions of hospital administrators must be considered.

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Background and Aim: Organophosphorus pesticides are a group of dangerous substances that were widely used as warfare agents or agricultural pesticides. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate the detoxification of diazinon pesticide (as a model of organophosphorus compounds) from water with mesoporous silica.Methods: The mesoporous silica was produced via sol-gel method and characterized its structure by using XRD, FTIR, BET and SEM techniques. Adsorption tests were carried out in a batch system to study the effect of various parameters (pH, contact time, adsorbent dose and initial concentration) on the detoxification. Also, the kinetic and adsorption isotherms have been investigated in this study.Results: The results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity (135 mg/g) based on Langmuir adsorption isotherm is at pH=6, initial concentration 50 mg/L, 50 min and adsorbent dose 0.1 g/L, and also the maximum removal percentage (72%) was obtained at adsorbent dose 10 g/L. The adsorption isotherm and kinetic model were obtained to be conforming to Langmuir model and pseudo-second order, respectively.Conclusion: Based on the high adsorption capacity of mesoporous silica for diazinon removal, it can be concluded that the mesoporous silica is an effective adsorbent for detoxification of organophosphorus pesticides from water.

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Background and Aim: The long term presence of various ankle-foot injuries reduces the individuals’ ability to perform daily activities, increases the dependence on others and will eventually lead to a reduction of life satisfaction. This study aimed to evaluate the life satisfaction of war veterans with ankle-foot neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Methods: The veterans with ankle-foot injuries from 6 provinces, participated in this descriptive study. Medical examinations were conducted by specialists .Trained interviewers gathered demographic and life satisfaction data. Life satisfaction was assessed using the SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale) form. Scores ranged from 5 to 35 and the classification was as follow: very dissatisfied (5-9), dissatisfied (10-14), slightly dissatisfied (15-19), moderately satisfied (20-24), satisfied (25-29) and very satisfied (30-35). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 23 software.Results: The mean age of 577 veterans at the time of study was 52.4±8.2 years. The nervous lesion at lower limbs included sciatic 24.5% (N=141), femoral 5.3% (N=31), peroneal 28.2% (N=162), tibial 21.8% (N=126). There was 50.2% (N=290) ankle dorsiflexion. Life satisfaction’s mean score was 17.6 ± 7.1. Data showed that 17.3% (N=100) were satisfied or very satisfied and 60.0% (N=346) were dissatisfied. Moderately satisfaction level was reported in 22.7% (N=131). Significant relationships were observed between life satisfaction and disability rate (P<0.001), education (P=0.011) and employment status (P=0.003). Age and other injuries showed no significant relationship with life satisfaction (P>0.05).Conclusion: The majority of veterans with ankle-foot neuromusculoskeletal disorders were dissatisfied with life. The disability rate, education level and employment status were associated with life satisfaction.

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