Pethidine, a well known opioid, has local anaesthetic properties (1,2) and has been shown to be effective intrathecally as a sole agent. We studied 60 women, aged 20-40 years, in 4. groups each contains 15 patients (Bupicacaine group = B and Pethidine group= P). Pethidine 30 mg in P30, 50 mg in PSO, 70 mg in P70 and 12.5 mg Bupivacaine in B group were injected. In all patients spinal anaesthetics agent was given in sitting position and L3-4 interspace. The onset, extent and duration of sensory and motor blockade, post operative analgesia and adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, hypotension, bradycardia, itching and shivering were studied.The collected data were analyzed with Kruskal - Wallis, Chi2, Fischer exact tests and analysis of variance. P-value<0.05 was significant. The onset of block was slower in Pethidine groups. Hemodynamic changes were not significant. Duration of sensory and motor block were shorter in Pethidine groups and. the differences between P50 and P70 was significant (longer in P70). Nausea occured more in Pethidine groups than B group. Itching was seen only in P groups and shivering only in B groups.Pethidine with doses of 50-70 mg can be an alternative for local anaesthetics. Pethidine can provide surgical anaesthsia and long duration post operative analgesia, and can prevent shivering, Anaeesthetic technique.