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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The important ethological determinant of pneumoconiosis development are the size of the dust particle, its chemical nature, its ability to incite lung destruction, the concentration of the dust and the length of the exposure. The most dangerous particles are those in range of 1 to 5µm. Among different kinds of pollutants in working environment, the effects iron oxide have not been investigated, despite wide use in steel industries. Continuous and long term inhalation of iron fume and haematide dusts, put workers at the risk of pneumoconiosis and probably lung cancer. In this study the effects of inorganic dust mixture pollutants on PFT have been investigated. This survey was performed on 54 simple male workers in a steel plant. The age of workers were between 20 and 40 years with history of work between 1 and 6.5 years. Controls were between 20 and 40 years. The tests including SVC, FVC, FEV0.5, FEV1, MEF25%, MEF50, MMEF, MEF75%, PEF, TV, IRV and ERV were carried out by a microcomputer spirometer (Fukuda, Sangyo ST-90). The results indicated a significant decrease of the FVC, FEV0.5, FEV1, MEF75%, MMEF and PEF in the test group compared to control group. Iron oxide, iron fume and bentonite in the environmental air samples of working space was less than the standard level (TWA-3.76 mg/m3). There is significantly (P<0.05) decrease of FEV0.5, FEV1, in the test group compared to control groups which may be an indication on relative obstruction of the air ways. The comparison of PEF, MEF75% and MMEF of control and test groups showed significant (P<0.05) differences indicating an initiation of an increased resistance in the smaller peripheral and central air ways. According to the results, it appears that the effect of haematite, iron fume and bentonite dusts on the repiratory system should be taken in account seriously and involved personnel should be checked regularly.

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This study carried out to determine the susceptibility level of culex theileri and C.pipiens to D.D.T. Dieldrin, Propoxur and Malathion in the southern area of Tehran. The method used for testing was developed by the world Health Organization. Papers impregnated with D.D. T. Dieldrin, Propoxur and Malathion at a given concentration as 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 percent for the first one and 0.4% for Dieldrin, 0.1% for propoxur and finally 5.0% for Malathion. The tests has during the months July, August and september of 1988. The culex tested were blood fed female C.theileri and C.pipiens.The results of this study has shown that C.theileri and C.pipiens were resistant to the D.D.T, revealed the Lc50 values for D.D.T to be 5.13% and 6.84% respectively. These two species were susceptible to the propoxur, Malathion and Dieldrin. Lt50 of propoxur for C.theileri and C.pipiens estimated 31 and 51 minutes respectively. Lt50 of Malathion for C.theileri and C.pipiens 22 and 32 minutes estimated respectively.The mortality rates to 4.0% Dieldrin paper during an hour contact were found 94% and 85.5% for C.theileri and C.pipiens respectively.These results indicate that C.theileri was more sensitive than C.pipiens, and the percentage of mortality rate was higher than the others insecticides with the same concentration and contact time. Also the results of this study has shown that C.pipiens in the southern of Tehran was more resistant to the other species in the north Tehran.

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View 2214

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Thalassemia is a well known disease that is caused by a defect in the synthesis of one or more polypeptide chanis in the haemoglobin molecule. There is a intensive need for fresh blood in major thalassemia due to ineffective haemopoiesis. Therefore they need to receive fresh blood at every 15-30 days. This work in multitransfusioner patients make them at high risk by transfusion associated diseases such as RBV, RW, RCV, CMV, etc.In this study 45 patients with Major Thalassemia were tested for RBV, RCV and RW infection in central Province of Iran. For this purpose we studied the HBs-Ag, RBs-Ab, RBc-Ab, RCV-Ab and RW-Ab in serum samples of patients by ELISA and cofirmed positive samples with western blot technic. We found 7.2% RBV infection in patients group and 4.3% in control group (45 healthy persons).RCV intection in patients group 9% but nil in control group. There were no signs of RW infection. In conclusion) there must be programs to stop the prevalence of this disease by rising the knowledge and information of people about Thalassemia. In this study unfortunately 72% of parents of patients had not any education and they could not read or write easily.Familial marriage in an other topic for discussion in this study. 46% of parents of patients has familial marriage.

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View 1557

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Introduction: Ophthalmologic complications during anesthesia and operation can cause multiple difficulties for patient in the correct protection of eyes is not observed by anesthesiologist. Corneal abration is the commonest complication. Others consist of foreign body feeling, lacrimation, photophobia and ocular imtation. Probable casuses of this problems are dryness of cornea due to its exposure, iatrogenic trauma due to laryngoscope,face mask, surgical draps and patients position. Methods: during this clinical trial 210 patients in three treatments groups (70 patients in each one) were stduied. In first group leukoplast, in second group ophtalmic ointment and third group wet gas is used for eye protection. Patients were evaluated for percents of ophthalmologic complications the day after operation.Results: Ophtalmologic complications occured among 15 patients (7.1%), four cases in leucoplast group, 5 cases in wet gas group and 6 cases in ointment group.Discussion: The results show that the ophthalmologic complications is low after anesthesia and operation using these methods. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between these protective methods. So anesthegialogists can use each one of these methods optionally.

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Molecular weight determination of proteins especially enzymes are the most routine and popular method in Enzmology. For molecular weight and its subunits determination, a homogenous wistar Rat Brain was prepared in a phosphate buffer. After centrifugation, supernatant which contained, "soluble Enzyme" was isolated. The second stage, pellet was brought to the original volume with phosphate buffer contained Triton X-100 with a certain concentration.After second Centrifugation in a certain RPM, the supernatant which is called "detergent soluble Enzyme" was isolated. At the same time Sucrose Gradient in the plastic tubes were prepared and applied on to the top Gradient and centrifused for over night. The next day all plastic tubes were put on the stand and samples were prepared through a small hole made in the buttom of this plastic tubes and finally the Enzyme activity were determined.

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View 894

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Haloperidol is a neuroleptic drng used for the treatment of Psychiatric disorders and agitation. The main effectiveness of the drng is occurred by blocking dopamin receptor in neural system. In 1990 Jurand was applied 30 mg/Kg haloperidol on the 8th gestation day in mouse. It was revealed dilatation in Fourth ventricle brain and ectopic neural tube was occured.In this study the effectiveness of haloperidol was assessed in two groups of animal. In the first group, 5 mg and in the second group 10 mg/Kg of drng was administered by intraperitoneal in 8th day of gestation. The embryos were taken from uters and processed using paraffin embedded and patin and methods. The slides were studied under light microscope.The results were indicated that, There was a significant relation between applying haloperidol and opening of primary neural tube (P>0.05). In addition malformation in secondary neural tube like opening or absence of neural tube was observed.

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View 5406

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We retrospectively studied the results of radius shortening in 14 patients of stage 3 Kienbock disease for 8 years (1991-1999) in TALEG ANI and MOTAHARI hospitals.In fallow up, patients examined for radiocarpal osteoarthritis revascularization, pain and range of wrist motion. It seems that in spite of contri very in treatment of the third stage of the disease, bone shortening has delighted results.

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View 1020

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Premature rupture of chorion occurs in 10% of pregnancies. Some of them affected to chorioamnionitis, which is one of the most important cause of puelperal infection and death. Some of these factors are well known and it is possible to prevent many of them.From the beginning of 1998, a case control study was conducted at urmia Kosar hospital, Iran for one year. 340 cases were selected from 3800 delivery, with term delivery, premature rupture of chorion, one fetal pregnant, no abnormal presentation and no previous cesarian section. Selected cases very divided in two groups with and without clinical chorioamnionitis and they were compared regarding the predisposing factors. We used Qui-square and correlation tests to statistical analysis of the results. There was a significant difference between clinical chorioamionitis with positive vaginal culture regarding to streptococcus B, infection, multiparity, young age, meconium stained amnionic fluid, the length of delivery active phase and number of vaginal examination. The results of study indicated that the causes of chonoamnionitiri were the same with other studies, but there was a difference in incidences of predisposing factors.Since the vaginal examination was the most frequent predisposing factor of chonoamnioniti5 and may increase the risk upto 20%, therefore we recommend the limited vaginal examination.

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View 2390

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Fruit Juice and concentrate factory of pakdis is one of the largest factories in the West Azarbaijan province. The main product of this factory is fruit juice, concentrate and alcohol.Water consumption at production process and hygienic affairs produces noticeable sewages about 600 square meters daily (when the factory has full activity in 24 hours), in a way, those arising from hygienic affairs repels by absorbent well and remainder enters to subsistence environment without refinement. The industrial sewages are counted as an important environmental pollutant and in general have difficultly in refinement. The high density of pollutant materials and also variety of pollutant parameters are the characteristics of industrial sewages which have more sewages than others. So the preparation of methodical and basic projects to refine the sewages in order to control subsistence enviromnent and water resources is sensibly essential.The quantitative and qualitative analitical tests of the sewages indicates very high density of existing pollutants such as: Average BOD = 1033 mg/l; COD = 1877 mg/l and TSS= 178 mg/l. In order to repel into the absorbent wells and / or use at agriculture this values must be reduce to the following levels: BOD to 30 mg/l for repel into the absorbent wells and 100 mg/l for agricultural usages; COD to 60 mg/l for repel into the wells and 200 mg/l for agricultural usages; TSS to 40 mg/l for repel in to the wells and 100 mg/l for agricultural usages; and with these reductions there will be no significant problem in other situations.In alcohol production sector, the level of BOD and COD has reached to the point that may not possible to refine them by usual sewage refinement systems and it is necessary to do basic managements to refine and to reach pollutants to an acceptable and standard level for reutilization before evacuation to subsistence environment for this purpose activated sludge system associated with aerobic colander (filter) has been proposed. In this regard the reproductive sewage would have been reused in agriculture and others.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2338

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This research was a quasi - experimental study conducted for assessment of effect of snack plan on anthropometry of Toddler in Tehran.90 toddler infant aged 18-30 month were randomly selected as the case and control group for a period of one month, by convenience sampling. Regarding all variables (sex, age, weight, length and jop of the parent) two groups were matched and did not show any significant difference between them (P>0.05).Mother's knowledge, attitude and practice (24-Houre recall) about snack was being interview by a questionnaire. Antropometry (length, weight, arm circumference) were measured by standard tools. Then intervention was done for a period of three months. Then 45 days no intervention was carried out. After that time the data were collected. The results showed a significant difference between knowledge and attitude in case group and control before and after the intervention (P=0.000).In addition a significant difference was seen between mother's practice (about Iron, calorie & calcium) and weight in two groups (P<0.05).Results of this study showed that the snack plan affected the weight and mother's nutritional practice, knowledge and attitude. Therefore, it is recommended to use the snack plan for improving the antropometry of toddler infants.

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