Background & Aims: Turner syndrome (TS) is a sex chromosome disorder which is related to the loss of X chromosome material. The Turner patients’ phenotype is always female. Approximately half of TS female have a karyotpe 45, X. Since the disease has variable phenotypes, in this study it was aimed to assess the relationship between patients’ clinical findings and their karyotypes.Materials & Methods:Clinical examination and paraclinical investigation were carried out in all suspected cases by gynaecologist. The sixty candidate patients were sent for chromosomal study using GTG banded karyotype.Results: The karyotype analysis of the patients were as follows: Karyotypes of 41.7% (25) of the patients were 45, XO and 58.3% (35) karyotypes’ of the patients were: 45, XO/46, XX, 45, XO/46, X i(Xq), 45, XO/46, X i(Xq)/47, X 2i(Xq), 45, XO/47, XXX; 45, XO/46, XX/46, X i(Xq), 46,XX, del(Xp), 46, X+ mar, 46 X i(Xp). Major clinical findings include: cubitus valgus, shield chest, low hair line, abnormal ear, microgenatia, webbed neck, abnormal nails, lymphedema, and ptosis. The frequency of the clinical symptoms differs in two classic turner and mosaics groups.Conclusion: Combination of clinical and paraclinical findings such as chromosome typing could help for better diagnosis and analysis of clinical manifestation in the patients.