The present work sets as its objective to explore iconic motivation in the
grammatical system of Modern Persian and its linguistic consequences.
The cases in Modern Persian which come in this article under scrutiny are
1) the distribution of the verbal agreement marker - known as sheniise in
Persian grammar - on verbs 2) past tense form and its time reference 3)
passivization and the structure of sentences with non-predicative I linking
verbs - called esnadi (in traditional grammatical terms esmiyye - i.e.nominal)
sentences in Modern Persian and 4) complexpredicates.
It will be demonstrated that in all the 4 areas mentioned, the grammatical
system exhibits iconicity, especially in its diagrammatic form, between the
grammatical structure and the conceptual structure of meaning or experience.
As such, the article will establish a new outlook to the analysis and
description of the Modern Persian language. The following thus constitute the
specific outcomes of the analysis presented in the present work:
1. The auxiliary verb-main verb combination in Modern Persian forms a
continuum, along which the grammatical dynamicity of the verb varies from
the least dynamic - least verbal and more nominal in form - to the most
dynamic - most the Modern Persian language. The following thus
constitutverbal and least nominal. This dynamicity is formally realized by the
(lack ot) the Modern Persian language. The following thus
constitutoccurrence of shenase - the agreement marker of person and
number with the grammaticalsubject of the sentence,which is attached to the
end of the verb. However, the dynamicity is a reflection of the conceptual
structure of meaning or experience.
2. Tense system in Modern Persian is more aspect-bound rather than
3. There is a least common 4-enominator in the formation of passives and
the so-called esnadi, i.e. linking, sentences with non-predicative verbs in
Modern Persian: affected thematic structure.
4. The grammatical behavior of a complex verb in Modern Persian is a
consequence of the type of its formation and the internal relation between the
constituting elements, with the lower level being there no clash between the
constitutive elements in terms of conceptual construct, and the higher level
being a convergence in their conceptual properties.