Saliuq Turks, after the dominance on Iran, to get political legitimation from Abbasid Caliph, which was spiritual reference over the Islamic world, and general acceptance among people tried to revive the Caliph’s weakened authority and Sunnite religion. Saliuq monarchies and their Iranian ministers resorted to religious prejudices with respect to the goal. Amid-al-mulk Kunduri, the first Saliuq minister, justified Hanafi religion that caused Shi’ism and Shafi’ism commanders to migrate from their mother land. The Sahfi’ism religious minister, Nizam-al-mulk, arrived in the top religious and political arena. His ploys were as follows: 1-Nizamiyyas, schools which had been established to unify Iranian future commander’s minds and impose united political failed because of his pragmatic actions. 2-Discripancies between Nizam-al-mulk and the powerful Malik-shah’s spouse, Tarkan Khatun, caused the opponent religious followers, Imamites Shiets, to enter the court. In the period, the Ismaili religion followers, caused new religious inconsistencies. Religious dissensions continued in Malik-shah successor’s era and weakened the Saljuq political standing and blocked cultural and scientific improvements in Iran. Consequently, migration and exile of scholars, terror and slaughtering of opponent orders began, that issued chaos in economy, society and thoughts. Therefore, Saliuqs, administration was prevented from political unification.