Export development strategy is the creation of productive potential and promoting competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets. By looking at the experience of .east-Asian countries, it is necessary to go toward endogenous growth models. Importance of Foreign direct investment in Technological transfer is taken into account in endogenous growth"s function, such as Y=AK, in which Y is GDP, K is physical and human capital, and A represents the technological changes.
This function also shows that active participation of productive activity should be considered in international exchange of goods and services, physical and human capital. In endogenous model, domestic technology
must be taken into account as one of the basic assumptions. The exchanges
of human and technical capital is the base of the transferring of advanced
technology management.
If we consider the productive investment as the basic challenge to the export"s development, the achievement of productive investment, depend upon open economy and endogenous growth. The orientation of third economic development plan towards more economic competitiveness, internaly or externaly, make conditions suitable for exchange of human and technical capital.