Fars province, with the population almost equal to the 6.5 percent of the total country population and noticeable geographic-wide and remarkable facilities and suitable economic-social capabilities, always has been encounter to defects and shortages. Thus, understanding of poverty status in urban and rural areas of the Province can make a suitable predisposition for the short and long run policy makings in order to province development. With regarding to it, the poverty status in rural and urban regions is being considered during the years 1995-2007. For that purpose of presentations of poverty definitions and its kinds and reviews on literatures, absolute poverty line is determined on the basis of fifty percent of median household expenditures, and then the poverty indices like headquant ratio, poverty income gap ratio, severity of poverty, Sen index and Kakwani index are calculated for the urban and rural areas of the province.The results of poverty indices show that the annual absolute poverty line in urban areas is more than rural areas and poverty indices trend in urban and rural areas show the decreasing poverty trend in these areas during the period of this study.