The poverty for some time past was one of the major problems for states and planners. But poverty in rural communities in particular is one of the most important challenges. In the national level, all of the groups and strata who live near the poverty line are known as poor groups. Historically the scentific studies about poverty and its alleviation turn to last years of 19th century. Booth and Rowntree's researches (1987 & 1901) in England are thd Pioneers for this kind of studies.In the middle of 1940 decade, while the ministry of labor was organized, studying about poverty for the first time was done in Iran.In this essay relative poverty is concerned, that individuals income are compared, that peoples with low income are known more poor than people with high income, also their population distribution are considered.Statical population of this study are householders of Azadshahr's villages in Golestan province.According to findings the survey based on poverty line, 27.6 percent of householdes live under poverty line.Results of analysis multiregression show that independent variables such automobile, housing, occupation, cultivate areas, dependency to state, fatalism, availability to medias, empathy and level aspiration as indicators of poverty have significant relations with dependent variable and by them 48 percentage of total variance are examined.